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山东省烟台市2019-2020大联考中招模拟试题绝密启用前济南市2019年初三年级学业水平考试英语试题本试题分选择题部分和非选择题部分,共10页,满分为150分,考试用时120分钟。答题前,请考生务必将自己的姓名、座号和准考证号填写在答题卡上,并同时将考点、姓 名、准考证号和座号填写在试卷规定的位置。答题时,选择题部分每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑; 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分,用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在 答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试题和答题卡一并交回。选择题部分共105分T.听力测试(30分)A)听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子如每个句子听一遍。1. A. Please come here, Amy.2. A. I play tennis once a week.3. A. Were you late fbr school?4. A. Tina has long straight hair.5. A.What5s his phone number?B. Lefs go to the factory.B. He never eats junk food.B. Do you have a basketball?B. Lisa had* a wonderful idea.B. Whats the matter with her?C. This is my sister Cindy.C. She gets up at six oclock.C. Did you buy any vegetables?C. Anna will be back fiext year. C. Where is our music teacher?B)听录音,从每题A、B、C三幅图画中选出与诟到的对话内容相符的一项。每段对话听两遍。6. A.B.B.9. A.C.10. A.C.-2 .5 7.A.B.B.一、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)AAre you short-sighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having you get an eye massage(按摩), take medicine or even get surgery(手术). People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight.However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) businesses from using words like “recovery or short sight cure in their advertisements. The notice says that short sight cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.Young people can prevent and control short sight by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do. More than 450 million Chinese have suffered from short sight since June 2018. Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices. To reduce short sight among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games.1. Some people say that they can cure short sight to _.A. show off their high-leveled skillsB. sell more products and servicesC. share their medical technologyD. prove that eye massages are useful2. Advertisements with the word _“ will be banned by the government.A. recoveryB. eyesightC. short sightD. surgery3. If you have a sight problem, you should _ first.A. get surgeryB. get an eye massageC. take some medicineD. ask a doctor for advice4. According to this passage, which group has the highest short sight rate?_A. Primary school students.B. Junior high school students,C. Senior high school students.D. College students.5. From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _.A. students should be stopped from using mobile phonesB. students in lower grades are more likely to get short sightC. production of new video games will be limitedD. a law was made to protect the eyesight of people【短文大意】本文介绍了近视问题。自2018年6月以来,超过4.5亿中国人出现了近视。小学生的近视率约为30%,初中生为60%,高中生为80%。目前的医疗技术不能完全治愈近视。因此政府已发出通知,禁止企业在其广告中使用“恢复”或“短期治愈”等字眼。来防止这些广告误导孩子和他们的父母。有视力问题的人应该先去医院,让医生决定怎么做。为了减少年轻人的近视,政府去年8月制定了一项新计划。该计划旨在限制儿童玩电子游戏的时间,同时限制新电子游戏的生产。1. B推理判断题。根据People who offer these services or products often say that they can reduce or even cure short sight. 提供这些服务或产品的人经常说他们可以减少甚至治愈近视。可以推知,有人说,他们可以治愈近视,目的是为了短期内销售更多产品和服务。故选B。2. A细节理解题。根据The government has issued a notice to ban(禁止) businesses from using words like “recovery or short sight cure in their advertisements. 政府已发出通知,禁止企业在其广告中使用“恢复”或“短期治愈”等字眼。故选A。3. D细节理解题。根据People who have sight problems should first go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do. 有视力问题的人应该先去医院,让医生决定怎么做。可知,如果你视力有问题,你应该先咨询医生。故选D。4. C细节理解题。根据Short sight rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high school students and 80 percent for senior high school students. 小学生的近视率约为30%,初中生为60%,高中生为80%。可知,高中生的近视率最高。故选C。5. C细节理解题。根据The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games. 该计划旨在限制儿童玩电子游戏的时间,同时限制新电子游戏的生产。可知,新视频游戏的生产将受到限制。故选C。B Fun activities for Teens to do in the summer.Do you feel bored with the upcoming summer? We asked parents for ideas for things that teens can do and here are some suggestions for fun activities for you to do in the summer.#1_Visit older family members and interview them about the past of your family. You could use a smartphone to record some of the conversation. Things to ask about: What did you
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