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温馨提示:此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。_第4单元_代词_一、单项填空( )1. 2019徐州改编 Millie has some new friends. She likes to play with _after school.A. me B. us C. them( )2. 2019沈阳改编 When we succeed in reaching the top of Mount Tai, we felt proud of _.A. we B. us C. ourselves( )3. 2019营口改编 Excuse me! Is this your pen? No, its not _. Its Toms.A. hers B. his C. mine ( )4. 2019上海改编 Emma, an actress, has become a superstar because of _ hard work and talent.A. she B. her C. hers ( )5. 2019莱芜改编 Happy birthday, Mr. Wang! Here are some presents from _ of us. Thank you so much, boys and girls!A. both B. neither C. all( )6. 2019本溪改编 Many people find that listening to soft music helps _ to sleep well.A. him B. her C. them( )7. 2019玉林改编 Are those _ keys, Jack? No, they arent. Theyre Uncle _.A. yours; Sams B. your; Sam C. your; Sams ( )8. 2019大庆改编 We all think _ quite necessary to stop school bullying (校园欺凌)A. it B. her C. that ( )9. 2019镇江改编 Lily sat on the sofa just now. Maybe the wool scarf is_.A. she B. her C. hers ( )10. 2019达州改编 Hey Jenny, which are my gifts for Fathers Day? The yellow gifts are _ and the red _ belong to grandpa.A. your; one B. yours; oneC. yours; ones( )11. 2018桂林 This is _ friend. Her name is Anna.A. my B. me C. I( )12. 2018河池改编 Is this your dictionary, Jean? No, its not mine. Its _. A. she B. her C. hers ( )13. 2018梧州改编 They won the volleyball match yesterday. Great! We are so proud of _.A. they B. their C. them( )14. 2018百色改编 What are you going to give your mother for her birthday? I think Ill buy her _.A. something special B. special something C. anything special ( )15. 2018临沂改编 We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops were open.A. all B. both C. none( )16. 2018滨州改编 Nick, I lost my pen and I couldnt find _ anywhere. There are many pens in that box. Just take _.A. it; it B. it; one C. one; it( )17. 2017广东改编 Jessica used to be a manager at a big company, but she gave up _ job when she became a mother. A. she B. hers C. her ( )18. 2017湘潭 If you want to know something about Miss Green, youd better ask her _.A. yourself B. myself C. himself ( )19. 2017株洲 You can keep one of the old photos. _ of them.A. Neither B. Both C. Either ( )20. 2017达州改编 _ kind of tea would you like? I love tea _ has a fruity taste.A. Which; what B. What; which C. Whose; that ( )21. 2018邵阳 Is this your English book? No, its my brothers. _ is over there. A. Mine B. My C. Me( )22. 2018株洲 There are two trees in my backyard. One is a Chinese date tree. _ is also a Chinese date tree.A. The other B. Other C. Another( )23. 2018淮安改编 Is Jacks school beautiful? Yes, its as beautiful as _. A. me B. my C. mine ( )24. 2018贵阳 The doctor advised Paul strongly that he should stop smoking, but _ didnt help.A. it B. he C. one( )25. 2018贵阳 Im going to choose some online courses with a friend of _ to improve our English.A. me B. my C. mine( )26. 2018黔南改编 He was so angry that he could say _.A. anythingB. nothingC. something( )27. 2018黔南改编 Welcome you all to China and enjoy _ here.A. yourself B. yourselves C. themselves( )28. 2018河北改编 Please come in, Alice. Welcome to _ house.A. her B. his C. my( )29. 2018河南改编 As a child, I would sit for hours by the river doing _ simply daydreaming.A. nothing B. everything C. something ( )30. 2018荆州改编 Do you have any interesting news to tell us? No, _ much. A. anything B. nothing C. something 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. 2019白银 My 18yearold elder brother can take good care of _ (he)2. 2019常德 Can you talk to _ (they)and play games with them?3. 2019兰州 Tom and Jerry have a lot in common. _ (they) favorite basketball player is James Harden.4. 2019鄂州 No matter what happens, believe in _ (you), boys and girls.5. 2019云南 Who helped little Tony tidy up the sitting room just now? Nobody. He did it all by _ (he). 参考答案【单元作业】一、1.C【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:米莉有一些新朋友。她喜欢放学后和他们一起玩耍。them指代some new friends。故选C。2C【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:当我们成功到达泰山山顶的时候,我们为我们自己感到自豪。ourselves我们自己。故选C。3C【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:打扰了!这是你的钢笔吗?不,它不是我的。它是汤姆的。空格处意为“我的钢笔”,应使用名词性物主代词mine表示。故选C。4B【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:爱玛,一位演
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