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2020年河北中考英语最新题型冲刺卷(四)(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:90分)本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分,卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。卷I (选择题,共50分)注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。 2. 答卷I时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。笔试部分I. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. You have dropped _ s in the word across.Oh, _ letter s should be doubled like this across.A. a; aB. an; aC. a; theD. an; the2. Shall we watch Japanese cartoons?Japanese cartoons are not my cup of tea. I _ game shows _ cartoons.A. would rather; toB. prefer; toC. would rather; thanD. prefer; than3. Please dont stay up too late. Its bad for your health. _.A. No, I didntB. No, I wontC. No, I willD. Yes, I do4. When will Sing! China begin? It _ for ten minutes. A. will beginB. has begunC. will be onD. has been on5. Its three years since we _ to our school.A. has beenB. is comingC. will comeD. came6. Aunt Li often asks her son _ too much meat. Its bad for his health.A. eatingB. not to eatC. not eatingD. to eat7. In the bookstore, a reader asked the shopkeeper _ Who Moves My Cheese? was an interesting book.A. howB. whatC. ifD. that8. Vera is _ in English class. She puts up her hand every time her teacher asks a question.A. patientB. activeC. quietD. funny9. Could you please tell me _? With my teachers help.A. when you did it wellB. how did you do it wellC. how you did it wellD. when did you do it well10. Good manners can make people _ each other.A. get offB. get overC. get awayD. get on well withII. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。If a friend helps you a lot, what do you do in return? You could just say thanks, or you could write a(an) 11 note which is more polite. But most people dont do this. Why dont people like 12 thank-you notes? And how do most people react(反应) when they 13 one? Kumar from University of Texas made a study of it. He asked each student to write a thank-you note to another person 14 email. Then, they questioned both the writer and the recipient(接受者) about the note and how it made them feel. They found there were several 15 for people not to write thank-you notes. They feel like they have to think too much about it. They 16 what to say and how to say it. They also overthink the correctness of what they are writing. But people 17 like receiving thank-you notes. As recipients, they pay attention to the 18 of the thank, Kumar says. Besides, they (recipients) feel positive(积极的) 19 they were receiving these expressions. If people knew that writing a thank-you note can have such a big influence on the recipient, they would do it more 20 . Kumar adds.Kumar says this study told us that simple, small changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference in how we treat other people and how we feel.11. A. adviceB. thank-youC. instructionsD. sale12. A. readingB. copyingC. findingD. sending13. A. writeB. hearC. receiveD. offer14. A. byB. inC. atD. for15. A. formsB. reasonsC. skillsD. uses16. A. care forB. take downC. worry aboutD. make up17. A. easilyB. recentlyC. finallyD. really18. A. warmthB. timeC. resultD. spirit19. A. beforeB. whenC. ifD. though20. A. seldomB. hardlyC. oftenD. usuallyIII. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AStudying abroadI am from Toronto, Canada and I moved to Madrid, Spain in September to pursue my masters degree(硕士学位). After almost two years of full-time work, I realized that I loved my field so much that I wanted to pursue higher education in the same field. Then I decided to pursue a Masters while having an experience abroad in Madrid. I chose Madrid because it is the business capital of Spain. They have amazing food, great wine, amazing culture and a beautiful language.I am studying abroad in Amsterdam in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam now. I have always wanted to study abroad because I wanted an experience studying in the Western atmosphere(气氛). I choose the Netherlands because their courses are taught in English and that is very convenient for me. It is also a very student-friendly country.Being an international student is a very interesting and useful experience. I got to know so many interesting students and discussed with them about different topics, not just about studies. What I wanted to experience most was the European lifestyle and cultures. Aside from the cultures, you also get to properly enjoy your time with others according to the real French lifestyle.As I got closer to graduating from high school, I began to consider spending a year or so travelling, either before or after studying at university. I was really excited to go outside of the UK. Studying abroad has given me the confi
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