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江苏省扬州市广陵区2020年中考英语第一次模拟卷(考试时间:100分钟 满分:120分)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)1. Have you seen _ first photo of a black hole on the Internet? What _ amazing. photo it is! A. a, a B. a, an C. the, a D. the, an2. You told me for sure that you would come to my party yesterday, but you didnt appear. I wont trust you from now on. Once you make a _, you must keep it! A. mistake B. change C. promise D. difference3. -Herere three kinds of pens. Which one do you need to cut that piece of paper? - _ pen is OK. A. some B. Any C. Either D. Neither4. We thought it_ for him to fish the job in such a short time. But in the end he succeeded. A. easy B. boring C. important D. impossible5. -Its time for morning reading, but Im too tired to get up -Remember, Jack. An hour in the_ is worth two in the evening. A. morning B. afternoon C. darkness D. daytime6. Betty will keep on learning French _ she has enough time for it. A. butB. thoughC. unlessD. if7. Parents are the people who love us most in the world. It is not _ of us to shout at them. A. possibleB. polite C. perfect D. proud 8. - Peter, keep an eye on your younger brother. It is easy to _ when babies learn to walk. - OK, mum. I will take good care of him. A. fall over B. fall behindC. get away D. move away9. - Im afraid I cant afford the ticket for the art show. -You _ worry about it. Its for free. A. cant B. wouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt10. - Eric, can you bring me the scissors? - Just a moment. I _ the paper-cutting with them. A. make B. madeC. am making D. has made11. Lily, _ is it from your home to the school? About 15 minutes walk. A. how long B. how much C. how far D. how many12. Who will win the first prize in the drawing competition? Nobody can know the result until it _ tomorrow morning. A. will announce B. will be announced C. is announced D. announces13. Not only his classmates but also his teacher _used to walking to school now. A. was B. is C. are D. were14. An explosion(爆炸) happened in Xiangshui, Yancheng on March 21. People wondered . A. that why it happened B. what caused the terrible accident C. how many people are killed in the accident D. how did the government help solve the problem15. _. Here we are in India. So why not try on the Saris, dear? A. Better late than never B. Many hands make light work C. One tree cant make a forest D. When in Rome, do as the Romans do二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) We live in a world where there are nearly 6,000 different languages, so it is very easy for you to get 16 when you are translating. In general, the 17 away from home you get, the stranger the languages around you become. But, have you ever noticed anything 18 among different languages? Language studies have shown that the 19 for “mama” and “papa” around the world are surprisingly like each other. It was once believed that different languages shared something in common 20 several languages started to develop from one language. That was the origin(起源)of many languages spoken around Europe. 21 , this cannot explain why there are similarities too outside Europe, such as “nanay” and “tatay” in the Philippines which also 22 in some places in Guangdong, China. So what could 23 this similarity around the world? Russian-American linguist(语言学家)Roman Jakobson shares 24 he has found out. Maybe he is 25 . “If youre a(n) 26 making your first sounds, the easiest will be ah because you can make it 27 doing anything with your tongue(舌头)or lips(嘴唇),” he said. “M” and “n” are also created 28 by opening and closing the mouth, so these sounds often develop next. In a similar 29 , the sounds that are closely related to “father”, like “p”, “d” and “t”, develop next. This could be the reason why, around the world, a childs first words are often “ma” or “pa”, leading parents to be 30 “mama” and “papa”. 16. A . interestedB . lostC . usedD . prepared17. A . closerB . fartherC . closestD . farthest18. A . straightB . importantC . difficultD . similar19. A . charactersB . passagesC . wordsD . sentences20. A . whenB . untilC . becauseD . although21. A . AnywayB . MoreoverC . HoweverD . Instead22. A . compareB . divideC . findD . appear23. A . explainB . expressC . expectD . excuse24. A . howB . whatC . whetherD . why25. A . stupidB . terribleC . rightD . bored26. A . babyB . adultC . alienD . foreigner27. A . beyondB . againstC . throughD . without28. A . slowlyB . easilyC . quietlyD . car
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