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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上全国英语专业四级口语考试常用句型精编版:1. asking for an opinion 询问意见a. wellwhat do you think (about)? b. do you agree? (dont you agree?)c. whats your view on the matter?d. how do you see it?e. lets have your opinion. f. do you think that?2.stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion 我的意见是 b. personally I think 我个人认为 c. I believe that 我相信 d. I think that 我觉得 e. the point is that 我的观点是 f. if you ask me 如果你问我 g. Id like to say this: 我会这样说 h. Id like to point out that 我想指出的是 i. speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说 j. as far as Im concerned, 就我而言, k. in my experience 根据我的经验 3. challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点 a. that cant be true 那不可能是真的。 b. but what about?但关于方面呢? 4. clarifying a point 阐述观点 a. what I said was 我刚才说的是 b. what I mean to say was 我的意思是说 c. let me repeat what I said. 让我重复我刚才所说的。 d. let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 5.agreeing with an opinion 同意观点 1. of course 2. right. 3. exactly. 4. thats true. 5. so do I. (neither do I.) 6. I agree completely. 7. I agree with you entirely. 8. Youre absolutely right. 9. Thats a good point. 10. I couldnt agree with you more. 11. Thats just what I think. 12. I feel the same way. 6. disagreeing with an opinion 反对意见 a. however, 然而 b. Im afraid I disagree. c. I dont think so. d. I dont think e. on the other hand f. on the contrary. g. Thats not (entirely) true. h. I cant possibly agree with you. i. I hate to disagree with you, but j. All right, but dont you think? k. But thats different. 7.suggesting/advising提出建议 If I were you, Id watch more television. I suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower. I suggest that you visit the Eiffel Tower. I recommend the lobster. I advise you to buy a good dictionary. Let me give you some advice. 8. summarizing a discussion 讨论总结a. Then we agree.b. Basically were in agreement. c. I think we have agreed to disagree. d. I see we have different opinions. 未删减版:Advice and suggestionYoud better do Why not do Be sure to doYou may/might as well doWhat about sth./doing sthThe way I see it, you shouldId suggest you doWould it be a good idea to do?What do you think we should do?I recommend doing sth. I recommend that you doWould you be interested in doing?You have to do , if you listen to me.If I were in your shoes, I would doId like to have your advice on sth.Youd be unwise toId rather you didnt doArgument and discussionLets sit down and talk things over.Thats beside the point.You carry it out too far.I take your point.We must weigh the pros and cons before we make a decision.Lets put our heads together and see if we can do something about it.Its really a hard nut for us to crack.Im afraid I cant accept your argument.Im not convinced by your explanation.It would seem that youre right.I slipped up there.I take issue with you on that.I cant take your point completely.Belief and disbeliefAre you kidding?I dont buy a word of it.Its incredible!Its too good to be true.You are not serious, are you?I feel confident of Im convinced ofIll take your word for it.I think its believable.Do you think Id believe a story like that?I have little confidence inGet out of it?CorrectionThat isnt exactly right.I think you might be mistaken.Thats not the case.But I am under the impression thatYoure not correct in saying this.Its all wrong!Im afraid its not quite right.Thats not the case.Im sorry, but I really should point out thatIf I may correct you is not right.To my knowledgeDisappointment and dismayIts a great pityHow very disappointing!I was rather disappointed at sth.Id expected it to be much better.Im sorry to hear aboutThats a shame!I just dont know what to do.I feel such an idiot.Today just isnt my day.What a luck!Ive got a lot on my mind.PersuasionAre you really sure?Do you think you could?But is it worth the risk?Do let me have a try.I just dont see why we shouldntI really think youd do well to doIt wouldnt hurt to doIts a pity if we cantNobody will lose anything for it.I can assure you.Im not at all certain.Im not as optimistic as you.Its doomed to fail.Dont get your hopes to high.I dont want to sound too pessimistic, but Im afraid西方人善于表达情感,喜形于色,怒现于容。关于情感的表达方式可谓多彩多样,十分丰富。 喜喜就是乐,高兴,人们在高兴时常常会表达自己对事物的满意、赞赏等,主要的表达方式有 Its great! Good! Well done! How exciting! Wonderful! Im pleased. Thats satisfying. How nice! What a fantastic thing! I cant help singing! Cheers! God bless us! 诸如此类的感叹句都可以表示“喜”。 怒怒通常表示不满和责备,主要表达方式有 What a bad thing! How can you do this! You shouldnt have done such a thing. Why didnt you think of a better way? I hate you! Im very disappointed Im not satisfied. Im angry! How
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