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我们学校教研组尝试着同课异构的教研方法。在教学我的伯父鲁迅先生一文时,朱 老师是这样教学“饱经风霜”一词的。她出示课文中的新词让学生认读几遍后,便让学生打 开词语手册读读“词语理解” 一栏中词语的意思,然后提问难一点的词语意思。当问到 “饱经风霜” 一词时,学生都能说出词语的意思,至此,“饱经风霜”的教学画上了句号。张老师在教“饱经风霜” i词时,他先让学主认读了三遍,然后说:“这位车夫才三十 多岁,想彖一下,他那饱经风霜的脸会是怎么样的呢? ”等大部分学生举起了手Z后,再请 学生交流。有的说:“这个车夫才三十多岁,但他的脸乂黑乂瘦,濒骨高耸着,眼圈深深地 凹陷卜去,眼珠充满了血丝,干燥的嘴唇上裂开血口子。”有的说:“这位车夫尽管只有三十 多岁,但看上去已有六I-几岁了,骨瘦如柴,额头上、眼角都布满了密密的皱纹,乱蓬蓬的 头发像一把乱稻草,贴在脸上接着,老师接过学生的话语说:“刚才,同学们描述车夫 的脸生动形象,非常的逼真。那么,我们从饱经风霜这个词中可以看出这位年夫的生活 怎么样呢? ”“这位车夫一天下來或许一个钱也捞不到,因为冇钱人看到他这模样都不喜欢 他。”“这位车夫的生活一定非常艰苦。”“这位车夫一定过着很不幸的牛活,因为他连鞋子也 买不起,或舍不得穿,大冷天的,光着脚在拉车。”“是啊,从一个饱字我们可以看出这 位车夫在生活中一定遭受了许许多多的痛苦。他受够了生活的懒难与艰辛。”张老师饱含深 情地说,“只有饱受了苦难生活磨难的人才是这样一副脸。现在请你结合白己平时的观察积 累进行小练笔。”学生当堂练写,写得有血有肉,形象饱满,充满感情。当两个班在完成用“饱经风霜”一词来描述人物tai像时,我们发现张老师班的学生所运 用的语言生动形象,富冇感情。从上述案例中可以看出,语言只有与精神同构了,才能真正在学生心灵中获得持久的生 命。那么,怎样的词语教学才能使学生更好地将课文语言内化为口己的语言,从而灵活恰当 地运用呢?我在词语教学中做了如下尝试:一、还原生活:融词语教学于生活情境在教学的时候,不要忘记生活是语文之源。还原牛活,就是从学牛的牛活经验入手,唤 起学生头脑中与词语相关的表象和情感,使词语内容与淫生的生活经验相对应,让学生产生 心灵的顿悟,获得亲切的感受。教师联系学生的生活经验,挖掘教材内容中的拓宽点,把校 外、课外的信息引入课堂,利用学生生活中有过“舍不得”的经历和体验,打通词义教学与 生活和联系的通道,让学牛在貝体的牛活情境中理解词语,从而与文中角色的情感产牛共鸣, 收到了较好的教学效果。二、对比凸显:融词语教学于品评悟情案例:人教版三年级下册荷花中的“白荷花在这些大圆盘之间冒岀來。”师:同学们觉得这个冒字用得特别美,老师也觉得美。谁嚼出“冒”的味道来了?你觉 得怎么样地氏出来才叫冒出来?生:我觉得使劲地长出來才是冒出來。生:争先恐后地长出来。师:是啊!这一朵急着要长出來,那一朵也急着要长岀來,谁也不让谁。同学们,如果 这篇文章让你来写,你准备在这里用什么字呢?生:钻、露、探、伸、蹦、跳师:同学们,你们一口气说出了这么多词,老师要为你们喝彩,我想如果今天叶圣陶爷 爷也在现场的话,他也一定会你们而骄傲的!可是,叶圣陶爷爷就对“冒”字情有独钟。请 你们仔细看书上的图,这就是从碧绿的人圆盘之间冒出来的荷花,你们想想看,这些白荷花 从大圆盘Z间冒出来,仿佛是想干什么?生:她想到外面來透透气!生:她想让人们都來观赏她!师:是啊,多么可爱的白荷花呀!叶圣陶爷爷的一个“冒”字,不但把白荷花写活了, 而且使白荷花变得更美了。正像我们的同学一样,这是一种喜气洋洋的美,这是一种生机勃 勃的美,孩子们,快像荷花一样地牛机勃勃、精神抖搂地冒出来吧!快冒,快冒!(师双手 作向上冒的手势,让全班学生起立)这个风情万种的“冒”,这个积蓄着荷花的全部生命力的“冒”。学生的悟性和灵性,同 样随著对“冒”的解读一起冒了出來。这不仅仅是“冒”之内涵的领悟,更是师生生命智慧 的闪亮展现。从以上例子我们可以看出:学住的言语表达一旦进入精神层面,精神和语言达到了水乳 交融的程度,所学词语在学生的心灵上就会鲜活起来。这样的诃语教学犹如点点春雨入土, 真正做到了 “随风潜入夜,润物细无声”。Our school classrooms try less on with heteroge neous research method .In teachi ng, Hmy uncle lu xun/ Mr Zhu is teachi ng the word weathered: She prese nted the new words in the text to let the students after reading a few times, then let the students open the read words handbook Hwords to understand the meaning of the words in the box, and then ask the hard words mean. When asked about the word leathered1, students can tell the meaning of words, at this point, ,weatheredH teachi ng en ded Teacher zhang to teach the word “weathered when he first let students reading for three times, then said, Hthe driver is only more than 30 years old, imagine his weather-beaten face will be how?1 After most of the students raised his hand, then please students Some said: Hthis driver is only more than 30 years old, but his face was dark and thin, zygomatic towering, rim of the eye deeply con cave dow n, eyes filled with blood, blood dry lips ope ned.” Some said: “though the driver is only more than 30 years old, but look for over sixty years old, skinny, forehead, canthus is covered with thick lines, dishevelled hair like a straw, stick on the face. then, the teacher took the students words said: just now, the classmates describe the vivid image of the driver face, very realistic So, we can be seen from the word weathered” in the drivers life? ,H the end of the day and the driver may also receive a money, because the rich man saw him like this all dont like himthe life must be very hard for the driver. ,H the driver must have lived very unfortunate, because he even cant afford to buy shoes, or wear, the cold, bare feet in the cart.,n yes, we can see from aH full word, the driver must have suffered a lot of pain in your life. He fed up the suffering and hardship of life. Teacher zhang is affecti on ate,1 only people who suffered from misery life is such a long face Now please with his casual observation accumulation of small practicing writing. Students* classroom practice writing, on flesh and blood, the image is full, full of feelings.When two classes in the finish with the word weathered11 to describe the figure paintings, we found that the Ianguage used by the students of class teacher zhang vivid image, rich emotion.Only can be seen from the above case, the Ianguage and spirit is homogeneous, can truly lasting life in stude nts mind. So, what kind of words teachi ng can make stude nts better in ter nalizi ng their own text language into the Ian guage, thus flexible use properly? I in words teachi ng try the following:A, reductio n of life: the words teachi ng in life situati onsAt the time of teachi ng, dont forget that life is the source of the Ian guage. Reducti on, life is from the life experienee of students, arouse the students mind and emotions, the appearanee of words related to content words correspond to students life experienee, lets the student produce spiritual in sight, get a cordial feeli ng. Teachers to con tact the stude nts life experie nee, broade n the point in the teaching material con tent, the school, extra-curricular in formati on
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