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广州九年级上册U5U6学案U5 Action & U6 Healthy diet班级_ 姓名 _ 学号 _一、【美文欣赏】 Its never easy moving schools. Youre settled in the school youre in, you have your friends and you know your teachers and you just dont want the change. But unfortunately sometimes it is necessary to move schools and start again. Once youve started at the new school there are little tips and tricks you could try to help you fit in and make new friends easily.When you start at a new school you may be nervous and be keen to make new friends as soon as possible. You may feel like you need to make friends by changing who you are. If you want to make friends quickly you may feel like to fit in your need to alter your personality. This is not a good idea. Changing who you are for other people will only make you feel insecure and pressured. Be yourself, you dont need to change and you soon enough will find friends who like you for what you are. When you move to a new school in a new area you may want to keep in touch with friends from your last school and, depending on how far you now live from the old school, you usually can. But that doesnt mean you should avoid making friends at your new school. If you are invited to another pupils house for tea, take up the offer. You may prefer to go out with your old friends but by getting involved with other pupils youll find yourself making friends much more easily. The teachers at your new school will be happy to help you settle in. If you are having any trouble fitting in or even if you just want to talk to someone who understands, have a word with your teacher. He or she will be happy to listen to you. If you are having trouble with another class member and you dont know what to do about it, talk with your teacher. Your teacher is there to help so be sure to confide in him or her whenever you need to.Moving to a new school in an unfamiliar area can be hard. Youll be keen to fit in but dont worry too much. Before long youll have made lots of friends and youll be having fun again. Q&A1. What does confide in mean in paragraph 4?_2. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?_好词好句 _二、词汇复习9A Unit 5 N. 赞扬;称赞 _导演 _化妆 _艺术家_演播室_秒(时间单位)_民意调查 _ 胜利 _V.看;观看 _英格兰_ 赢;击败某人_新闻报道 _Adj.放松的;冷静的_幸运的 _Prep在上 _领先 _平静的;安静的_(Adv)向前 _在中 _仅一个的;单个的_向;朝 _Phrases 楼层平面图_保持静止 _ 达人秀 _紧急出口 _昏迷 _在工作日 _9A Unit 6 N. 评价;评论 _豆;豆荚 _牛肉 _产品;制品_汉堡包_三明治_色拉 _ 研究;调查 _标题;题目 _炸薯条 _V.说明 _使就座 _脂肪_咖啡 _英镑 _服务 _买(可享受的东西) _食糖 _顾客 _果馅派 _Pron. 大量;充足 _提供 _Adj.医疗的 _幸运的 _必需的;必要的_(Adv)向前 _通常的;寻常的_Phrases 均衡饮食 _油炸食品 _减肥 _给自己买某物 _ 乳制品 _软饮料 _大量;充足 _愿意做某事 _离开;不接近 _体格检查 _通常;大体上 _三、课文复习 请用mind-map形式写出课文内容,并根据自己的mind-map进行复述U5 ActionU6 Healthy diet三、语法复习Unit 5Aderbial clauses of concession with although and though1. Although与though为连词,意为“_”。两词同义并可互换使用。但在书面语或正式场合,although更为常用。2. Although或though引导的让步性状语从句既可以放在主句前(此时从句后需加逗号),也可以放在主句后(无需逗号)。如: Although/ Though it was snowing, it was not very cold. Id like to go out although/ though it is a bit hot.3. Although或though不能和but连用。判断正误: ( )Although/ Though he lives alone, but he is happy. ( )Although/ Though he lives alone, he is happy. 4. Though可以与even连用,如: Even though he si 80, he goes to swim once a week. Unit 6 Object clausesA S
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