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完型1999年6月61.C) 62.D)63.B) 64.A) 65.B) 66.D)67.A) 68.C) 69.D) 70.A)71.B) 72.A) 73.D) 74.C)75.B)76.C) 77.B) 78.C)79.A)80.D2001年1月61. B)62. B)63. A)64. C)65. D)66. D)67. B)68. C)69. B)70. A)71. B)72. A)73. B)74. C)75. C)76. D)77. B)78. D)79. A)80. C) 2003年1月71. D)72. A)73. B)74. A)75. B)76. D)77. C) 78. A)79. D)80. C)81. B)82. B)83. A)84. A)85. D)86. C)87. B)88. A)89. A)90. C)改错2000年1月71. had has72. directly indirectly73. into on74. too so75. planet planets / worlds76. head mind77. little much78. Consider Considering79. they /80. (arriving) (arriving) at 或 arriving reaching/drawing/making2000年6月71. (on the way) (on the way) that72. unaware aware73. as than74. it which75. at in76. hasnt hadnt77. American Arab78. as like79. falls fell80. of /2001年6月71. in for72. seventh seven73. were was74. now then75. the /76. imported exported77. are were78. vanished had 79. better worse80. constantly constant2002年1月S1. Viewing ViewedS2. inaccurate accurateS3. (enjoys) he (enjoys)S4. up backS5. year yearsS6. (even) if (even) /S7. co-operate co-operatedS8. when afterS9. were wasS10. farming hunting2002年6月S1. new a newS2. filling filledS3. though ifS4. This WhatS5. was wereS6. dissimilar similarS7. lies lieS8. that whichS9. it themS10. late later2003年6月S1. it theyS2. percents percentS3. maintain maintainingS4. subjective objectiveS5. value evaluateS6. an /S7. woman womenS8. from inS9. majority minorityS10. with as2003年9月1. no not 2. place land 3. startedstart 4. workingwork 5. anyoneeveryone 6. but (去掉) 7. before after 8. ButAnd 9. it they 10. 在house后增加as2004年1月S1. beingbeen S2. theirits S3. relativerelatively S4. goodbad S5. as去掉 S6. politicspoliticalS7. byfor S8. doubledoubled S9. fewmore S10. reasonthe reason2004年6月S1. Includeincluding S2. ComposecomposedS3. Objectobjects S4. orandS5. individual后加who S6. unfamiliarfamiliarS7. because后面的of去掉 S8. essentiallyessentialS9. laughlaughs S10. bywith2005年1月S1. atheS2. ofbyS3. completecompletelyS4. effectsaffectsS5. fortoS6. eveneven if/even thoughS7. thatwhatS8. dependdependingS9. freelyfreeS10. whichwhich are翻译词组与搭配1. finding the way to the history museum2. to owe their childrens success to 3. adapt oneself to life/living in different cultures4. has adapted herself to campus life within one month5. take peoples sleep quality into account6. decided to quit the match7. contact us at the following address8. decided to start their own business9. of not fulfilling his promise of lowering unemployment rate10. competing with foreign firms for market share11. have gained/caused considerable public concern in recent decades12. but he refused to further explain the reasons13. The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon14. made a perfect combination of beauty and function15. our communication cant be so rapid and convenient16. but animal behavior is mainly that of instinct17. know which way to take instinctively18. Thanks to a host of new inventions19. in case it turn(s) cold20. via E-mail instead of telephone21. not to mention the large sum of money we have expended倒装1. did he overcharge me2. Not until he had finished the mission3. until a doctor accidentally found it4. Until the deadline came, he didnt send out5. did he try to use the machine than it stopped working 6. can he feel safe and relaxed7. should he lie to the court8. has the old couple quarreled with each other虚拟语气1. we hand in research report2. we assign the contract by the end of the month3. (should) deprive children of their freedom4. would have a chance to survive or would have a chance of survival5. followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now6. must be wrong7. or she should have replied to me last week8. have finished her chemistry experiments比较1. compared with mine2. Compared with the place where I grew up3. a lower death rate compared with relatively inactive people4. the more confused I am5. I am more likely to get tired than before6. it is more convenient and less-time-consuming7. nothing is more attractive to me than reading to me or nothing is more important than reading8. nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor被动1. he was fired by the company2. is measured by how much they can earn3. can be applied to the research and development4. watched her injured son sent into the operation room5. were advised not to travel to that country at the moment6. are deprived of the rights to receiv
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