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精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载rapid deve lopme nt of the market economy environme nt to expl ore publi c servants duty consumpti on monetizati on reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear servi ce work has been la unche d、 and rapi d progre ss in some pl aces a nd departme nts、 duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier a nd a ppr oach to manageme nt has bee n resolve d. Thir d、 in re cent years、 explori ng the monetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress、 have gai ned some experi ence and ca n provi de reference to the compre hensive reform of the system of publi c serva nts duty consumpt ion further. Impl ementing a n honest ca nteen、 sta ndar dize official e ntertaini ng manageme nt; enhancing t he telecommuni cation expe nse manag ement; elimi nation of County travel and countrysi de subsi dies; research village official s capitalizati on ma nagement of corporate spe ndi ng、 a nd so on. Finally、 gr oup .18 session to be hel d in Beiji ng from Novem ber 9、 2021 to 12t h. 35 years ag o blew t he third ple nary session of the reform and openi ng up i n the spring breeze、 cha nged、 affect the w orld; toda y、 35 years late r、 in t he eyes of the nation and the w orld expe ct、 again t o reform mark China 、 ushered i n the 18 sessi on. XI General Se cretary poi nted out that China s reform has e ntered a cr ucial period and the S ham Shui Po Distri ct、 must be base d on greater pol itical courage a nd wi sdom、 lose no time i n dee peni ng reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut、 dares t o question the Rapi ds、 which dares t o break the barrier of ideas、 a nd dare to be nefit cure barriers. Deepeni ng reform and ope ning up is on sche dul e to achieve institutional safeguar ds of the m oderately well -off. Under the five in one the Ge neral layout of socialist modernizati on re quireme nts、 18 sessi on of the de cisi on was a five in one and the improvement of overall sc heme of reform、 will promote a n integrated and coor dinated economi c、 political、 cult ural、 social a nd e col ogical civilizati on constructi on of the five reforms and the partys constructi on i n the area of instituti onal reform. The five in one programme is to achi eve a com prehe nsive reform of instit utional guara ntees for objective s of build a well -off societ y、 the smoot h progre ss of the construction of a well-off society a nd reform the obje ctives of the programme. One、 holdi ng time and pla ce importa nce on November 9、 2021 to the 18 session of the 12t h Beijing si nce 1978、 35、 have be en 7 plenary sessi on、 each time on major issues of political a nd e conomic life of the country ha s made important de ployme nt. In a ccorda nce wit h PRC political practi ce、 ofte n at every sessi on of the CPC Ce ntral Committee in a plenary sessi on wa s hel d immediately after the partys Congress、 on the theme personnel、 di scussi ng ele ction Centrals t op leaders、 such as t he ele ction of the Standing Committee of the politicalBurea u、 thr oug h the Central Committee members、 de cisi ons、 such a
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