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精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载情态动词经典用法1. can / could /be able to .留意表估计的用法; . Can it be true .Yes、 it must be true.Yes、 it may be true.No、 it can t be true. . He can be reading now.He can t be reading now. . 表示某种心情; .What can satisfy her. 表不满 .What else can you say.(表不耐烦) .How can I do such a thing. 表难办 . can / could +have done .John can / could have been badly hurt in the accident. .He could have won the game、 but he was so careless. .Can they have missed the train . .He cant have heard your voice.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 .They can t have been discusnsgi留意与 must +have done 的区分;the problem today.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载He must have been here just now、 for his bike was here. . could 表动听;Could you give me some paper. . can / could与 be able to 的区分; . can ttoo over、 enou的gh用 法; .You cant be too careful in doing this exercise. .This point cant be over emphasdize . can t / couldn 比较t级+的用法; .I can t agree more. .It couldnt be better. .He couldn t care more. .The weather couldnt be worse.2. may / might 的用法; . may well 很可能,极有可能;He may well not want to go there-he has been there many times. . may / might as well不妨,最好仍为,倒不如It s very late、 so you may / might as well go to bed. . maybut . He may be lazy、 but he can work very hard when he likes the job. .Whatever he may be、 he should obey the rules. . 表希望;May you be happy.May God bless you. . may / might be doing 的用法;He may be reading in the library. . may / might +have done 表估计的用法;现在:She might have got up now.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载过去: .She may have said so. .She might miss the train.将来:He may have left when you get there. . might +have done 表应当做而没有做;He might have got into trouble、 but Tom helped me. . I wish.、 may I. must 与 have to 的用法; .表“偏偏,偏要 ”指不开心; .Must you trouble him、 just when he is doing his work. .It s midnight、 Tom、 must you play the piano now. . 表估计,确定用must、 否定用 cant / couldnt ; .He must be a good student when he was at school. .He must be doing his homework now. .He must have finished his homework. .He cant be doing his homework. .He cant / couldnt have finished his homework. have to 表义务和习惯; .We have to care for the young. .She has to be at the office before 8 oclock. . have to / has to=have / has got todon t /doesn t / didn t have to . haven t got to =dont ha可ve表to现在或将来; .don t have to go now. .havent got to now. . must 的疑问句的回答;-Must I leave now.-Yes、 you must.- No、 you needn t. / you don t have to. / you had better not. . must 的三种不同否定形式;can t、 needn t、 mustnt .He must be on the sports ground. He be on the sports ground. .He must get up at five.He get up at five. .He must park the car here.He park the car here. He park the car here. will 和 would 的用法; . will 表习惯和倾向; . Fish will die without water. . He will often read deep into the night. . People will talk. . 表意愿或顽固坚持; . He won t lend me money. . The door wont shut. . If will agree with me. I shall tell you everything about it.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 . will do / would do就行“,就能解决问题”;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载. -How much money do you want to borrow.-20 yuan will do. It wouldnt do to work late when you werevery young. .will表“难免 ”; .Accidents will happen. .Boys will be boys. . would与 used to 的用法区分; . 留意祈使句的回答;- Don t forget the meeting.- No、 I won t.5. shall 与 should 的用法; . 用于征求对方看法(一.三人称);. Shall we meet in the evening. Shall Tom come in . . 法律.条约.协定中的义务.规定等; .Each citizen shall carry his ID card when travelling. .You shall give me $100 according to the agreement. . 表禁止;No person shall smoke here. . should 表“万一 ”;If it should rain 、 what would we do. . should 表“惊奇.竞然 ”; .He should say that to the headmaster. .I can t bear that he should speak ill of me. . should 表估计; .He should arrive at noon. .They should have finished the work by noon. .They should have reached there by now. . should / shouldnt +have d的on用e 法; .You should have been here just now. .You should have finished your homework yesterday. .You should have told me a bout that、 but you didnt. . 答句中的省略问题;- You didn t tell me the news.-Sorry、 but I should have.6 should 与 ought to 用法;7. need 的用法; . need 常用于否定句或含有否定意义的句子中; You need not do anything here. He never need know. She goes there oftener than need. She need only wait. Need 常用在疑问句中; Need I repeat it. There need be no hurry、 need there. Need he have worked so hard.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载 You neednt do it、 need you. Need 可用在过去时中; You need not go there last night. Need she go downtown yester
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