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精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载高考必备介词用法口诀大全早.午.晚要用in , at清晨.午夜.点与分;年.月.年月.季节.周,阳光.灯.影.衣.帽in ;将来时态in .以后,小处at大处 in ;有形 with无形 by ,语言.单位.材料in; 特点.方面与方式,心情成语惯用in;介词 at和 to表方向,攻击.位置.恶.善分;日子.日期.年月日,星期加上早.午.晚,收音.农场.值日on ,关于.基础.靠.著论; 着.罢.出售.偷.公.假,有意.支付.相反,准;特定时日和“一就”,on 后常接动名词; 年.月.日加早.午.晚,of之前 on代 in ;步行.驴.马.玩笑on , cab , carriage就 用 in ;at山脚.门口.在当前,速.温.日落.价.核心;工具.和.同随with,具有.独立.就.缘由; 就来说宾译主,对.有.方状.表细分;海.陆.空.车.偶.被by ,单数.人类know to man;this. that .tomorrow , yesterday, next .last.one;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载接年.月.季.星期.周,介词省略已习惯;over . under正上下, above.below就不然,如与数量词连用,混合使用亦无关;beyond超出.无.不能,against靠着,对与反; besides,except分内外, among 之内 along沿;同类比较except,加 for异类记心间;原状 because of、 owing to, due to表语形容词;Under后接修.建中,of , from物.化分;Before,after表一点 、 ago , later表一段;before能接完成时, ago 过去极有限; since以来 during间, since时态多变换;与之相比beside,除了 last but one;复不定 for .找.价.原,对.给.段.去.为.作.赞;快到.对.向 towards ,工.学.军.城.北.上.南;but for 否定用虚拟,复合介词待后言;ing型由于鉴,除了除外与包合;之后.关于.在方面,有关介词须记全;in内 to外表位置,山.水.国界to在前;如大体把握如上介词用法口诀,就不易出错;当然,至于介词的详尽用法,同形词又为连词及副词等内容此章不讲;下面对该口诀分别举例帮忙你懂得消化;早.午.晚要用in例: in the morning在早上精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载in the afternoon在下午in the evening在晚上in the day在白天at清晨.午.夜.点与分例: at dawn、 at daybreak在清晨时候at noon在中午at night在夜间at midnight在午夜以上短语都不用冠词at six oclock在 6 点钟at 7:30 seven thirty在 7 点半at half past eleven在 11点半at nine fifteenat ten thirty a.m.在9 点 15在上午分10 点 30 分也可以写成seven to five 5点差 7 分 半小时以上 five minutes after two 2点过 5 分at a quarter to two 1点 45 分at the weekend在周末年.月.年月.季节.周即在“某年”,在“某月”,在“某年某月” 但在某年某月某日就用on ,在四季,在第几周等都要用in;例; in 1986在 1986 年精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载in 1927在 1927年in Aprilin March在四月在三月in December、 19861986 年 12 月in July、 l9831983 年 7 月in spring在春季in summer在夏季in autumn在秋季in winter在冬季in the fist week of this semester这学期的第一周in the third week在第三周阳光.灯.影.衣.冒in,即在阳光下,在灯下,在树阴下,穿衣.着装.冒雨等都要用in;例: Dont read in dim light.切勿在暗淡的灯光下看书;They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light.他们在光明的灯光下复习功课;They are sitting in the shade of a tree.他们坐在树阴下乘凉;a prisoner in irons带着镣铐的囚犯He went in the rain to meet me at the station.他冒雨到车站去接我;The poor dressed clothed in rags in old society.旧社会穷人们衣衫褴褛以及: in the bright sunlight在光明的阳光下a merchant in disguise乔装的商人the woman in white black、 red、 yellow穿着白 黑.红.黄 色衣服的妇女in uniform穿着降服精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载in mourning穿着丧服in brown shoes穿着棕色鞋in his shirt sleeves穿着衬衫将来时态in以后例: They will come back in 10 days.他们将 10 天以后回来; Ill come round in a day or two.我一两天就回来; Well be back in no time.我们一会儿就回来;Come and see me in two days time.两天后来看我; 从现在开头 After 从过去开头小处 at大处 in例: Li and I arrived at Heishan county safe and sound、 all is well. Dont worry.李和我平安地到达黑山县,一切很好,勿念;I live in a great city big city、 my sister lives at a small town whilemy parents live at a village.我住在大城市,我姐姐住在一个小城镇,而我的父母就住在农村;Im in Liaoning、 at Anshan.我住在辽宁省鞍山市有形 with无形 by ,语言.单位.材料in例: The workers are paving a road with stone.工人们正用石子铺路; 有形 The teacher is correcting the paper with a new pen.这位老师正用一支新笔批改论文; 有形 “TakingTigerMountain by Strategy”is a good opera. 为出好戏; 无形 精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载The product is separated by distillation into gasoline and gas oil.这种产品为用蒸馏分别出汽油和粗柴油; 表示方式.手段.方法无形I really cant express my idea in English freely in-deed我的确不能用英语流利地表达我的思想; 表示某种语言用inI wrote a novel in Russian.我用俄语写了一本小说; 同上 The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system公里为米制中最长的长度单位; 表示度.量.衡单位的用in The length is measured in meter、 kilometre、 and centimetre.长度为以米.公里.厘米为单位来运算的; 同上 This board was cast in bronze not in gold.这个牌匾为铜铸的,不为金铸的;特点.方面与方式.心情.成语惯用in特点或状态:例: The Democratic Party was then in power.那时民主党执政;They found the patient in a coma.他们发觉病人处于昏迷状态;He has not been in good health for some years.他几年来身体始终不好;Many who came in despair went away in hope.很多人带着失望心情而来,却满怀期望而去;The house was in ruins.这房屋成了废墟;The poor girl was in tears.这个贫苦女孩泪流满面;Her clothes were in rags.她的衣服穿破了; His shoes were in holes.他的鞋穿出窟窿了; I only said it in fun.我说这话只为开玩笑的;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载She spoke in grief rather than in anger.与其说她讲得很生气,不如说她讲得很难过;仍有一些短语也用in ,如:in jest诙谐地, in joke开玩笑地, in spite恶意地,in fairness公平地,in revenge报复 、 in mercy宽大, in sorrow难过地等; His mind was in great confusion.他脑子里很乱; Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb.今日大家都兴致勃勃,没有一个心情低落的;
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