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精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载高考英语考前专题综合训练基础写作基础写作1说明文(电子卡的使用)时态:一般现在时人称:第 2 人称语法:祈使句假设有一批英国中同学将到你所在的国际学校学习;你校同学使用的电子卡须在开学的第一天到同学中心领取;以下为此卡的一些信息:Student ID Card插入卡绿灯亮记录使用信息1此卡可用于到阅览室借书,到食堂用餐,小卖部购物,电脑室上网;2请妥当保管;如遗失,请致电999 服务中心;写作内容 :请依据以上信息, 写一份关于领取和使用同学卡的英文说明,你的介绍须包括以下的内容:1 如何领取该卡;2 该卡的功能;3 该卡的使用方法;4 使用该卡的留意事项;5 遗失该卡后的补救措施;写作要求 1 只能使用5 个句子表达全部内容;2 文中不能显现真实姓名和学校名称; 评分标准 句子结构精确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯;Possible version:On the first day of the school、 go to the Students Centre to get your student ID card. It is an electroniccard whichis used forborrowingbooksfromthelibrary、havingmeals inthecanteen 、doing some shoppingin the store and surfing the internet in the computer room. To use it、 insert the card and when the light turns green, relative informationwillbe recorded. Youshould be careful to keep the card safe. Ifyou l ose your card、 call the Students Centre on 999 immediately for help.基础写作2说明文(柱状图)时态:一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时人称: Houses、 changes、 the rate、 the ownership语法:转折连词,并列句观看以下图表,请以“Changes in the Ownership of House 为题”,为校报写一篇短文;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载写作内容:20032021精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. 依据图示描述该市住房产权的整体变化;2. 20XX 年和 20XX 年国有住房和私有住房的比例变化;3.缘由 :人们收入增加,期望住上舒服的房子;4.依据你的观点,说明这些变化对个人和社会产生的影响写作要求: 请使用 5 个句子来表达上面所给的全部信息;要求观点要明确,行文连贯,句子通顺;Ownership of Houses in a Big City in ChinaAs can be seen from the chart、 ownership of houses in a big city in China changed in the past ten years. In 2003、 85 percent of the houses were state-owned. However、 five years later、 the rate of state-owned houses to private ones was 3 to 2. This is because most people can afford to buy their own houses and enjoy life.Such changes have had a great effect on the development of society and it does good to both the citizens and the government.基础写作3说明文(告示)时态:一般现在时人称:第三人称语法:祈使句深圳某海边游泳场夏天将对外宾开放,请你依据以下内容为海边派出所写一份英语告示;写作内容:1 游泳者不得越过红线区域游;2 所借的泳衣.救生圈(life buoy ).太阳伞(sunshade).椅子不得损坏或带走;3 不准在游泳区域内钓鱼,不准往水里扔垃圾;4 游泳时留意安全,下午六点前必需上岸;5 游泳者必需遵守以上规定,违者惩罚金50 200 元;写作要求:用 5 个句子表达全部内容开头和结尾已经给出:A Notice of Swimmers Rules Swimmers are required to observe the following rules:The Seaside Police Station精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载参考范文A Notice of Swimmers Rules A Notice of Swimmers Rules精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载Swimmers are required to observe the following rules: 1.Nobody is allowed to swim in the area out of the red line.2. Swimming suits、 life buoys、 sunshades、 chairs borrowed from here are not to be spoiled ortaken away.3. Fishing is not allowed in the swimming area、no littering in the water.4. Be careful of your own safety when swimmingand swimmers must get out of water before 6 pm.5. Anyone who breaks the above rules will be punished by a fine of 50-200 yuan.The Seaside Police Station(要求:明白告示写法,考试不提倡写1. 基础写作4说明文(如何泡茶)时态:一般现在时人称: tea 或其次人称语法: 递进句, firstly、 then、 after that、 at last ( 或 firstly、Secondly、 thirdly、 fourthly越来越多的西方人喜爱饮茶;一家国外的报社邀请你简洁介绍如何泡“功夫茶 ”;请依据以下的情形说明,使用5 个规范的英文句子描述全部所给的信息内容;【写作内容】1 先用热水冲洗茶壶,放入一把茶叶;2 等水开后,高举水壶,将沸水倒入茶壶中;倒水时,让水溢出以保证去除不纯洁的物质和泡沫;3 稍后,将茶叶水倒入排列成圆形的杯子中,而且留意倒茶的时候应当让茶壶紧贴茶杯;4 最终冲泡好后,将茶杯双手递到客人手中;【写作要求】精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载1 必需使用5 个句子介绍所给的全部内容;2 将 5 个句子组织成连贯的短文;3 参考词汇:水壶kettle;不纯洁的impure;泡沫 foam【留意】已给部分不算在内;Dear editorI am very glad to have the chance to introduce the Chinese gongfu-tea to you. Before making tea、Before making tea、 clean the teapot with boiled water to make better tea and put a handful of tea into the teapot. After the water is boiled、 lift the kettle high to pour hot water into the teapot; the water is continually poured even when it is full、 so as to get rid of impure materials and foam.A few minutes later、 the tea can be poured in to the cups、 which are placed in a circle. Besides、 the teapot should be held close to the teacups. Finally、 when the tea is ready、 the teacups should be presented to guests with both hands.基础写作5说明文(方位说明)时态:一般时.将来时人称:其次人称语法:方位表达.祈使句假设你为人民训练出版社培训中心的工作人员,负责寄送会议通知;请你依据下面图文所示,用英语写一份说明,附在通知后,指明从北京站到育馨宾馆的路线;人教社( PEP)培训中心地址:丰台区方庄芳城园13 楼(育馨宾馆)联系电话:( 010) 67661718联系人:王先生乘车路线:北京站乘63 路汽车到左安门下车;【写作内容】1 人教社( PEP)培训中心地址2 由火车站到左安门站的乘车方式3 由左安门站到育馨宾馆的步行线路4 联系电话5 你认为的培训中心的终止语;【写作要求】1.只能使用5 个句子表达全部内容;2.文中不能显现真实姓名和学校名称;评分标准句子结构精确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯;The training center of PEP is in Yuxin Hotel、 Building13 of Fangchengyuan BlockonFangzhuang Road、 Fengtai District. You can take a No. 63 bus at Beijing Railway Station、 and get off at Zuo anmen Bus Stop and after that、 go southwards aFloannggzhuang Road till the first rightturning、 where you should turn right into Pufang Road. At its corner stands Shunfeng Restaurant、 next to which is the entr
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