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AnotherStop along the Silk Road学 习 目 标知识与能力:New words: another amazing main sand sand cave believe camel sir safe fall ontoPhrases: take a tour . be famous as . on ones way to . fall off. all right过程与方法:speaking ,writing ,reading and practising情感态度和价值观:learn about another stop along the silk road重点:掌握一般将来时态装 订 线难点:灵活运用本课语言知识学法指导及使用说明:自助预习,合作探究,教师指导知识链接:一般将来时态学习流程:一短语连线1take a tour . A.作为.而出名2. be famous as . B.跌落;下降3. on ones way to . C.可以的;好的4. fall off. D.某人在去 的路上5. all right E.参观;旅游二句型展示1他们在全市旅行。They _ _ _around the city.2这是一个令人惊奇的城市。This is_ _city.3.它作为沙城而闻名。Its _ _the City of Sands.4.我们正在走和马可波罗同样的路。We are walking on _ _ _ _-MarcoPolo.课堂探究导学 1Another adj.另外的,又一。Give me another chance,please.请再给我一次机会。pron.另一个He filished his sandwich and asked for another.他吃完他的三明治,然后又要了一个。 2.fall v. 落下,跌倒 一般做不及物动词You will not fall off.你不会掉下来的The girl is falling off (falling down from) the bike.女孩正从自行车上跌下来。The temperature will fall tonight.今天夜间气温要下降。3.believeV.相信,They believe they can learn English well.Believe in 相信,信任。We must believe in ourselves.我们必须相信自己。4.This is an amazing city这是一座令人惊奇的城市。Amazing adj 惊奇的,惊人的。She has amazing skills.她有令人惊异技能。拓展(1)amazed adj.感到吃惊的。I am amazed at her great progress我对她的巨大进步感到吃惊。5.Its one of the main stops on the Silk Road .它是丝绸之路上的主要站点之一。one of .表示“.中的一个”后接名词复数形式,该名词经常被最高级形式修饰。One of the students is his brother.main adj.主要的Its the main street in the city and its busy.6.Is it safe?它安全吗?Safe adj.安全的。Its not safe to cross the street without looking.Safty .n.安全。平安They are worried about the safety of their children.他们对孩子的安全感到担忧。课堂达标1用所给词的适当形式填空 1take a tour . 2. be famous as . 3. on ones way to . 5. all right 6,. fall off. 7.one of 1.Luxun _ _ _writer.2,Danny often meets to Jenny_ _ -_to shool.3.Carefully,or you will_the bike.4.I cant _I am walking on the same road as MarcoPolo.5,Everything seems to be _ _.6.Lets go inside and _ _ _of the beautiful buildings and gardens.7.He is _ _the tallest boys in our class备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)科目英语课题 Lesson6:Jennys Diary主备人张小军审核人ZhangXiaojun学案类型New学案编号Yy20200702020学 习 目 标知识与能力:掌握单词、短语及重要句型。过程与方法:speaking ,writing ,reading and practising情感态度和价值观:learn about another stop along the silk road重点:掌握一般将来时态,区分few; a few; little; a little装 订 线难点:灵活运用本课语言知识,区分few; a few; little; a little学法指导及使用说明:自助预习,合作探究,教师指导知识链接:一般将来时态学习流程:1 预习。1.完成词汇练习。1. I was the _(最后一个) to get to school yesterday.2. There are about two_(千) students in our school.3. I keep a _(日记) every day.4. Erhu is a kind of _(乐器).5. Beijing held the 2020_(奥运会).2.读课文选择正确答案(1-2),根据课文内容填空(3-4)( )1.Jenny will go home_. A. by train B. by plane C. by car( )2.They went to see_this afternoon. A. the Great Wall B. the Beijing Opera C. the Birds Nest3.China is a _country.4.Jenny will come back _. 课 堂 探 究 导 学 1. I loved the music and the colourful clothing. clothing 为不可数名词,强调“抽象概念的服装” eg. a clothing store clothes 为名词复数,强调“具体可见,摸到着”的衣服。 Eg. wash clothes2. Its only a few years old. 区分few(几乎没有), a few(一些;几个) little(几乎没有), a litte(一些;一点) 记住口诀:有a肯定,无a否,短词可数长词不。 跟踪练习选择填空 A. few B. a few C. little D. a litte I have_friends here, so I often feel lonely.The boy can speak_English. You can talk with him in Enligsh.There is _water in the glass, would you like to get some for me?My mother bought me_books. They are so interesting.The question is so difficult(难), _students can answer it.3、短语汇总(识记)1.最后一个晚上 last night; 2. 昨天晚上last night=yesterday evening3.坐飞机回家fly home=go home by plane 4.京剧the Beijing Opera5.鲜艳的衣物the colourful clothing 6.鸟巢 the Birds Nest 7.一些;几个 a few 8.举办奥运会 hold the Olympics 9.寻找look for10.数千thousands of 11.对了解如此多 learn so much about 12.演奏乐器play an instrument 13.拉二胡 play the erhu 14.回来 come back15.帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 课 堂 达 标I、词汇运用1.-What are they doing? -They _(找) the lost boy.2.What about_(拉二胡) for us?3.Its too late. There are _(几乎没有) people on the square.4.The girl often_(坐飞机) to Beijing every month?II、选择( )1.Dont worry, you still(仍然) have _time. A. few B. a few C. little D. a litte( )2.Danny often
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