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Unit 2 Id like some noodles Section A(1a-1c)* 教师寄语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。【学习目标】1、学习常用食物词汇;2、学会如何预定食物。-What would you like? - Id like some./Im not sure yet.【体验学习】:一、预习课本1. 根据音标拼读单词并牢记;2. 预习课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。二、翻译官1. 想要,喜欢_ 2. 牛肉面_4. 鸡肉_ 5. 羊肉 _ 3. 卷心菜_ 6. 胡萝卜_7. 土豆(复数) _ 8. 西红柿(复数) _ 9. special _ 10. 我还没想好。_三、合作交流Group work: 分析总结如何预定食物,并练习造句。 Notes:_ _ _【自主检测】:I、精挑细选( ) 1. Whats her favorite vegetable?-_.A. Eggs. B. Bananas. C. Cabbages. ( ) 2. Dale likes _ very much.A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos( ) 3. What would you like _ breakfast? A. for B. on C. at II、完美呈现1. Some _ (beef) is in the box.2. Mutton _ (be) my favorite food.3. Bring me some _ (orange), and I want to make orange juice.4. I like rice. But my sister _ (not like) it.、连词成句1. you, like, what, would (?) _2. noodles, like, please, the, Id , beef (.)_3. sure, not, I yet, am (.)_【快乐链接】 英汉对对碰:Match each word with the right Chinese meaning.mango 黄瓜 pepper 西瓜 eggplant 芒果 cucumber 辣椒 watermelon 茄子 jelly 花生peanut 蘑菇lollipop 果冻chocolate 棒棒糖mushroom 巧克力【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足:
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