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昌吉学院本科毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)分类号:密级:浅谈小学数学的学习方法和学习策略系 院初等教育学院 学科门类 教育学专业小学教育学号0825834027姓名指导教师教师职称 讲师二O二年五月二十日纵观自然科学的发展,数学作为一门应用广泛、历史悠久、深邃浩瀚的科学流传至 今。数学己逐步成为科学技术的基础知识,是人类认识壯界和改造III:界的工具之一,从 小学到中学的12年中,数学是学生的主课,他耗去青少年很大一部分精力。进入各级 各类大学后,也离不开数学,步入工作岗位的人也将继续学习数学、应用数学。因此, 数学学习是如此的觅耍。要学数学,打好基础是关键,这就要求我们打好小学阶段的数 学,为将來更好研究数学奠定基础。小学数学的学习过程是一个促进学生全面发展的活动过程。在这个过程中,学生既 要获得必要的数学知识、数学技能和数学能力,形成良好的情感与态度,同时还要掌握 科学有效的学习方法和学习策略。随着素质教育的不断深入,按照新课标的要求,我们 的教学必须尊重学生的个体差异,满足多样化的学习需要,促进学生积极主动参与学习, 建立学好数学的信心,不冋避遇到的困难,通过主动思考的积极学习,来提高口己的学 习兴趣。作为基础科学之一的数学成绩的好坏,很大程度上将直接影响学生在他人心日 中的形象。如果学生情绪不稳定,大多会因暂时的学习困难而丧失学数学的信心;少数 甚至引发心理疾病或成为“问题学生”。这些由于个人、家社会等因素对学生的“有色” 认识,不仅影响学生的智力发展,也大大影响了学生的心理健康的成长。教育学家认为, 良好的学习习惯是成功的基石,积极地学习动机是成功的动力,饱满的学习兴趣是成功 的催化剂。学生具有良好的学习习惯是学好知识的基础,有好的学习方法和学习策略更 加能事半功倍。本文通过文献的研究以及对数学学习现状的观察,简述当前我国小学生 学习数学心理现状,结合学生的心理特点,针对学生学习数学心理,建立起科学有效的 学习方法,使学生重拾学习数学的信心,激发学生的学习兴趣。关键词:学习心理;学业不良;学习方法;学习策略On the elementary school mathematics learning methods and learningstrategiesAbstractThroughout development of natural science, mathematics as a wide application, it has a long history and profound vast science circulates- Mathematics has gradually become the basic knowledge of science and technology, is human to know the world and transform the world one of the tools, learn from middle school 12 years, mathematics is students1 core classes, he consumption to teenagers a great deal of effort. Into the various and of all kinds university, also can not get away from mathematics, into the work of the people will also continue to learn, users mathematics- Therefore, mathematics learning is so important. To learn mathematics, to lay the foundation of the is the key, which requires us to play a good primary school mathematics, better for the future study mathematics lay the foundation.The elementary school mathematics learning process is a promoting the comprehensive development of students process- In this process, the students should obtain the necessary knowledge of mathematics, math skills and mathematical ability, form the good emotion and attitude, while also master the scientific and effective learning methods and learning strategies. With the deepening of the quality education, according to the new standard, we must respect the students of the teaching of the individual difference, meet the diverse learning needs, promote the students1 irdtiative to participate in the study, establish learn mathematics faith, not avoid the difficulty they have ever met, through the active thinking positive learning, to improve their study interest As one of the basic science of mathematics result quality, to a great degree will directly influence the students in the image of the others. If students mood swings, mostly because of temporary learning difficulties and lost the confidence of learning mathematics; A few even cause mental illness or become problem students11. These because of the Personal, social and other factors on the students1 ncoloredn know, not only affect the students1 intellectual development, also greatly influence the students* psychological healthy growth. Education experts say, good study habits are the foundation of success, actively learning motivation is the success of the power, the full study interest is the success of the catalysts. Students have a good learning habits is learn knowledge foundation, the better learning methods and learning strategies can more easier. This article through the study of literature and mathematics study present situation observation, this paper describes the current our country pupils learn mathematics psychological status, Combining students1 psychological characteristics, based on student learning mathematics psychology, set up scientific effectiveway to study, and make students back to study mathematics confidence stimulate the learning interest of the students.Key Words: Learning psychology; Academic bad; Study methods; Learning strategies摘要IIAbstractIll引言11课题研究的现实意义22小学数学学习的相关理论32.1学习概念的界定32.1.1学习的含义32.1.2数学学习的含义32.2学习方法的含义32.3数学学习的目的42.4学习者应掌握的知识技能43学习者学业不良的影响因素53学习者的学习心理53.2影响学习者学业不良的原因53.2.1自身因素53.2.2社会因素64学习者学业优秀的成功经验85轻松学好数学的方法和策略105数学学习方法105.1.2数学学习方法的意义105.1.2数学学习方法的运用115.2数学学习策略135.2.1学习策略与学习方法的关系135.2.2数学学习策略的运用错误!未定义书签。结论16参考文献17致谢18小学数学是数学的基础,基础的数学知识是人们日常生活和更深层次的学习数学与 其他学科所不可缺少的,而且也是培养学生基本技能的基础。任何能力都是在对数学基 础知识深刻理解和掌握的基础上培养出来的。学习小学数学,能够渗透现代数学思想,加强小学生的基础知识,扩大学生的知识 面,加深对某些数学知识的理解,对进一步学习数学和现代科学技术都是有益的,而且 还有助于培养学生的思维能力。发展智力、培养能力,都不能脱离数学的基础知识,智 力和知识是互相依赖、彼此促进的。智力是掌握知识的条件和武器,而知识乂是发展智 力的基础和工具。因此,在使学生掌握基础知识的同时,要发展学生的智力,培养他们 的能力。在提倡素质教育的今天,“教学生学会学,使学生学会白主地学习”是素质教育的 重要内容。在新课程改革卜,教师要转变传统的教学观念,“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”。 因此,怎样帮助小学生建立科学的学习方法,树立正确的学习态度,积极主动地进行主 动探究学习就显得尤为重要。1课题研究的现实意义当今社会,数学应用如此广泛。随着素质教育的深入,“教会学生学习”已成为当 今吐界流行的口号。美籍匈牙利数学家乔治波利亚说:“学习任何知识的最佳途径是由 白己去发现,因为这种发现理解最深,也最容易掌握其中的性质、规律和联系”。在教 学过程中,由于个体的差异,在学生群体中难免出现一些“学困生”,而加强学习
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