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U8T2词组:1. 环游,周游travel around2. 回到go back to / return to3. 与团聚 get together with4. 名胜 places of interest5. 你也是. You, too.6. 听起来有趣 It sounds interesting.7. 去度假 go tofor holidays8. 一年到头 all year round9. 等等 and so on10. 去旅游 take a trip = go on a trip11. 为准备 prepare for12. 保证(某人)安全 keep (sb) safe13. 分享快乐 share the fun14. 与某人分享 share sth. with sb.15. 决定做某事 decide to do sth.16. 带对衣服 take the right clothing17. 在阳光下 in the sun18. 待在家 stay at home19. 远离 keep away from20. 爬山 climb a mountain21. 到达 arrive in / at 22. 比如 such as23. 对友好 be friendly to24. 与不同 be different from25. 暑假即将到来 The summer holidays are coming soon.26. 你们各自都有好的假期计划。Each of you has a good plan for the holidays.27. 能告诉我一些关于吗? Can you tell me something about?28. 你想知道什么? What would you like to know?29. 去那的最佳时间是什么时候? Whats the best time to go there?30. 我认为任何时候去都可以。I think you can go anytime.31. 我该参观哪些地方? What places should I visit?32. 我该带什么? What should I take with me?33. 你要和谁一起去? Who would you like to go with?34. 最好带个相机。You had better take a camera.35. 不要去危险的地方。Dont go to dangerous places.36. 不应该在阳光下待太久。You shouldnt stay in the sun too long.37. 记住你不该单独游泳。Remember you shouldnt swim alone.38. 祝你假期旅途愉快!Enjoy your holiday trip!39. 旅途怎样?很棒。How was your trip? It was wonderful.语法:1. 动词不定式1) 肯定: to do : plan/hope/wish/want/need/would like/remember/forget/begin/decide/ask./tell./2) 否定:not to do: ask/tell sb. not to do sth.3) 省略to: see sb. do sth. / help sb. do sth. / let sb. do4) 练习:l Would you like_(travel) to Canada?l Remember _(not swim) alone.l I often see him _(wear) a nice hat.2. You should take a camera. (否定句) You _ _ a camera.3. You shouldnt go to dangerous places.(祈使句) _ _ _dangerous places.4. Youd better put on a hat.(否定句) You _ _ _ put on a hat.5. You should take some food with you. (提问) _ _ I _ with_?6. He wants to go there with his parents.(提问) _ _he_ to go there_?7. August is the best time to go to Canada.(提问) _ the best time _ _ to Canada?8. You should visit Dali and Lijiang in Yunnan. (提问) _ _ should I _ in Yunnan?9. They are from_. They are _(Germany)10. You all have a good plan. (同义句) _ _ _ _ a good plan.11. The pair of sunglasses _(be) mine.12. Anytime _(be) OK?13. The clothing _(be) a gift for Lucy.14. I want to _ _ Qingdao.( 旅游) = I want to _ _ _ _ _ Qingdao.15. I wish _ _ _ with them (团聚)16. They _ _ Beijing last night.(到达) = They _ to Beijing last night.17. The people there are kind to us. = The people there are _to us.18. I think the Sichuang food is hot and nice. (提问) _ _ _ _ _he Sichuang food?19. 用适当的介词填空。l Dont read _the sun.l Where do you plan to go _your holiday?l Your tent is different _mine.l When did you arrive _the bus station?l How was your trip _Jiuzhagou?l They are preparing _the party now.l He wants to go back _Cuba.l Jane hopes to stay _China _three years. She wishes to travel _China and visit all the places _interest.U8T2单词测试:1. 一起,共同_2. 兴趣, 趣味_3. 德国_4. 印度_5. 家乡,故乡_6. 在任何时候_7. 照相机_8. 帐篷_9. 准备_10. 分享_11. 乐趣_12. 衣服_13. 携带,拿,提_14. 决定_15. 有危险的_16. 待,停留_17. 独自,单独_18. 高山_19. 到达_20. 友好的_21. 礼物_22. 名胜_23. 一年到头_24. 为做准备_25. 远离_U8T2单词测试:1. 一起,共同_2. 兴趣, 趣味_3. 德国_4. 印度_5. 家乡,故乡_6. 在任何时候_7. 照相机_8. 帐篷_9. 准备_10. 分享_11. 乐趣_12. 衣服_13. 携带,拿,提_14. 决定_15. 有危险的_16. 待,停留_17. 独自,单独_18. 高山_19. 到达_20. 友好的_21. 礼物_22. 名胜_23. 一年到头_24. 为做准备_25. 远离_
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