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耿车初中丁春侠9A Unit 4 第一课时导学案(Comic strip Vocabulary)复习导纲重点单词梳理1. far adv. 很;极;太。修饰形容词、副词及其比较级和最高级,类似于much用法。如:This room is far too cold. 房间里太冷了。She jumped far higher than I. 她跳得远比我高。注意(1). far修饰形容词或副词原级时通常修饰的是“too+形容词/副词”。如:There are far too many books in the library. 那图书馆里的书真是太多了。(2). far构成的比较级和最高级分别为:farther / further (引申为“进一步,更深入,更详细”),farthest / furthest。如:I live farther than you. 我住得比你远。For further information, please contact Amy on 5558 6390. 更详细的信息,请拨5558 6390与艾米了解。拓展(1). 副词,还意为“远”,可指空间和时间上的“远、久”。如:How far is it to Shanghai from here?(2). 形容词,作定语修饰名词,意为“远的;远方的;较远的”。如:My e-friend lives in a far country.2. weekly adj. 每星期的、一周的。如:Were having the weekly meeting. 我们在开周会。Its a weekly newspaper. 这是份周报。表示时间的名词加“-ly”构成形容词还有minutely(每分钟的)、 daily(日常的)、monthly(每月的)、yearly(每年的)等。拓展weekly也可作副词,意为“每周;每周一次”。如:We usually get together for a drink weekly. 我们通常每周聚一次喝一杯。3. up-to-date adj. 形容词,意为“最新的、现代的”,相当于latest。如:Its our up-to-date timetable. 这是我们最新的作息时间表。4. cover vt. 报道;电视报道。如: Morning News covers news that just happened. “朝闻天下”报道刚刚发生的新闻。拓展(1). cover作及物动词,意为“覆盖、遮掩某物;隐藏、保护某物”。常用短语“cover sth. (up / over) with sth.”意为“用覆盖、遮掩、隐藏某物”。如:She covered her knees with a blanket. 她把毯子盖在膝盖上。(2). cover作可数名词,意为“封面”。如: This is a book with a blue cover. 这是一本有蓝色封面的书。5. live adv. 实况转播地。如: Spring Festival Gala Evening is broadcast live every year. 每年“春节联欢晚会”都进行现场直播。拓展(1). live作形容词,意为“转播的;活着的”。如:Did you see a live whale? 你见过活的鲸吗?(2). live作动词,意为“活,居住”。如: Some trees can live for hundreds of years. 有些树可以活数百年。6. coming adj. 即将来到的、正在来到的。常构成短语“the coming / following week (下周)”等等。如: National Day is coming. 国庆节快到了。7. Asian adj. 亚洲的,亚洲人的。如:Asian countries play an important role in the world. 亚洲国家在世界上扮演着重要角色。Asian也可以作为名词,意为“亚洲人”。如:The number of Asian is the most in the world. 世界上亚洲人数最多。8. direct vt. 导演;指导。如:A Simple Noodle Story is a film directed by Zhang Yimou.director是其名词形式,意为“导演”,类似的构成法有:act actor visit visitor9. face vt. 面临,面对。如:Hes going to face a difficult problem. 他将面临一个棘手的问题。拓展(1). face作动词,也意为“面对、面向”。如:Turn round and face me. 转过身来面对着我。The window faces the street. 那窗户面向街道。(2). face作名词,意为“脸;面”。常用短语“face to face”,意为“面对面”。如:Wash your face and hands before going to bed. 睡前洗脸洗手。10. disappear vi. 消失;失踪,强调人或物在客观上不见了,但无“丢失”的含义。如:The plane disappeared behind a cloud. 飞机飞入云中不见了。辨别(1). lose为及物动词,意为“丢失;失去”,指失去后不易找回。如: He lost his son in the traffic accident. 车祸中他失去了儿子。(2). miss为及物动词,意为“错过;发现丢失”,含有有希望找回的含义。如:Im afraid you will miss the early bus. 我担心你会错过早班车。11. act 可数名词 行为;举动,侧重指短暂的、简单的动作,相当于action (侧重于较长的、复杂的动作)。如:It is a kind act to help people in need. 帮助需要帮助的人是件好事。12. prize n. 奖励;奖品;奖金。常用短语“win a prize (赢得一个奖)、 win the prize for (因而获奖)”。如:Her pictures gained several prizes. 她的画获得好几项奖。Tom won the prize for his great progress. 汤姆因他的巨大进步而获奖。重点短语梳理1. from to 从到 【用法】连接两个表示时间的词或短语。【例句】From July to August, students can have a holiday. 学生们从七月份到八月份可以放假。2. between and 在到期间【用法】连接两个表示时间的词或短语。在句中作时间状语既可位于句首,也可以位于句尾。【例句】Between 2001 and 2009, He worked in the countryside. 2001年到2009年间,他在农村工作。3. send out 发送,发出;长出;散布,派遣【用法】这是由动词与副词构成的短语,若后接代词时,将代词放在中间,如:send it out。【例句】All the stars send out light and heat. 所有的恒星都会发出光和热。 The trees are sending out new leaves. 树木长出新叶。 They sent him out to get the newspaper. 他们派他去取报纸。4. a number of 许多,大量的【用法】修饰可数名词复数,相当于many,可用large,small修饰。作主语时,谓语动词用复数;the number of 意为“的数量”,后接可数名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。【例句】A number of people love football all over the world. 全世界很多人热爱足球。4. the coming World Cup 即将到来的世界杯【用法】coming词性是形容词,意为“即将到来的,下一个的”,相当于“following”。【例句】They began talking about their coming holidays. 他们开始谈论即将到来的假日。The farmers are providing against the coming storms. 农民在预防即将到来的暴风雨。5. be covered live 实况转播【用法】“be covered”是被动语态形式;live作副词,意为“实况转播的”。【例句】The evening will be covered live by TV. 此台晚会将由电视作现场报道。6. vote for 为投票【用法】动词vote与介词for构成的短语,可以释义为“投票赞成;建议”。【例句】Who did you vote for? 你投谁的票?I vote for going out for a walk. 我建议出去散步。7. send text message to 发送短语到【用法】send 不及物动词,发送;text message释义为“短信”;to为介词,意为“给;到”。【例句】We send text message to each other during the Spring Festival. 春节间我们互相发短信。8. be full of 充满【用法】be full of相当于短语“be filled with ”。【例句】The future seems to be full of hope. 前途看来充满希望。How can I be full of the energy? 我怎样才能充满活力?9. take a close look at 近距离地看 【用法】短语中“close”意为“靠近地,近距离地”;take a look意为“看一看”,相当于“have a look; look”,短语中的“look”为名词,若有看的内容作宾语时后加介词 at。【例句】Can I take a look at your new house? 我可以看看你的新房子吗?10. win an award for 因而获奖【例句】Last week, he won a great award for his invention. 上周他因他的发明而获得大奖。11. drama series 系列剧,连续剧【用法】这是名词修饰名词的短语,series为复数形式。【例句】Chinese drama series have always been more popular than English ones. 华文电视剧远比英语电视剧受欢迎。12. take part in 参加【用法】侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、
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