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20晨读暮省-备战2022年中考英语考纲核心词汇50天通关之拓展读练测(一)词汇晨读入心1. spreadv.传播;扩散;张开,展开 词形变化:过去式spread,过去分词spread用法:表示“扩散,蔓延”,指影响更多的人或地方,后面可跟介词through/over/among等。例如:The disease spread rapidly among the poor. 疾病在穷人中间迅速传播。表示 “流传;散布,传播”,指信息或观点,可及物可不及物;其后可跟介词to/through/over等。例如:Word spread quickly that she was leaving. 她要离开的消息迅速传开。表示“张开,伸开”,指手臂、手指、腿等;其后常接out。例如:She spread her arms and the child ran towards her. 她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。(2019,浙江卷,词汇运用)40. More and more people have realized the importance of spreading our _(传统的) culture.2. standardn.&adj.标准(的)关联词组:living standard=standard of living生活水平;up to standard达到标准名词用法:表示“水平,标准,规格,规范”,其后常接介词of:How do you think of the general standard of education there? 你觉得那里教育的整体水准如何?形容词用法:表示“正常的,标准的,普通的”,形容普遍接受的,相当于normal。例如: This is our standard price. 这是我们的标准价格。表示“标准的”,指形状、大小、质量等。例如:We make shoes in standard and wide sizes. 我们制造标准码和加宽码的鞋子。词性转换:standardiz(s)e v.使标准化,使统一;standardiz(s)ation n.标准化;standardiz(s)ed adj.标准化的反义词:non-standard adj.不标准的,不规范的;不规则的(2019,山东卷,阅读A)The United Nations has standards for safe listening.3. staten.状态,情形;国家;(美国的)州关联词组:state of mind心理状态,心境;mental state精神状态用法:表示“状况,状态,情况,情形”,指人的身体或心理状况或指物,相当于condition;其后常接介词of;“处于状态”用instate表示。例如:When we bought the house, it was in a terrible state. 我们买下这栋房子时,它的状况很糟糕。即可指“国家”,也可指国家的“州,邦”等。例如:WTO member states世贸组织成员国;the state government州政府(2019,江苏卷,阅读填空)Emperor Qinshihuang united (统一) the seven major states into one country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction.4. stayn.&v.停留,逗留,呆;保持 名词用法:可数名词,但一般以单数出现,常和介词in/at搭配,和形容词long/short搭配。例如:I had a short stay in that famous hotel.我在那家有名的旅馆住过一小段时间。动词用法:实义动词,表示“停留,逗留,留下”或者“暂住”,不及物动词,常和各种副词或介词搭配使用,如stay (at) home呆在家;stay for+ time /暂住多久;stay in+ place呆在/暂住某地;stay here/there留在这里/那里;例如:I stayed for a year in Paris to study art. 我在巴黎待了一年学习艺术。连系动词,表示“维持,保持原状”,stay+ 形容词;stay+ away/in/on;等。例如:I cant stay awake any longer. 我瞌睡得再也熬不住了。Stay away from my daughter! 不要缠着我女儿!同义词:keep/remain v.保持,维持(2019,浙江卷,阅读D)2.- Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our_?- Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast.A. hotelB. schoolC. factoryD. company5. stealv.偷,窃取词形变化:过去式stole,过去分词stolen用法:可指偷别人的东西,也可指剽窃观点等。常用于steal sth. from sb/sth.结构。例如:Hed stolen the flowers from our garden. 他偷了我们花园里的花。A well-known scientist was punished for stealing his students idea. 一位著名科学家因剽窃学生观点受到惩罚。词性转换:stolen adj.偷走的;stealthily adv.暗地里(2019,江苏卷,阅读D)It was his job to keep the woods safe and to make sure that nobody stole the kings deer.6. stepn.脚步;台阶,梯级;v.走,跨步 关联词组:step by step逐步地;first step第一步,首要步骤;next step下一步;watch your step注意脚下 名词用法:表示“脚步,步”,常与动词take搭配,与副词back/forward搭配。例如:Tom took a step back and held the door open. 汤姆后退一步,把门撑开着。表示“梯级,台阶”。例如:He climbed the wooden steps and rang the bell. 他爬上木楼梯,按响门铃。表示“步骤,措施”,指一系列行动中的一步,相当于action/measure;常和动词take搭配;step后面可接in (doing) sth.或to do sth.;还可接towards表示方向。例如:The president took immediate steps to stop the fighting. 总统立即采取措施阻止战斗。an important step towards peace 通往和平的重要一步动词用法:表示“跨步,迈步”,其后常接forward/back/down/into等词。例如:He stepped back to let me through. 他后退一步让我通过。表示“踩,踏”,其后常接in/on等介词。例如:Youre stepping on my foot. 你踩到我的脚了。(2019,浙江卷,阅读D)The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick.7. stickv.粘住;卡住;坚持;n.木棒(棍),枝条词形变化:过去式stuck,过去分词stuck关联词组:stick together粘在一起;在一起,团结一致;stick to sth.坚持(做某事,不怕困难)动词用法:表示“粘,贴”,可及物可不及物,常和介词on/to/in等搭配。例如:He stuck a stamp on the envelope. 他把一张邮票贴到信封上。 stick the broken pieces together.把碎片粘到一起。表示“卡主,动不了”,stick in sth.卡在里面;The key has stuck in the lock. 钥匙卡在锁里了。名词用法:表示“枝条,柴枝”,指树的组成部分。例如:They collected sticks to start the fire. 他们捡来树枝生火。指某些作为工具的“棍/签/条/槌”,或“条(棍)状物”。例如:My Aunt walks with a stick. 我姑妈走路要拄拐棍。词性转换:stuck adj.被卡主的,不能动的;sticky adj.粘(性)的;sticker n.张贴物(2019,湖北卷,单项填空)37一Everyone should stick to his dream.一Yes. A life without a dream is like a bird without _, which cant fly.A. wings B. water C. clouds D. food8. stopv.停,停止;阻止;n.停;(停车)站 动词用法:表示“(使)停止,(使)终止”、“暂停,中止”,指不再继续;或“停下来”,指不再移动;stop doing sth.停止做某事(同一件事);stop to do sth.停下来做某事(另一件事);口语中常用stop it/that表示“停下,住手”。例如:Please stop crying and tell me whats wrong. 快别哭了,告诉我出了什么事。Stop it! Youre hurting me. 住手!你把我弄疼了。表示“防止,阻止”,相当于prevent;stop sb./sth. from doing sth.阻止做某事。例如:The rain didnt stop us from enjoying the trip. 那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅行的乐趣。名词用法:表示“停止”的含义,常用于come to a stop(某事)停止;bring sth. to a stop停止(结束)某事。例如:The UN is trying to bring the war to a stop. 联合国试图结束这场战争。表示“车站”,或“中途停留(处)”,指停留的动作或指所停留的地点。例如:Our first stop was Paris. 我们的第一站是巴黎。反义词:continue v.继续(2019,浙江卷,词汇运用)It just takes a moment to stop and pick something up off the ground.9. strangeadj.奇怪的,奇特的;陌生的用法:表示“奇怪的,不寻常的,不可思议的”;常见于something strange,Its strange that等结构。例如:Its strange (that) we h
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