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中考冲刺辅导教案6课程主题:形容词副词+C篇首字母学习目标1.掌握形容词,副词的语法特性,习惯用法和中考常见用法辨析2. 掌握并能熟练应用形容词,副词的原级,比较级和最高级3.掌握首字母技巧教学内容课前热身:III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once. (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分)A. woke up B. at a time C. at any time D. collected E. throughIt was a dark day in Canada in 1998 when rain began to fall from the sky. However, this was not ordinary rain-it turned to ice as it fell 46 the cold air. It rained for six days, and as much as ten centimeters of ice 47 on roads, trees and power lines. On 5tb January, the people of Montreal 48 to find they had no electricity in their homes. It was dark and cold. The roads were covered in ice, and it was very dangerous to walk or drive anywhere. Families had to stay inside and burn wood to keep warm. They expected the power to come back 49 . However, the ice kept failing. It caused branches and whole trees to fail down. More power lines fell down, and the roads became even more dangerous.A. terribly B. repaired C. army D. especially E. knivesBy the third day, many families had no food to eat. It was a difficult time. The 50 sent over 14,000 soldiers to help. Finally, after six days, the ice storm stopped, but the trouble was not over. The huge amount of ice made the whole area very dangerous. As the ice started to melt, it fell from the roofs of buildings and trees like 51 . Most of the power lines were so badly damaged that they could not be 52 . Some families had no electricity for a whole month. Many homes were damaged and many people, 53 farmers, had to move away. The people of Canada will never forget how terrible nature can be. Everyone hopes that there will never be another ice storm like the one in 1998.【答案】46. E 47. D 48. A 49. C 50. C 51. E 52. B 53. D A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were.一个女孩去拜访她的金发朋友,这个朋友最近养了两只“狗”,于是女孩问道:“它们叫什么名字呀?”The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.金发朋友说,一只叫Rolex,另一只叫Timex。Her friend said, Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?女孩说:“哪有狗狗叫这个名字的。”HELLLOOOOOOO. answered the blonde. Theyre watch dogs!“那个”金发朋友说。“他们是监视器!”注:watch dog:监视器知识精讲:知识点一、形容词【知识梳理】形容词:用来说明或修饰名词、代词的词称为形容词。1、形容词的句法作用:作句子中名词的定语、句子的表语以及宾语补足语。2、形容词在句子中的位置:1)作定语时放在名词的前面,且音节少的词放在音节多的词之前。如:a big yellow wooden wheel(一个黄色的大木轮)2)作表语时放在连系动词之后。如:The price sounds reasonable.3)作宾语补足语时放在宾语之后。如:We must try our best to keep our environment clean.4)后置的情况:修饰复合不定代词时放在代词之后。如:Something serious has happened to him.与表示“长、宽、高、重、老、远离”的词连用时形容词后置。如:Hes 1.8 metres tall.(他身高1.8米。)The moon is about 380,000 kilometres away from the earth.3、有关形容词的用法辨析:1)whole与all:记住两个词序: the whole 名词; all (of) the 名词。如:He was busy the whole morning. / He can remember all the words he learns.2)tall与high, short与low:指人的个子时用tall与short;指其他事物时一般用high与low。如:Hes very tall/short. / Tall trees are standing on both sides of that avenue. / A few people live on high mountains.3)real与true:real一般指东西的真假,译为“真的”;而true则指事情或消息的可靠性,译为“真实的”。如:This is a real diamond(钻石) and its very expensive / -Is that true?Yes. I heard it with my own ears.4)interested与interesting的区别:interesting指人或东西“有趣的”,作定语或表语,而interested则表示人对别的事物“感兴趣的”,只能作表语。如:The man is very interesting and all the children like him. / This book is interesting and you can really enjoy yourself. / I am interested in science.5)such用法: such a(n) 名词(单数)(that从句)。如:I have never seen such a foolish(愚蠢的) boy. / He had such a terrible accident that he could never forget it.6)good与well:表示“好”时,作定语或表语用good,作状语用well;表示“(身体)好”时用well.如:Doing sports is good for us. / Study well and make progress every day./ -How are you?I am very well.7)nice与fine:的区别:nice表示令人愉快的,可以指东西、人物外表等;fine一般指身体或天气好。如:Lets go and share(分享) the nice cake. / She is a nice girl. / What a fine day! /Hes fine recently(最近).8)too much与much too:too much表示“太多的”,修饰事物数量;much too表示“太过,过分”,修饰形容词或副词。如:I am full because I have had too much rice. / That coat is much too dear.9)quick、fast与soon:quick与fast基本同义,quick往往指反应速度快,fast往往指运动速度快,而soon则表示时间上很快即将发生。如:After a quick breakfast, he hurried to school leaving his bag at home. / A train is much faster than a bus. / His father will be back to China very soon.10)lonely与alone:lonely是表示心理活动的形容词,意思是:“孤独的,寂寞的”,作定语或表语;alone的意思是:“独自的,单独的”,指无人陪伴,仅作表语,(作为副词的alone可作状语)。如:He lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely./ He is a lonely person. You can not easily get on well with him.11)other与else的区别:两个词都可以作形容词,但是用法不同,other放在名词前;else修饰不定代词、疑问词、little、much,后置,另外,or else表示“否则”,是连词。如:The other students are on the playground. / Who else can work out this maths problem?/ This is nobody elses money. Its mine. / Do you have anything else to say for yourself?12)special与especial的区别:表示事件不同寻常、过分或特殊时,两个词可互换,但speci
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