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中考一轮复习教学参考资料 第18课时课题:8年级下册 (U2)一、目标:1. 识记:知识梳理中的词汇、句型及重点固定搭配。2. 理解:掌握could用于提建议的用法; 能够巩固和正确运用其他提建议的句式。 掌握一些动词词组的用法和动词不定式的用法。3. 运用:本单元通过对“志愿参加社会公益活动”这一话题的学习,让我 们对志愿者工作有一个正确的认识,懂得投身公益活动是光荣的, 并且能够就自己和他人的能力对志愿进行提建议。同时要求掌握 相关词汇、短语和日常交际用语。二、重点:1.通过阅读提高学生的阅读能力。来源:Zxxk.Com2.掌握重要的动词词组。3.学会提供帮助的基本句型。3、 难点: 掌握重要的动词词组。 四、知识梳理: (一)句型与词汇: 1. Id like to help homeless people/visit the sick kids in the hospital/cheer the sick kids up. 2. You could give out food at the food bank/volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids/help them to read. 3. Ill help to clean up the city parks/make some signs to put up around the 来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K school.( cheer up, give out, volunteer, help sb (to) do sth., clean up, put up)(2) 语法:1.情态动词could 用于提出建议,比can语气更为婉转。e.g. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. You could help the poor children. 2.动词不定式 (1)动词不定式的基本形式是“to+动词原形”,有时可以不带to。动词来源:学科网ZXXK 不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句子中不能作谓语。 (2) 动词不定式的否定形式由“not+动词不定式”构成。例如: Tell him not to be late. The policeman told the boys not to play in the street. (3) 不带to的情况 有一些动词后用作宾语补足语的不定式通常不带to。这种动词有两类:一 来源:学#科#网 类是感官动词,如see, hear, watch, feel, notice等。例如: I saw the teacher get out. I heard the birds sing. 另一类是使役动词,如let, make, have等。例如: Let me go! They made the children work 12 hours a day. 记忆口诀:四三二一半 四看:see, watch, notice(注意), observe(观察) 三让:make, let, have二听:hear, listen to 一感:feel半帮助:help (三)教材中的重点固定搭配 单词: 1. lonely孤独的,寂寞的;alone 单独的, 强调独自一人; e.g. He only watches TV when he is alone. He has many friends, so he never feels lonely. 2. interested adj.对.感兴趣 interesting adj.令人感兴趣的,有趣的 e.g. The story is interesting. I am interested in the story. 3. break v.打破,弄断 broken adj.折断的,破碎的,; 4. able 有能力的,能够的 disabled(反); 5. difficult adj.困难的 difficulty n.困难; 6. excite v.使人激动 excited adj.感到激动的 e.g. The new excites me. The news is exciting.来源:学,科,网 I am so excited to hear the news. 7. kind adj.善良的,和善的; kindness n.善意 e.g. Thanks for your kindness. Its very kind of you to help me. 词组: 1. clean up 打扫干净 e.g. The students cleaned up the classroom this morning. 2. cheer up 使变得更高兴,振奋起来 e.g. Everyone is trying to cheer him up. 3. give out 分发,散发 4. come up with 想出,提出 e.g. My teacher came up with some good ideas to cheer up sick students. 5. put off 推迟 e.g. I want to put off my plan. 6. hand out 分发 7. call up 打电话给某人 e.g. She called up at least five schools to ask if they need volunteers. 8. used to. 曾经.,过去. e.g. I used to get up late. 9. fix up 修理 e.g. He fixed the bike up. 10. give away 赠送,捐赠 e.g. I gave away my bike to a childrens home. 11. take after 像 e.g. I take after my mother. 12.put up 粘贴 e.g. We decided to put up signs around the school. 13.care for 照顾;喜欢 14.try out 参加选拔,试用 15.run out of 用完,耗尽 e.g. I has run out of money.
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