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中考英语单选训练精华版1. How often _ she exercise? B: Twice a week. A. do B. does C. doingD. did2. I _ like to drink milk.A. not B. doesnt C. dont D. no3. Good food and exercise _ me to study better.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help4. Is her lifestyle the same _ yours or different? A. as B. in C. at D. to5. I like _ for breakfast. A. a book B. a rulerC. an egg D. a sofa6. The _are $21.A. glasses B. shoe C. table D. bike7. Tennis _ my favourite sport.A. are B. is C. am D. be8. I have a tennis and my friend Jim _ two tennis rackets.A. have B. play C. plays D. has9. “Lets play computer games.” “That _ interesting.”A. looks B. sounds C. listens D. reads10. My father likes football. But he _ it. He only _ football matches on TV!A. plays, watches B. play, watchC. doesnt play, watches D. plays, doesnt watch11.Maybeyoushould_. A.callinher B.callupher C.CallherinD.callherup12.Briandoesntlike_. A.readingB.readC.readsD.readed13.YesterdayIwenttothelibrary.Henrywentthere,_. A.eitherB.tooC.alsoD.only14.EveryoneelseinmyofficeisinvitedbyMr.Wu_me. A.besideB.outC.exceptD.off15.Yourfriendis_thanyou,soyoushouldbeas_ashim. A.popular,friendlier B.morepopular,friendly C.morepopular,friendlierD.popular,friendly16.Charles?cousinisthesameage_him.Theygetonwell_eachother. A.for,in B.as,on C.as,in D.as,with17.Parentsoftentaketheirchildrentojoinsomeactivitiestopreparethem_theirfuture. A.atB.behindC.forD.with18.IamlookingforMrs.Green.Sheforgetsto_herbill. A.costforB.payforC.payinD.costin19.TodayisThursday.Ihave_thingstodo.Infact,Iamusedto_it. A.alotof,doingB.alotof,do C.alotof,didD.lotsof,done20.Mymathteacher_me,becausehe_Ifailedmytest. A.isangryfor,findoutB.wasangrywith,foundout C.isangrywith,findoutD.wasangrywith,findin21Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had . A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily22. Would you please us your pictures taken in Europe? A. take B. bring C. show D. find23. What are we going to do on Sunday?” “ How about _ ? A. to go bike ridingB. going bike to ride C. going to bike ridingD. going bike riding 24. “My father has bought a new car.” “ ?” “Its blue and beautiful.” A. What do you like? B. Whats it like? C. How is it like? D. How do you think of it?25. I had wanted to go to England for vacation, but at last I decided Canada. A. on B. over C. in D. about26. The doctors said that there was wrong with Janes legs. They could not do_ to help her. A. something; somethingB. something; nothing C. nothing; anythingD. everything; something27. a great party! delicious the food is! AWhat; How B. How, How C. What, What D. How, What28. “Im sorry I forgot the letter for you!” “It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.” A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted29. We all found to play the game. A. that interested B. this interesting C. it interesting D. its interesting 30.The hospital is far from the station. A. quiet B. quite C. much D. more31. Please tell us the Science Museum.A. how can we reach B. how we can get to C. how can we get D. how we can get32. They decided in the mountains . A. hiking B. on hike C. to hike D. not hiking33. She looks because she has a vacation. A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed34. I cant wait the nice picture.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought35.Dont forget the pen him. A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returning, to D. returning, for36、That book _ Tracy 10 dollars. A. takes B. costs C. spends37、How can you get from Italy to Brazil? _.A. Can fly B. By air C. By a plane38、How long does it _ you to walk to the cinema? Twenty minutes.A. use B. uses C. take39、_ is it from your home to school? Twenty minutes walk.A. How long B. How far C. How40、Taking a boat to school _ a lot more fun than taki
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