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考点10 一般现在时命题趋势: 动词的时态和语态是中考出现频率较高的语法项目之一。考题多以具体的语境为主,体现了对语法知识、语境理解、语言交际能力的综合考查。中考考查重点:1. 一般现在时的用法;2. 一般现在时的构成。考向一:一般现在时的用法表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。常与频度副词连用。I often take a walk in the park. 我经常在公园散步。These T-shirts are new. 这些T恤衫是新的。表示客观事实、真理。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳东升西落。在时间、条件状语从句中表示将来的动作。If it doesnt rain tomorrow, I will go bike riding in the open air. 如果明天不下雨,我将在户外骑自行车。Ill tell her the good news when she comes back. 当她回来的时候,我将把这个好消息告诉她。表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。但只限于start,begin,leave,go,come,arrive,return,take place等。考向二:一般现在时的构成在一般情况下用动词原形,若主语为第三人称单数,一般在动词原形后加-s或-es。情况构成方法例词一般情况直接加-sreadreads loveloves以s,o,x,ch,sh结尾加-espasspasses boxboxesteachteaches washwashes以辅音字母 + y结尾将y变为i,再加-escarrycarries studystudies不规则变化havehas beam/is/are一、用括号内单词适当的形式填空。1. Usually taking a taxi _(cost) more than taking a bus.2. She _ (write) to her mother once a week.3. My sister likes making friends. She often _(share) her ideas with them.4. Ill lend you the bicycle if you _(return) it before Friday.5. Light_(travel) much faster than sound.6. We _(not watch) TV on Monday.7. _ they _(like) the World Cup?8. What _she often _(do) on Saturdays?9. Mr. Wang _(teach) us English on Sundays.10. My wife and I _(take) a walk together every evening.11. There _(be) some water in the bottle.12. She always _(do) her homework well.13. I _(be) ill. Im staying in bed.14. How many lessons _ the students _ (have) on Monday?15. She _(help) her mother do some housework yesterday.二、单项选择。1. Sam _ with his friends every weekend. A. skates B. is skating C. has skated D. was skating2. Volunteering _ the world warmer. Even small things can make a big difference. A. makeB. makesC. was making3. Shes brought you some eggs. As you know, she _ chickens. A. keeps B. will keep C. has kept D. kept4. My car _ yesterday.Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? Im sorry I cant,Im _ Dalian tomorrow morning.A. breaks down;flying at B. has broken down; flying atC. broke down;flying to D. had broken down:flying to5. The teacher told us that the sun _bigger than the earth. A. was B. is C. will be D. would be1. 【2020 甘肃武威市】I want a mobile phone which _ good pictures.A. tookB. is takingC. takesD. take2. 【2020 黑龙江绥化】We cant leave here until our teacher _.A. will arriveB. arrivesC. arrived3. 【2020湖北省恩施州】I hear that it often _ in Sichuan and there are usually floods, especially in summer.ArainsBrainedCwill rain4. 【2020湖北省十堰市】Is Li Mei a teacher?Yes, she is. She _ at a village school.AteachesBis teachingCtaughtDwill teach5. 【2020湘西土家族苗族自治州】_, you will get good grades.A. If you will work hardB. If you work hardC. If you worked hard6. 【2020四川省遂宁市】 I wonder if Sally_ us prepare for the party.Im sure she will if she_time.Ahelps, will haveBwill help, hasCwill help, will haveDhelps, has7. 【2020上海市】Every year thousands of tourists_the mountain area to relax themselves.AvisitedBwere visitingCvisitDhave visited8. 【2020 凉山州】Lets go camping if it_ next Saturday.But nobody knows if it _.A. is fine; rainsB. will be fine: rainsC. is fine: will rainD. will be fine: will rain1.【2020 北京市昌平区初三年级二模】Frank goes to school early every day. He always _ the classroom for us.A. cleansB. cleanC. cleanedD. is cleaning2.【2020 北京市丰台区三模】Susan usually _ a bus to school every day. 北京市丰台区三模A. has takenB. tookC. takesD. will take3. 【2020 北京市朝阳区中考零模】Harry enjoys reading books, and he often _ a whole day in the library.A. spendsB. spentC. is spendingD. will spend4.【2020 北京市门头沟区一模】My grandpa likes watching TV. He often _ TV after dinner. A. watchB. watchesC. will watchD. is watching5. 【2020 黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区二模】 We all know that a new shop _ in a week. I think people will buy food easily when it _.A. will open, opensB. opens, openC. will open, was open6.【2020 四川省乐山市峨眉山市二模】 _ Lucy come from America? No. She _ from America. She is English.A. Does, doesntB. Does, isntC. Is, isnt
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