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2019 届高三英语综合练习卷0911第一卷. Grammar and VocabularySectionADirections:ReadthefollowingpassageF.ill in theblanksto makethepassagceoherenatndgrammaticallycorrect. Fortheblankswitha givenword,fill in eachblankwith theproperformof thegivenword.Fortheotherblanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Have you everbeen embarrassedbecauseyou forgot somethingimportant?What kinds of things do you have the most trouble 21 (remember)?Mark began to introduce theguest speakerto the audience, but thenpaused in horror.He had forgotten her name.Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation.Whenshecameback, shecouldn retmember 22 she pdut it.Perhapsyou vhead experienceslike these.Most peoplehave.And, what wsorse, most people 23 (bow ) to alife of forgettingT. hey urneawareof asimplebutimportanftact:MemorycanbedevelopedIf. youjustacceptthat fact, this book will show you 24 it canbe improved.First, relax. If you are overanxious about remembering something,you flol rget it. Relaxing will enhanceyour awarenessand ability to concentrate.You can retmember anything 25 you canconcentrate.Second, avoid being negative. If you keeptelling 26 that your memory is bad, your mind will cometo believeit andyouwonretmembetrhings.Whenyouforgetsomethingd,on saty, “ GI eneedto havemy brain 27 (rewire ). ” Insteaydo, u need to takean activerole. 28 your body, your memory can be strengthenedthrough exercise. Look for opportunitiesto exercise your memory. For example,if you arelearning a language, try to actively remember irregular verbs.You may also want to makeassociationsor links between 29 you are trying to remember and things youalreadyknow.For examplei,f youneedto catcha planeat2:00p.m.,youcanimagineaplanein yourmindand noticethatit hastwo wings.Twowings=2:00Y. ouarenowtentimes 30 (likely)to forgetthetake-offtime.SectionB Direction:sCompletethefollowingpassagbey usingthewordsin thebox.Eachwordcanonlybeusedonce.Notethat thereis one word more thanyou need.A. dramaticallyB. adjustC. expandingD. infectionsE. limitF. fairlyG. listedH. uprightI. concealingJ. repeatedK. financeIn theearly1960sW, ilt Chamberlainwasoneof onlythreeplayersin theNationalBasketbalAl ssociatio(n NBA) 31 at over sevenfeet. If he hadplayedlast seasonh, owever,he would havebeenone of 42. The bodies playingmajorprofessionaslportshavechanged32 overtheyearsa, ndmanagerhsavebeenmorethanwillingto 33 team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.However, the trend in sports may be 34 an unrecognized reality: Americans have generally stopped growing.Thoughtypicallyaboutwo inchestallernowthan140yearsago,todayspeopleespeciallythosebornto familieswhohavelivedin theU.S.for manygenerationsapparentlyreachedtheir 35 in theearly1960s.And theyarentlikely to getanytaller.In thegenerapl opulationtodaya, t thisgenetice, nvironmentalel vel,weve pretty much gone as far as we can go, says anthropologistof Wright StateUniversity.Growth,which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrientsnotably, proteintofeed 36 tissuesA. t thestartof the20thcenturyu, nder-nutritioanndchildhood37 gotin theway.But asdietandhealthimprovedc, hildrenandadolescenhtsave,on averagein, creasedin heightbyaboutaninchanda第 1 页 / 共 8 页halfevery20yearsY.etaccordingto theCentersfor DiseaseControlandPreventiona,verageheight59for men,54 for womenhasntreally changed since 1960.Genetically speaking, thereare advantagesto avoiding substantial height. During childbirth, larger babies have moredifficultypassingthroughthebirthcanal.Moreovere, venthoughhumanshavebeen38 for millionsof yearso, urfeetandbackcontinuetostrugglewith bipeda(l 39 strainimposed by oversize limbs.双足行走的)postureandcannoteasilywithstandGenetic maximums canchange, but dontexpectthis to happensoon.If you need to predict human heightin the nearfuture to design a piece of equipment, by and large, you could use today dasta and feel 40 confident. Reading comprehensionSectionADirection:s Foreachblankinthefollowingpassagethserearefourwordsor phrasems arkedA, B, C, andD. Fillin each blank with the word or phrase thatbest fits the context.Deliberate practice refers to a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic. 41 regular practicemightincludemindlessrepetitionsd, eliberatperacticerequiresfocusedattentionandis conductedwith thespecific goal of improving 42 .The greatest 43 of deliberate practiceis to remain focused. In the beginning, showing up is the most importanthing.But afterawhile webeginto carelessly44 smallerrorsandmissdailyopportunitiefsor improvement.This is becausethe naturaltendencyof the humanbrain is to 45 repeatedbehaviorsinto automatichabits.46 w, henyoufirstlearnedto tie yourshoesyouhadto thinkcarefullyabouteachstepof theprocessT.odaya, ftermanyrepe
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