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江苏省扬州市仪征扬子中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. After the earthquake last year, foods and other supplies _ in a planned way.A. distribute B. are distributed C. distributed D. were distributed参考答案:D2. The child tiptoed quietly to the bird. _ into the forest when he was about to catch it.A. Flew it away B. Away flew itC. Away it flew D. Flew away it参考答案:C试题分析:句意:Tom踮起脚尖静静地接近鸟儿,但是当他要去抓它的时候鸟儿却向森林飞去了。away, in, out, up ,down, off,等状语放在句首,要全部倒装。但是当主语是代词时不需要倒装。故选C。考点:考查全部倒装3. We got lost in the dark forests._ ,it began to rain.A. Beside B. Besides C. Expect D. Though参考答案:B 解析:从句意及用法看,后者表示的是递进关系,所以用副词 besides .4. -Do you know how this disabled man succeeded in running such a big company?- I dont know, but I think he _ many difficulties.A. could have gone through B. must have gone throughC. might go through D. need go through参考答案:B5. The building, _ in the shape of an egg, is now just for tourists.A. designingB. designedC. to be designed D. having designed参考答案:B6. I feel sure that _ qualification, ability and experience, you are suited to the position we offered. Ain need of Bin terms of Cin favor of Din face of参考答案:B7. With a lot of homework _, Tom didnt go to the movies with his father.A. finished B. finishing C. to finish D. being finished参考答案:C8. It was on the farm _he spent his childhood _he learned how to grow vegetables.A. where, that B. which, when C. that, that D. that, which参考答案:A9. -Mr. Zhao, could you help me with my maths? -Sure, come to my office at 7 p.m. I _ several other kids maths then and you can join us. A. having been teaching B. have taught C. will teach D.will be teaching参考答案:D22. There is still no cure for AIDS today, _ caused great death of the patients. A. that B. when C. where D. which参考答案:D略11. What surprised me most was to see some of the village people _ on the benches at the end of the classroom .A. seated B. seating C. seat D. to be seating 参考答案:A12. People living in the areas where there are a lack of electricity often keep a supply of candles _ power failure .AonceBeven ifCin case ofDin course of参考答案:C【详解】考查介词以及介词词组辨析。A. once 一旦;B. even if 即使;C. in case of 如果;以防;D. in course of在的过程中。句意:生活在缺电地区的人们经常在储存着蜡烛以防停电。根据句意,选C项。13. I would have said “hello” to him if I_ your brother.A. could see B. had seen C. would see D. would have seen参考答案:B14. This is the only one of the best films _ to teach kids the first aid this year Athat have been produced Bthat has produced Cthat have produced Dthat has been produced 参考答案:D15. Why not stay at home the road is so slippery after the heavy snow?A. since thatB. now thatC. then thatD. after that参考答案:B16. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year.A. is washing away B. is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away 参考答案:D17. -How many times you have told me that you will stop playing games.-Well, _.A. great minds think alike B. practice makes perfectC. it is no use crying over spilt milk D. easier said than done参考答案:D【分析】考察查情景交际。【详解】句意为:你告诉过我多少次你会停止玩游戏。-嗯,说比做容易。A. great minds think alike英雄所见略同 B. practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 C. it is no use crying over spilt milk 覆水难收,所以D正确。18. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 参考答案:A19. Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _, as the name says, eating doesnt take much time.A. which B. who C. where D. that 参考答案:C二、 书面表达20. 假如你是李华,正在英国留学,住在一户英国人家里。圣诞节将至,你准备外出办些事情,你的房东Mrs Smith不在家,请给你房东留言。内容包括:1)外出买圣诞节礼物2)去图书馆借书3)Tracy的电话留言:1)本周末的会议取消 2)尽快回电注意:1词数100-120左右。 2适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 .参考答案:Mrs Smith,Christmas Day is approaching and I as well as my friends am going out to buy some Christmas gifts. Besides, I am about to borrow several books about the English history from the City Library. So I wont be back until 5:00pm.At about 1oclock his afternoon, Tracy called, saying that the meeting to be held this weekend has been cancelled and you will be informed if she has further information.
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