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江苏省无锡市外国语学校2020年高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. I thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.A. wont B. cantC. canD. will参考答案:B2. A sports meeting is going to _ next month. Oh, thats wonderful.A. organize B. be organized C. be organizing D. have been organized参考答案:B3. Growing around the lake_ wild flowers of different color1 s.A. is B. are C. has D. have参考答案:B4. We sometimes have to meet some difficulties, but we should develop a good attitude _ life. A. in B. on C. at D. to参考答案:D5. Mary is one of the girls who _ always on time.A. is B. am C. are D. was参考答案:C6. The film _me of the days _we spent in the small village.A. remembered; when B. reminded; that C. remembered; which D. reminded; when参考答案:B7. _ dusk, the traffic often becomes heavy.A. On B. InC. At D. For参考答案:CC考查固定搭配。句意:黄昏时分,交通经常变得拥挤。固定搭配at dusk意为“在黄昏时分”,故选C。8. It took _ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than参考答案:B考查固定短语。句意:要建造这些节省能源的房子需要的不仅仅是建筑材料,还需要智慧。more than不仅仅,符合题意。other than除了;rather than 而不是;less than 不足。 34.All present were shocked by what the little girl _ when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village. A. went over B. went through C. got along with D. got away参考答案:B略10. How much more expensive do you think a flat in a downtown area is than _ in a suburban area?A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. those参考答案:A考查代词。此处的one指代“a flat”,在本题中表示泛指。句意:你觉得市中心的公寓是不是比郊区的贵很多呢?故选A。11. The manager insisted that I _ a rise , though I have been in this company for only six months. A. was given B. would be given C. should give D. should be given参考答案:D12. Hurry! The train . You know it at 8:30 am.A. leaves; leaves B. is leaving; leaves C. leaves; is leaving D. is leaving; is leaving参考答案:B略13. -Aidan, you have been said that you wouldnt help your friends.- I dont _ what people think.A. care for B. care about C. care of D. care at参考答案:B14. _I accept that hes not perfect in many respects , I do actually quite like the man. A. When B. As C. Because D. While参考答案:D考察连接词, while可引导让步状语从句,表示尽管的意思15. Lets go to a movie after work, OK? _ A. Not at all. B. Why not? C. Never mind. D. What of it?参考答案:B略16. The accident on my way to school me taking the exam yesterday. A. prevented B. kept C. protected D. saved 参考答案:A17. After the flood, there were hundreds of homeless people that needed _. A. rescued B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued参考答案:D略18. About 1,000 singers competed_each other_six medals in the National Singing Competition.Aagainst; with Bwith; onCwith; in Dagainst; for参考答案:D19. -I m not good at singing, you know.-_ . Its just for fun.A. All right B. No problem C. Come on D. Cheer up参考答案:C二、 书面表达20. 近来,你所在的学校调查发现很多同学缺乏地震的基本知识,对此学校很是担心,于是要求在学生中普及这种知识,同时你班学生也进行了热烈的讨论,请你根据下表写一篇短文,并说明你的观点。一些同学没有必要学习关于地震的知识,只要自己小心就够了,更何况学习任务这么重。另外一些同学学习关于地震的知识不仅可以在紧急情况下帮助自己,也可以帮助别人,没有人能预测会在何时何地发生地震。注意:1 文章应该包括以上所有信息,但不必逐条翻译。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.词数:120左右。参考词汇:popularization普及 参考答案:Recently, a survey has been carried out showing that a lot of students are short of earthquake knowledge, which worries the school so much that popularization of such knowledge is to be required among the students. Meanwhile a heated discussion is being held in our class and different students hold different opinions. Some students believe that it is not necessary to learn such knowledge on condition that they are careful enough. Heavily loaded with so much work, why dont students spend more time on studies? While some others hold the opinion that the earthquake knowledge could not only help themselves but also help others whenever there are emergencies. In their opinion, nobody in the world could predict when and where an earthquake will happen, in which case such knowledge is badly needed.Personally, I fully approve of the latter. Such knowledge, undoubtedly, is a must for everyone because it really counts when an earthquake comes. 三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Did you know the meaning of a word may change over time? Many English words we know now had different meanin
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