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九年级英语上册 Unit1-4复习内容1、 根据中文意思写出单词或短语单词adj.金色的n.聪明人n.一顿饭n.皇冠n.天文学家v.分享n.pl.奥运会n.天才n.决定n.同意v.认为n.pl.个人财产n.证实n.理解力v.指望n.罐n.幽默adv.在国外v.不能肯定n.邀请n.商务adj.真的n.学说adj.个人的n.真相n.(综合性)大学v.安排v.好像n.乐事n.女儿v.解决v.避免v.介意v.装满n.讲座adj.流行的n.碗adv.在今夜n.流行款式v.替代n.观众adj.过时的det.较少的v.信任v.熨n.金属n.座位n.公开活动adj.确定的n.鼓掌v.认为n.监狱adj.苍白的adv.也n.拳击(运动)n.成就n.关系n.赛马(运动)n.宇宙v.邀请n.摔跤运动n.哲学家v. 需付费v.打v.服从n.类型adj.勇敢的v.减少adj.在线的n.标点符号adv.精确地n.模特儿adj.正确的n.情节n.规定饮食n.错误n.优势conj.虽然v.懊悔adj.尴尬的adj.很坏的adj.惭愧v.建议adj.使生气的n.情况adj.很生气v.不及格n.pl.牙箍n.杂乱adj.粗心造成的v.厌恶n.考试n.评论pron.没有一个adj.有礼貌的n.要求短语(对某人或事物)满意的用把装满溢出把关进监狱确保幽默感使失望单凭记忆坐下轻而易举参加丝毫不知道处于困境跟某人开玩笑转折点一系列帮着做出差对没有兴趣节食嘲笑对感到羞愧让某人受不了搞得一塌糊涂格格不入与某人无关收到某人的信件2、 语篇填词( A )One day, two women came to King Solomon with a baby boy. Both women said the boy was their son. No one knew which woman was telling the t_.King Solomon ordered a soldier to cut the boy in half, and divide the boy between the two women.The first woman said, “Go ahead. That s_ fair.” However, the second woman was f_ with fear. “No!” she shouted. “Dont kill him! Let the other woman have him.King Solomon stopped the soldier. “Give the boy to the second woman,” he said. “Im c_ that shes his r_ mother.” The woman took the baby boy home happily. Everyone was amazed at how King Solomon s_ this problem.( B )17th MarchEarlier t_ , my friend offered me a icket for Dr Yangs lecture at the u_, so I decided to go. Many people c_ Dr Yang one of the cleverest women in the world. She did not let me down. The l_ was very successful.She also has a great s_ of humour and made many people laugh. She received a lot of applause at the end.( C )Dear Bob,Im writing to ask if youd like to be my friend. My name is Alisha. I live in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.I s_ that my family isnt very rich. We dont have many possessions. Our television is c_, and I dont get much pocket money. But I dont m_, as were a very close family. I have an excellent r_ with my mother and father, so Im happy.My teacher suggested that I should get a friend from a_ to help improve my English. This idea seems to make sense. I hope youll write back soon.Best wishes,Alisha( D )Paul: Hey Joe, why do people write to Aunt Linda?Joe: Because many people have a_ problem. However, sometimes they feel a_ of talking to friends or parents, so they write to Aunt Linda. She s_ ways to help them. People are usually happy to get her advice.Paul: Well, I have a problem too. Maybe I should write to Aunt Linda.Joe: Whats your problem? Maybe I can help you.Paul: Its about my elder sister. She wants to lose weight. Now shes on a d_. She doesnt eat much all day. She used to be full of energy, but now shes always tired, and her room is a m_. Im worried about her.3、 完成句子1. 昨天Sunny花了3个小时给女儿画了一幅画。Sunny _ there hours _ _ a picture for her daughter yesterday.2. 当别人处于困境中时,我们不应该嘲笑他们。We shouldnt _ _ others when they are _ _.3. 他的老师对他很满意。His teacher is_ _ _ him.4. 请把我的杯子倒满茶。Please _ my cup _ tea.5. 井满而水溢。When the well is full, water will _ _.6. 警察把那个小偷关进了监狱。The policeman _ the thief _ _.7. 确保不让他们知道我们的计划。_ _ that they know nothing about our plan.8. 我的教练极具幽默感。My coach has a good _ _ _.9. 我希望我不会令你失望。I hope I wont _ _ _.10. 她已经把整个故事都背熟了。She has learnt the whole story _ _.11. 女士们、先生们,请就座,表演就要开始了。Ladies and gentlemen, please _ _ _; the show will begin soon.12. 那个男孩轻而易举地回答了那个难题。The boy answered the difficult question _ _.13. 老师将参加我们的讨论。The teacher will _ _ our discussion.14. 她很害羞,一点儿也不知道如何与人交谈。Shes shy and she _ _ _ how to talk to people.15. 他如果不能按时完成工作就麻烦了。If he cant finish the work on time, he will _ _ _.16. 他喜欢开朋友们的玩笑。He likes to _ _ _ his friends.17. 在经历了一连串的失败之后,他终于成为一位成功的作家。After _ _ _ failures, he has finally become a successful writer.18. 你多久帮着做一次家务?How often do you _ _ the housework?19. 这些天我爸爸在北京出差
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