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Unit11阅读理解+阅读还原专项训练人教版英语九年级全册一、阅读单选A When someone says youre humorous, it means you are given a great gift a sense of humor. It is generally considered the most valuable personality(个性). A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers, or like a dish without salt. In a way, your personality lies in your sense of humor.Humor answers your question and makes you think outside the box. One day, a young painter went to visit the famous German painter Adolpyh Menzel and said to him, “I cant understand why I only spend one day on a painting but have to wait for one year to sell it out?” Menzel said, “My dear, please try to turn upside down your mind. If you spend one year on it, you can sell it in a day.” With these humorous words, your worries may go away like smoke, and you could be full of energy once again.Humor can help you when you are underprovocation. Sometimes, people make trouble on purpose. One day the famous German poet Goethe met a critic(批评家) in a small road. The critic said to Goethe, “You know, Ive never given a way to a stupid man.” Goethe answered, “But I am the opposite of you.” Then he moved on his side and let the critic pass by. As you see, humor gives a lesson to those who want to laugh at others.People with a good sense of humor may become wise and creative. People with a good sense of humor look happier and healthier. A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives hope and pleasure to life to make it worth living.1According to Paragraph , humor is _.AdifficultBrelaxingCimportantDexpensive2What does the underlined word “provocation” in Paragraph mean in Chinese?A挑衅B感化C怂恿D教训3According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AHumor cannot cheer you up easily.BHumor helps you think in the same way.CHumor guides you to happiness and health.DHumor gives a lesson to those who cant help laughing.4Which picture shows the structure(结构) of the passage?ABCD5What is the best title of the passage?AThe Pleasure of LifeBThe Value of HumorCThe Stories of HappinessDThe Stories of Humorous PeopleBMy Favorite Sweaterby Bonnie High smith TaylorMy favorite sweater grew too small.I love that sweater best of all.My grandma made it when I was three.She made that sweater just for me.I picked the yarn (纱线), a special blue.The color of bluebells, wet with dew (露珠).When I was three I was very small.But now Im five and much too tall.I have a new jacket now thats green.So I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.Queen just had kittens out in the shed (小屋).My favorite sweater is now their bed.6What is the most likely (最可能的) reason the sweater is the girls favorite?AThe girls grandma made it.BThe girl got it a the age of three.CThe yarn is the color of bluebells.DThe cat Queen uses it for the kittens.7Why does the girl give the sweater away?AThe girl is tired of the sweater.BThe girl wants her grandma to make a new sweater.CThe girl likes her new jacket better than the sweater.DThe sweater is too small to wear.8What will most likely happen to the green jacket?AThe jacket will become too small.BThe kittens will use the jacket for a bed.CThe girl will sell the jacket.DThe jacket will become the girls favorite.9Read this line from the poem, “My favorite sweater grew too small” What does this line mean?AThe girl likes small sweaters.BThe girls sweater became smaller than it once was.CThe girls grandma made a small sweater.DThe girl became too big for the sweater.10Read this line from the poem, “Queen just had kittens out in the shed.” The word “shed” in this line maybe means _.Athe girls sweaterBthe girls jacketCthe cats houseDthe cats sweaterC After dinner, my wife(妻子)gives me a telephone and asks me to call a woman. She says, “its good for you to see her tomorrow and have dinner with her.” These days I have many things to do. I know you dont have much time but the woman needs you, Bob” She says, “She is very old now. You need to spend (花费) time with her.” She is right, so I call the woman and ask her to have dinner with me, she says “OK”.The next day, I see the woman. She is very tidy. She is in nice clothes and her hair is very neat(整齐的). I take her to a restaurant. We have dinner and have a talk(谈话). She is a nice woman. We have a good time. Then I take her to her home. She is very happy.The woman is my mother. She is seventy-five years old now. She doesnt want to live with us. So, she lives with her dog. She does many things for me, for my family. She is a great mother.Thanks, mom. Thank you for what you do for me and my family. I want to say, I love you.11My wife asks me to call _.Aa womanBa manCa boyDa girl12What does the underlined word “tidy ”in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A整洁的B慷慨的C善良的D勇敢的13Which of the follow
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