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AbstractMathematics is not an isolated teaching and learning, simple knowledge imparting, should pay attention to acquire knowledge method, infiltrate mathematics thought, teach the student how to learn. Mathematical modeling is the depiction of the reality in mathematics. Through the abstraction and simplification of the real problems, the general mathematical model is generalized to deduce and promote the new theory and apply it to real life.The idea of mathematical modeling is to simplify and describe the world. Simplify the problem, take the key factor research, and then use the concise mathematical language description; To reveal the laws of change in the world. Mathematical modeling mainly describes the relationship between each quantity, especially the variation law between variables. The process of understanding the world. The process of reduction formula can make mathematics lively and lively. It promotes the development of mathematics. Further abstraction of known problems reveals deeper rules, and developed mathematics can explain more complex practical problems.Based on the curriculum standard, this paper analyzes the compulsory and elective textbooks of ordinary high school, and has the following characteristics. It attaches importance to the development of mathematical application consciousness, attaches great importance to the connection with other disciplines, rich in content design, and integrates modern information technology into mathematics class. Through questionnaire survey and teacher interview, the following problems are found: the classification of natural science leads to the fragmentation of culture; The teaching of mathematics is too systematic; Students lack abstraction and quantitative training; The concept of teacher knowledge is deeply rooted. Therefore, the teaching implications for teachers are as follows: in the teaching of mathematics, we should be diligent in practice; To explain the context of knowledge, source and flow; More abstract and quantitative training; To convey methods and ideas through knowledge.Mathematical modeling is reflected in the content of the discovery, promotion and application from three aspects, therefore the way of mathematical modeling into the teaching are: (1) the source in - use the standpoint of mathematical modeling teaching process of discovery, the source of the mathematics knowledge background; The integration of Ben - teaching the process of generalization with the idea of mathematical modeling, expressing the knowledge of mathematics itself; Flow integration - the process of using mathematical modeling to teach the application and apply it to practical problems. Through some concrete mathematical modeling ideas to integrate into the teaching application case, summarize reflection: teaching needs to convey the method and thought through knowledge; Focus on cultivating students problem consciousness.Key words: mathematical modeling; High school mathematics teaching; The source of this flow目 录摘要iAbstractII第一章 绪论- 1 -问题提出的背景- 1 -研究综述- 2 -研究的理论基础- 3 -建构主义学习理论- 3 -弗赖登塔尔教育思想- 3 -多元智能理论- 4 -问题解决理论- 4 -选题的意义及研究方法- 4 -选题意义- 4 -研究方法- 5 -研究内容- 5 -第二章 数学建模思想融入高中数学教学的必要性- 6 -数学建模思想的内涵- 6 -数学建模等概念- 6 -数学建模思想- 9 - 9 -数学建模思想融入高中数学教学的内容- 11 -数学建模思想融入高中数学教学的意义- 12 -第三章 教学中数学建模思想融入情况调查研究- 14 -教材分析- 14 -学生数学建模思想理解调查- 16 -调查目的- 16 -调查方法- 17 -调查结论及分析- 17 -教师应用数学建模思想教学调查- 18 -调查目的- 18 -调查方法- 18 -访谈提纲- 18 -调查结论及启示- 19 -第四章 数学建模思想融入高中数学教学的途径- 22 -4.1“源”用数学建模思想分析数学知识点的来源背景- 23 -4.2“本”用数学建模思想表达数学知识点本身- 26 -4.3“流”用数学建模思想应用于实际问题- 27 - 第五章 数学建模思想融入高中数学教学应用案例- 29 -导数的概念- 29 -等比数列前n项和公式探讨- 30 -向量的应用- 32 -结 语- 34 -参考文献- 35 -致 谢- 36 -附录A- 37 -第一章 绪论问题提出的背景2013年在群众中有很大的呼声:高考取消英语。为此有网友在网上做了关于“高考是否取消数学”的调查,统计结果显示有70%的调查者要求高考取消数学 DB/OL。这说明有70%的人厌恶数学,70%或更多的人意识不到数学的重要性,大多人生活中不用数学。我们的教育出了问题,数学老师更有责任。数学课堂上大量的从“概念”到“概念”体系化教学,让学生感到数学难学,尤其一些数学基础薄弱的学生,很容易丧失学习数学的信心。数学问题的多变性,往往让学生感到措手不及,明明上课认真听讲,把老师讲的都记下来了,稍加些变形就不会了。课后进行“题海战术”,不过这貌似并没有使情况得到很好的改善,还花费了大量的宝贵时间,尤其对于高中生来说,在高考的压力下,众多门学科的学习,显然题海战术已不再是最优法宝。新高考趋势将加强数学与现实生活的联系,解题方法多样,答案不唯一。例如2017年高考全国理科卷,体现了综合性、创新性和应用性。如19题数学应用问题贴近生活、贴近学生,高考不再是考纯公式、定理,更注重社会发展,考察学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力,对其创新精神和实践能力有更高的要求。笔者在辰溪县第二中学参加特岗服务支教的过程中,发现部分学生努力刻苦学习,然而数学学习的效果并不显著,问题出在哪儿?如何有效地提高数学学习效率?如何帮助学生掌握学习的方法?笔者基于近四年的教学经历,拟定研究方向,以期寻找解决办法。研究综述数学建模近些年在国内越演愈热,关于数学建模方面的文章也越来越多,涉及的范围也越来越广,不仅是出现在大学里,也出现在中小学中,越来越多的人开始关注数学建模,意识到它对于教学的价值。大学里教程里,姜启源主编的数学模型,阐述数学模型的种类及相关建模案例,对大学生开展数学建模比赛具有指导意义姜启源,谢金星,叶俊.数学模型M.北京:高等教育出版社, 2011: 1-18.。曹一鸣,张春生主编的数学教学论谈及数学教育热点问题研究,其中包括“数学建模与数学教育”,论述开展数学建模教育的作用。郭伟主编的数学建模思想方法及其问题研究,将建模的思想方法分为传统、软件及其他等思想。传统思想方法与“小数据”建模问题,软件思想方法与“大数据”建模问题,其他思想与“无数据”建模问题郭伟.数学建模思想方法及其问题研究M.长春:吉林大学出版社, 2017: 1-34.。张世斌主编的数学建模的思想和方法一书中,阐述模型与建模的异同,数学建模的一般步骤,在实例中分析求解数学建模问题与求解数学问题的差别张世斌.数学建模的思想和方法M.上海:上海交通大学出版社, 2015: 1-64.。一线老师中,北京大学附属中学的张思明老师,称为
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