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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中非谓语动词练习100题(一)1. The park was large, _by a fence and shaded by all trees. A. surrounding B. surrounded C. was surrounded D. to be surrounded2. In Australia, many road signs are both in English and Chinese, _ it easier for Chinese tourists to travel.A. making B. made C. make D. makes3. ._ the right decision _ the future is probably an important thing we will ever do in our lives.A. Making; concerned B. Make ; concerning C. To make, concerned D. Making; concerning4. This page needed_ again.A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked5. _your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.A. Understanding B. To be understoodC. Being understood D. Having understood6. Twenty scientists were reported _the top prize at the 2015 State Science and Technology Awards in Beijing on January 9th, 2016A. to award B. to be awarded C. to have been awarded D. to have awarded7. _nearly all our country, we couldnt afford to stay at home.A. Having spent B. To spend C. Spent D. To have spent8. With his attention _ on his book, he didnt notice someone entering his room.A. concentrating B. concentrated C. to concentrate D. concentrates9. -Mary has caught a bad cold.-Has she? I regret _her to put on more clothes yesterday.A. not to remind B. not to be reminded C. not reminding D. not being reminded10. Meyer and his team were the first _ how the disease spreads from animals to humans.A. showing B. show C. to show D. shown11. The terrible earthquake struck the southwest of the country last week,_6 deaths and hundreds of injuries. A. causing B. to cause C. caused D. having caused12. _ from the Song Dynasty, the Confucian Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a famous scenic spot, _ sightseeing, shopping and tasty foods.A. Having dated; featured B. Dating; featuringC. Dating; having featured D. Dated; featuring13. Johnson is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice! A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking14. Pack up the items youd like _ along and leave behind those you dislike _ with you on your journey.A. to take; to take B. taking; taking C. to take; taking D. taking; to take 15. Shall we go out to play in the park this weekend? Oh, with so much work_, I dont know if I can go with you.A. to do B. doing C. done D. do16. Please remind me some eggs for the coming party.A. buy B. to buy C. of buying D. for buying17. _ understand fully how film reacts to light, it is necessary to study the chemicals in the film.A. In order to B. So as to C. So that D. In order that18. Once _ as an economic resource, the River Thames was polluted, _ disease and death everywhere.A. known; caused B. knowing; to cause C. known; causing D. knowing; causing19. Life is like riding a bicycle. _ your balance, you must keep moving. A. Keeping B. To keep C. Keep D. Being kept 20. Its important for the figures _ regularly.A. to be updated B. to have been updated C. to update D. to have updated21. More attention should be paid _ the wild animals.A to protecting B to protect C protect D protecting22. Nobody can imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. A. walking B. to walk C. walked D. to walking23. Polly felt a rough hand brush her cheek, and she heard a mans voice _ Sorry. A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said24. All these donations must be delivered immediately_in time for Christmas.Aso as to have received Bin order to be receivedCso as to receive Din order to be receiving25. Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online _ their valuable time. A. save B. saving C. to save D. saved26. _ only by exam results, the school is the best one in our city.A. Judge B. Judging C. Judged D. To judge27. Social attention should be paid_our earth from .A.to preventing;being polluted B.to prevent;pollutingC.to prevent;being polluted D.to preventing;polluted28. To keep fit, the old man makes it a rule _ for a walk after supper every dayAgoingBto goCgoDgone29. When we speak English today, we sometimes feel puzzled about which words or phrases_.A.use B.using C.to use D.to be used30. I was watching the clock all t
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