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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 大英翻译习题答案Unit 1 (P14)1. You should be focused on your study.你们要集中精力学习。2. For young people, education does count.对于年轻人来说,教育很重要。3. We study many subjects in this vocational school.我们在这所职业学校里要学习许多课程。4. To my surprise, the old man still studies English at such an old age.让我惊讶的是,老人这么大年纪还在学习外语。5. When we want knowledge as badly as we want to breathe, then we shall be wise and learned.当我们渴望知识就如同我们渴望呼吸一样,就能变得有智慧,有学问。Unit 2 (P32)1. What he says hurts his friends feelings.他的一番话伤了朋友的感情2. John means a lot to Bill because he often helped him a lot.约翰对比尔来说很重要,因为他总是给比尔许多帮助。3. We all have sympathy for her.我们大家都很同情她。4. Mary likes to share her happiness with her friends.玛丽喜欢同朋友们分享快乐。5. I look forward to meeting him again.我期盼着再见到他。Unit 3 (P48-49)1. When you visit your foreign teacher, you may present him with a small cultural gift.在拜访外教时,你可以送他一件小文化礼物。2. You can give the host a bottle of wine as a gift only when you know that the host drinks wine.只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒。3. I received many beautiful gifts at one time when I celebrated my birthday last year.去年过生日的时候,我一次收到许多漂亮的礼物。4. The girl came across a flower shop and bought her grandmother some flowers there.女孩见到一家花店,就为他的祖母买了一些鲜花。5. We should give our parents some small gifts to show our love for them.我们应该送点小礼物给爸爸妈妈,以表示对父母的爱。Unit 4 (P68)1. Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character.米老鼠是我喜欢的动画人物。2. Chinese movies are quite popular in American and European countries now。现在中国电影在欧美国家很受欢迎。3. Cartoon/Animated film bring people amusement and laughter.动画片给人们带来娱乐。4. She has begun to appear in many scene roles at the age of 6.6岁她就开始在电影里扮演角色了。5. The fans were very excited when the movie star appeared in public.当这位影星出现在大家面前时,影星们非常激动。Unit 5 (P 87)1. As far as we know, the earth is the only planet where people can live.就我们所知,地球是人类唯一可以居住的星球。2. The field was covered with a thin layer of snow.田野被一层薄薄的雪覆盖着。3. There are a lot of cars in big cities. They seriously pollute the air.大城市汽车很多,严重污染了空气。4. The children protect their mother earth in their own ways.孩子们以自己的方式保护他们的地球母亲。5. Even a small thing we do can make a difference to the environment.即使是一件小事情,也可以使环境改观。Unit 6 (P 104)1. I worked at a factory during the summer vocation and the boss gave us a free lunch.暑假里我在一家工厂打工,老板提供免费午餐。2. He is in charge of the companys website.在公司里他负责维护网站。3. The restaurant is in need of several waiters.这家餐厅需要招聘几个服务生。4. We study at school and at the same time so part-time job in shops or companies.我们在学校里读书,同时也做一些兼职,到商店霍公司打工。5. Students often earn some money by working as a tutor.学生们常常做家教挣点钱Unit 7 (P 121)1. My father now pays great attention to his weight.爸爸现在非常注意他的体重。2. Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods if you want to stay healthy.如果你要保持健康,每天一定得摄入营养均衡的食物。3. Aerobic exercise is fit for many people.有氧运动适合许多人。4. My grandparents are quite healthy and they travel from time to time.我爷爷和奶奶的身体很好。他们还时不时地外出旅游。5. Experts believe that fitness walking is good for people in many ways.专家们认为健身走路在许多方面有益于健康。Unit 8 (P 138)1. Although no one appreciated Schultzs artwork, he was sure to his ability.尽管没有人欣赏舒尔茨的作品,但他仍然相信自己的能力。2. Before the first Harry Potter was published, it had been rejected many times.哈利。波特第一本书在出版前曾多次被人拒绝。3. Alice didnt lose heart. She made up her mind to become a real artist.爱丽斯没有灰心,她下定决心要成为一位真正的艺术家。4. That ordinary man did something unusual and became famous.那个普通人做出不同寻常的事,成了名人。5. It was Annes belief that the good will win out in the long run.安妮的信念是善良最终获得胜利Unit 9 (P158)1. They intended/planned to set off home early the next morning for Spring Festival.他们打算明天一早就动身回家过春节。2. We have packed up the gifts for our grandparents and want to give them a surprise on New Years Day.我们包装好给爷爷和奶奶的礼物,要给他们一个新年的惊喜。3. On Christmas Eve, we walked form place to place in the center of the city and enjoyed different kinds of performances.圣诞夜时,我们在市中心四处走动,观赏各种表演。4. On the New Years Eve, families are supposed to get together and have a family reunion dinner.除夕之夜,家人们会聚在一起吃年夜饭5. The celebration ended with a fireworks display.这场庆典以焰火表演结束。4 / 4
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