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湖北省咸宁市杨家岭镇中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Why didnt you come to the party? I had meant _, but something unexpected happened. A. so B. that C. not D. to参考答案:D略2. With Fathers Day around the corner ,I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought参考答案:B3. New policies, _ to insure that compulsory education is truly free, _ by the local government across China since the start of school on September 1.Aintending; have been made known Bintended; have been made knownCintending; are made known Dintended; had made known参考答案:B【详解】考查非谓语动词和时态及语态。句意:自从9月1号开学以来,为了确保义务教育是真的免费的政策已经被全国各地的政府知晓。分析句式结构,第一空处是做policies的定语,且与其是被动关系,此处是过去分词短语做后置定语;根据上文可知,新的政策已经被知道,要用现在完成时,主语是policies,与谓语make known之间是被动关系,要用现在完成时的被动语态,故选B。【点睛】动词作为常考词性,要求考生掌握其精确的用法,在考查其谓语形式是常考动词的时态和语态,语态主要靠分析出主谓关系和动宾关系。对于被动语态首先要知道其基本结构(be done),其次是要根据需要的时态和人称选择be的形式。本小题对时态和语态均进行了考查,要求考生们全面分析试题,不可顾此失彼。4. I prefer a flat in Inverness to _ in Paris, because I want to live near my Moms.A. one B. that C. it D. this 参考答案:A5. -Did you look up the time of trains to Beijing? -Yes,the early train is _to leave at 8:30 pm.A. likely B. about C. possible D. due参考答案:略6. As everyone knows,exercise_better health.Acontributes toBsuffers from Ctakes part in Dapplies for参考答案:A7. My mother always gets a bit _if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C weak D. patient参考答案:A8. -What do you think of the jacket and the hat I wear today?- I dont think this jacket _ you and that your hat _ this jacket perfectly. A.suits;fits B.meets;fits C.matches;suits D.fits;matches参考答案:D略9. She said the plan would work out well. Thats just _ I disagree.A. why B. what C. where D. how 参考答案:C10. The graduation ceremony, which thousands of graduates _ last night, was a success.A. appointed B. absorbed C. attended D. attracted参考答案:C11. Some special projects are _ to protect our environment, so we may be _ to having a clean and beautiful home in the near future.A. on the way; under way B. under way; on the way C. in the way; on the way D. on the way; in the way 参考答案:B12. I failed in the last exam and only then _ the importance of studies. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize 参考答案:D略13. Have you heard about Apple iPhone 6?SureIt is very hot these daysIm thinking about getting _ _ Aone Bthem Cthat Dit参考答案:A14. We acknowledge that, in general, state-owned companies do have an advantage _ the stability, management, and career prospects they offer.A. in terms of B. in need of C. in charge of D. in praise of参考答案:A15. Did you blame the accident on him?Yes, but Id _.A. better not B. rather not haveC. better not have D. rather not参考答案:B考查虚拟语气。句意: 你把这场事故归咎于他吗? 是的,但是,我情愿我没有这么做。第二个人情愿自己没有将这场事故归咎于他,但实际上他这样做了,故该句考查would rather对过去的虚拟。补充完整为:I would rather not have blamed the accident on him. 省略为I would rather not have。B选项正确。16. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_. A intentionB attempt C purpose D desire 参考答案:B略二、 新的题型17. When the two actors went off the stage, their voices _(消失).参考答案:faded out18. Are people happier in nature with blue skies overhead and fresh green grass underfoot? Could noisy streets, _61_ (crowd) with cars and people, make us unhappy? The World Health Organization estimates that 54 percent of the worlds population lived in urban areas in 2014. The WHO adds that that amount _62_ (increase) to 66 percent by 2050.People often move to cities for _63_ (good) jobs and more cultural activities. But are they putting _64_ (they) at risk?Experts say that natural environments or green spaces do a lot of good for our mental health.Many studies have shown that nature can calm us and make us feel happy. Nature, experts say, can also help us learn better. And _65_(experience) nature helps people recover from the mental tiredness that _66_(come) from day-to-day work.Mental health experts say some research suggests that city living might hurt our mental health, _67_ they cannot say exactly why. “What are the specific _68_ (aspect) of the urban environment _69_ causes some people to develop mental health issues?” asked AndraMechelli, a doctor at Ki
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