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弥散加权成像eADC值在鉴别诊断前列腺良恶性结节中的应用价值 刘三春 祁英 周之怀摘要 目的 探討磁共振成像(MRI)弥散加权成像(DWI)的指数化表观弥散系数(eADC)鉴别诊断前列腺良恶性结节的可行性。 方法 选择2016年11月2019年7月在蚌埠医学院第二附属医院行MRI DWI检查的前列腺癌和前列腺增生患者各50例,所有病例均经病理证实。比较分析良、恶性前列腺病变的DWI信号、表观弥散系数(ADC)值及eADC值,采用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)得出ADC和eADC最佳诊断分界点。 结果 50例前列腺增生患者,增生结节位于中央带和移行带,T2压脂呈不均匀混杂信号,边界欠清晰,DWI呈等或稍高信号,ADC图呈稍高信号,eADC图呈低信号。50例前列腺癌患者中,癌结节12例位于周围带,7例位于中央带,5例跨叶生长,6例呈多发结节,20例呈弥漫性生长,2例出现骨转移,1例出现骨转移加淋巴结转移,癌结节T2压脂呈低信号或稍低信号,大部边界较清晰,DWI呈高或稍高信号,ADC图呈显著低信号,eADC图呈高信号。前列腺癌的ADC均值低于前列腺增生的ADC均值,差异有高度统计学意义(P 0.01),ADC值以1.24510-3 mm2/s为最佳诊断阈值,敏感度94.6%,特异度90.0%;前列腺癌eADC均值高于前列腺增生的eADC均值,差异有高度统计学意义(P 0.01),eADC值以0.395为阈值,敏感度为95.2%,特异度为91.5%。ADC和eADC诊断效能接近。 结论 eADC图具有与ADC图相近的效能,且消除了T2透过效应,提高了组织对比度,是评估前列腺癌的一个更有价值的参考指标。关键词 前列腺癌;前列腺增生;弥散加权成像;指数化表观弥散系数;表观弥散系数 R737.25 A 1673-7210(2020)02(a)-0159-04Abstract Objective To investigate the feasibility of differential diagnosis of benign and malignant prostate nodules by the exponential apparent dispersion coefficient (eADC) of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Methods From November 2016 to July 2019, 50 prostate cancer patients and 50 benign prostatic hyperplasia patients were selected for MRI DWI examination in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, all of which were confirmed by pathology. DWI signal, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value and eADC value of benign and malignant prostate lesions were compared and analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to obtain the optimal diagnostic cut-off points of ADC and eADC. Results In the 50 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, the hyperplasia nodules were located in the central zone and the transitional zone, and the T2 lipid pressure presented heterogeneous mixed signals with unclear boundaries. DWI showed equal or slightly higher signals, ADC image showed slightly higher signals, and eADC image showed low signals. Among the 50 patients with prostate cancer, cancer nodules were located in the peripheral zone in 12 cases, central zone in 7 cases, translobular growth in 5 cases, multiple nodules in 6 cases, diffuse growth in 20 cases, bone metastasis in 2 cases, bone metastasis plus lymph node metastasis in 1 case. The T2 lipid pressure of the cancer nodule presented low or slightly low signal, most of the boundary was clear, DWI showed high or slightly high signal, ADC image showed significantly low signal, and eADC image showed high signal. The mean ADC image value of prostate cancer was lower than that of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the difference was highly significant (P 0.01). ADC value was 1.24510-3 mm2/s as the best diagnostic threshold, with a sensitivity of 94.6% and specificity of 90.0%. The mean value of eADC of prostate cancer was higher than that of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the difference was highly significant (P 0.01). The threshold value of eADC was 0.395, with a sensitivity of 95.2% and specificity of 91.5%. The diagnostic efficacy of ADC and eADC was close. Conclusion The eADC image has similar efficacy with ADC image, eliminates the T2 transmission effect and improves tissue contrast, making it a more valuable reference for the evaluation of prostate cancer.Key words Prostate cancer; Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Diffusion weighted imaging; Exponential apparent diffusion coefficient; Apparent diffusion coefficient前列腺良恶性结节的鉴别主要包括前列腺增生和前列腺癌,前列腺增生好发于中央带,前列腺癌好发于周围带1-2,众所周知磁共振成像(MRI)已常规应用于临床检查前列腺病变3-4,常规MRI检查对周围带的前列腺癌有较高的敏感度和特异性,而对中央带前列腺癌缺乏特异性,MRI弥散加权成像(DWI)在前列腺的应用中具有较高的价值,可以发现早期病变,其表观弥散系数(ADC)值对弥散程度进行量化,反应受限程度,ADC越低,说明恶性程度越高5。DWI联合ADC值可以提高敏感度6。指数化表观弥散系数(eADC)可以避免T2透过效应,提高图像信噪比,保留了原始DWI图的特征,适合临床医生观察病变的习惯,具有较高的临床价值,目前国外仅有少量文献将eADC用于前列腺癌中的诊断7。本文利用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)曲线,分析ADC和eADC在鉴别前列腺良恶性结节中的效能,并获得最佳诊断临界点。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料选择2016年11月2019年7月在蚌埠医学院第二附属医院行MRI DWI检查的前列腺癌和前列腺增生患者各50例,所有病例均经病理证实。前列腺癌患者年龄5195岁,平均(73.29.6)岁;前列腺增生患者年龄4694岁,平均(68.99.4)岁。患者临床症状有尿频、尿不尽、夜尿增多,部分患者体检时发现前列腺特异抗原(PSA)升高而就诊。纳入标准:MRI与手术间隔时间2个月;患者签署知情同意书。排除标准:有前列腺手术史;检查前,有前列腺穿刺史;有前列腺炎症者。1.2 检查方法1.2.1 MRI检查 应用GE 1.5T HDXT MRI成像设备。扫描前嘱患者憋少量尿。扫描时使用腹部专用体表线圈;患者仰卧于扫描床上,足先进,线圈中心对准耻骨联合。扫描所用序列及参数:横断位T1WI(TR440,TE14.1,矩阵320192,NEX2),T2压脂(TR3200,TE71.0),DWI(b=0和700,TR4600,TE70.1,矩阵128128,Diffusion Direction ALL,NEX4),4.5 mm层厚和2 mm间距;冠状位T2压脂(TR4640,TE85.3,矩阵288192,NEX4),4 mm层厚和1.5 mm间距;矢状位T2WI(TR4600,TE134.5,矩阵288224,NEX2),层厚5 mm和1.5 mm间距。检查完成后在飞利浦星云后处理工作站进行重建获得灰阶的ADC图和eADC图。1.2.2 病理检查 在彩超定位下经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术或前列腺电切术获取病灶组织。病理诊断采用苏木精-伊红(HE)染色(脱蜡,覆水,苏木精染色,5%乙酸分化,返蓝,伊红染色,脱水,滴上中性树胶、封片),放大40倍。1.3 图像判断检查完成后,由2名MRI高年资主治医师进行双盲法阅片。结合T2压脂序列和DWI图像,分析ADC图和eADC图的图像表现,讨论后对病灶做出定性诊断。在诊断过程中,在星云后处理工作站上分别测量ADC值和eADC值作为参考指标,对每个可疑病灶分别进行2次测量,测量范围位于病灶轮廓内,取均值作为测量结果,进行统计学分析,并与临床病理结果进行比较。1.4 统计学方法采用SPSS 20.0统计学软件对所得数据进行分析,计量资料采用均数标准差(xs)表示,前列腺癌结节与前列腺增生结节之间的ADC值和eADC值比较,采用独立样本t检验,分别计算两者的灵敏度和特异度,灵敏度=真阳性人数/(真阳性人数+假阴性人数)100%,特异度=真阴性人数/(真阴性人数+假阳性人数)100%。根据约登指数最大值,分别计算ADC值和eADC值的诊断阈值,对两者的诊断效能进
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