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2020年天津板桥中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. How long have you been teaching in High School Affiliated to Southwest University?_ I graduated from Southwest University.A. WhenB. By the timeC. UntilD. Ever since参考答案:D2. I found the place where he had hidden the money_.A. by accident B. by nature C. by the way D. by turns参考答案:A略3. -How much is the new TV set? -$ 295, not _ the tax.A. included B. including C. includes D. being included 参考答案:B4. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _.A. not to doB. not doC. not toD. do not参考答案:【答案】29. Youd better _ your scores and see if you have passed the exam. A. add B. add to C. add up D. add up to参考答案:C略6. We should not _ small mistakes, or they might lead to big accidents.A. swap B. ignore C. recover D. dislike参考答案:B略7. After hearing the suspects(嫌犯) _ reasons, the lawyer became _ that he hadnt been linked to the murder.A. convinced; convinced B. convincing; convincing C. convincing; convinced D. convinced; convincing参考答案:C8. -_ you go so soon? -Yes, I _. ACan; must B. Must; must C. Have to; neednt D. Must; have参考答案:B略9. The modern-day cookie _ about 200 years ago, with the introduction of tea and coffee into Europe.Acame up with Bcame into being Ccame out of Dcame down to参考答案:B10. My income is _ yours. A. as much twice as B. much as twice asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as参考答案:C略11. We can drive a car forwards or backwards,but not_.Astraight BaheadCimmediately Dsideways参考答案:D句意为:我们开车可以向前或后退,但不能侧着开。straight笔直地;ahead向前;immediately立刻;sideways侧着。此句用sideways与forwards和backwards形成对比。12. My hometown has changed so much that I cant _ it.Aknow Bunderstand Crecognize Drealize参考答案:C句意:我的家乡变化太大了,我都认不出来了。know知道,了解;understand明白,理解;recognize认出;realize意识到。13. Im a newcomer here. Id appreciate _ if you tell me something about the old town. A. one B. that C. this D. it 参考答案:D14. Mr. Stevenson is great to work for -I really couldnt ask for a _ boss.A. worse B. better C. best D. worst 参考答案:B 15. MrBlack was neither as slim _ as healthy as I wasAor Band Cbut Dnor参考答案:D16. I was about the classroom the head teacher stopped me.Aleaving; whenBleave; whileCto leave; when Dto leaving; while参考答案:C17. Follow your doctors advice, _your cough will get worse. A. then B. and C. or D. so参考答案:C18. Learning English well is very important._ It can help you find a good job.A. Why not? B. Really? C. No way! D. Thats right.参考答案:D略二、 书面表达19. 随着中国国际地位的提高, 世界各地掀起了学汉语的热潮,美国也不例外. 假如你叫李津, 你的美国网友Mike通过e-mail告诉你他学汉语方面的困难:口语不怎么好,听力差,写作能力最差。请你回一封e-mail给他提出一些行之有效的建议。你的建议:口语:每天说,每天背一定量的常用语; 写作:多读简易读物并做笔记,每天写一点东西,如日记等。要求:1. 词数: 不少于100词;2. 不要逐字译成英文,为使行文流畅可适当增加细节;3. E-mail 的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mike, How nice to hear from you! In your letter you talked about your difficulties with your Chinese learning. Hoping they will do some good to your Chinese learning. Best wishes!Li Jin参考答案:Dear Mike, How nice to hear from you! In your letter you talked about your difficulties with your Chinese learning. Well, my advice is that first you practice speaking Chinese every day for at least 15 minutes and learn some everyday Chinese by heart. Then, it is a must to listen to some easy tapes for 20 minutes every day at first. Then one day if you think its time for more difficult ones, you can listen to some advanced Chinese. As for writing, youd better do some simple reading as much as you can and take as many notes as possible, which will be of much help. Besides, writing something in Chinese every day, such as keeping diaries, will greatly improve your writing skills as well as the way you think in Chinese. Hoping they will do some good to your Chinese learning.Best wishes!Li Jin20. 假设你是高一学生李华,高中入学以来,英语老师要求每位学生定期背诵英语课文,但你对此不太赞同,对于每次的背书任务很是苦恼。请给一个英语杂志的建议专栏(Advice Colum)的编辑Cathy写封信,向她寻求帮助。要点包括:1. 倾诉你的问题;2. 询问Cathy对背英语课文的看法;3. 向Cathy寻求建议。注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。Dear Cathy, _
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