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2020年安徽省蚌埠市华圩中学高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ as our representative is in our expectation.A. Him being elected B. He being elected C. His being elected D. His electing参考答案:C略2. Many people are not_the danger of their childrens bad habits, which lead to failing to make their dreams come true.Awell aware to Bvery aware of Caware that Dwell aware of参考答案:D3. If only I _ how to operate an electronic computer as you do. A. had known B. would know C. should know D. knew 参考答案:D 4. John is interested in eco-travel and _.Aso his brother is Bso is his brotherChis brother is so Dso his brother does参考答案:B5. When I was about to go out, something unusual _ my attention. A. caught B. attracted C. drew D. all of the above参考答案:D略6. I regret _ you that my daughter has already regretted _ out with you. So leave her alone and dont bother her any more. A. telling; dating B. to tell; to date C. to tell; dating D. telling; to date 参考答案:C略7. Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?Yes, _ , Im going to visit some homes for the old in the city.A. if ever B. if anything C. if possible D. if busy参考答案:C8. Her clothing I cant recall. Her voice, _ , is permanently imprinted in my mind.A. for another B. but C. while D. on the other hand参考答案:D9. - Do you think the sweet potatoes cooked in bamboo leaves are delicious?- What? Oh, Im sorry. I _ about Maoris ancient beliefs.A. read B. was reading C. was going to read D. am going to read参考答案:B10. People like taking photos because photos are the _ of youth and history and can remind us of many happy scenes.A. witness B. guidance C. evidence D. approval参考答案:A11. Its a rule for all the students to _ their places ahead of 5 minutes waiting for the class to be started.Atake up Bpick up Ckeep up Dgive up参考答案:A略12. After the flood, no house in the village _. A. left standing B. was left to stand C. was remained standing D. remained standing参考答案:D略13. They havent seen each other for ten years, but they still keep in _ contact with each other.A. constantB. Instant C. contentD. consistent参考答案:A14. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_the helplessness for the crew at sea. A.added to B.added up C.made up D.turned up参考答案:A15. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year.A. treated B. have been treated C. had been treated D. have treated 参考答案:B16. Hardly _ the house when he was caught. A. the thief had entered B. entered the thief C. had the thief entered D. was the thief entering 参考答案:C17. I didnt have any trouble _ the old mans house.( )A. to have found B. with finding C. finding D. to find参考答案:C18. Most parents think that computer games have a bad _ on their children Aexpression Binfluence Cimpression Dconclusion参考答案:b略二、 书面表达19. 阅读并概括下面短文的内容。The moment we turn on our televisions we see the famous people not in movies or TV series but in advertisements of particular brands to promote them. Firms invest huge amounts in hiring the right famous people because they can help sell their products. Firms invest lots of money in associating their brands with qualities such as attractiveness and trustworthiness.The use of celebrity endorsements (名人代言) proved to be a popular way to recognize the differences among similar products when consumers do not tell many actual differences among the products. An example of this can be seen by examining recent ads from both Pepsi and Coca-cola. Both have seemingly run out of things to say about their products so they rely heavily on celebrity endorsements.Consumers use these products or purchase them because they have been endorsed by a celebrity. However, too much popularity of the celebrity sometimes makes the brand less noticeable. If a celebrity is involved in more advertisements, it tends to create confusion among the consumers and therefore it may create a negative effect on the understanding of advertisements and the brand.【写作内容】以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,连贯性好,不得抄袭原文。参考答案:Celebrity endorsements are very popular in our daily life. They help consumers tell the differences among similar products. However, they may have some bad effects on consumers, who may misunderstand the advertisements and the brand. (35 words)20. 假如
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