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2014届高考英语二轮专题复习突破:完形填空1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。When I was young I wanted to be a model, so I convinced my parents to take me for an audition (试演)I was 16 by the judges and told I had potentialThey said that for only $900 I could 17 a weekend event that dozens of the most well-known 18 agencies would attendAt 13, my 19 of fame and fortune clouded all judgment and I begged my parents to let me goWe have never been rich, but they saw my 20 and agreedI 21 being signed by some famous model companiesFor months, any boredom or 22 I faced was pushed aside because I knew I would soon have the chance to be a real modelI thought I would grace the 23 of famous magazines!Of course, I wasnt signed, but what 24 most was being told that if I grew to 175 meters I could be a 25 I prayed for a growth spurt (冲刺) 26 I could not imagine giving up my dreamI made a(n) 27 with a local modeling agency and the agent demanded S500 for classes, and S300 for other expensesMy parents only agreed after hours and hours of my 28 The agency sent me out on a few auditions, but with every day I didnt receive a call, I grew more 29 The final straw came in September after I had decided to 30 commercial modelingThere was an open call in New York CityWe spent hours driving and another few hours waiting, only to be told that I was too 31 I was extremely upsetYears later, I 32 that the trip to New York was good as it made me notice I didnt 33 love modeling, just the idea of itI wanted to be 34 and I was naively (天真地) determined to reach an 35 goalThe experience has made me stronger and that will help me later in my life16AselectedBinvitedCignoredDrefused17AwitnessBcelebrateCrecordDattend18AactingBtravelCmodelingDadvertising19AsensesBhopesCattitudesDdoubts20AfortuneBtrainingCpreparationDenthusiasm21AconsideredBimaginedCappreciatedDadmitted22Adisappointment Bembarrassment CexcitementDamusement23AarticlesBsalesCcoversDeditions24AmotivatedBhurtCcomfortedDsatisfied25AgiantBbeautyCdresserDsuccess26AbecauseBthoughCunlessDbefore27AwishBappointmentCcommentDpromise28AcomplainingBquestioningCbeggingDadvising29AdepressedBannoyedCpatientDcurious30Atake inBshow offCput awayDfocus on31AsuitableBworriedCshortDpretty32ArealizedBassumedCconfirmedDdeclared33AgraduallyBeventuallyCextremelyDactually34ArealisticBgenerousCspecialDconsiderate35AimpossibleBimmediateCachievableDideal2.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D),选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A few years after Mom died, Dad handed me a plastic bag. That evening, I 36 the bag to find dozens of shells, each one 37 in white tissue paper and having Moms handwriting.The shells were pretty 38 , but to Mom, they were evidence of her endlessly magical life and 39 me of the seashore trip with her. She was 61 when she 40 these shells, and already showing 41 of the lung disease that would kill her the next year. We knew something was 42 and mom needed an adventure. She suggested a dinner and a movie. But two friends and I had bigger 43 .Mom had been to the ocean only twice, but she 44 the seashore. Her kitchen was decorated with souvenirs from those two trips. I called Mom and told her that we would 45 for Jersey Shore. Mom was so 46 that she screamed and Amber, her dog, who was sitting on her lap was 47 to jump onto the floor.One of my favorite 48 on the road was a discussion about movies. Mom often got the titles wrong. “Ohhhh,” she said, “what was that movie about a teacher at the boys school?” Before anyone could 49 , she shouted, “I remember! The Dead Mans Poet!” I looked in the rearview mirror and saw a back seat full of 50 . “Mom,” I said. “You mean Dead Poets Society?” “Thats it!” Mom yelled. 51 filled the car.Once we got to Stone Harbor, she began to 52 the trip, greeting strangers and spending hours gathering shells. The morning we left, I found her photographing every inch of her bedroom. “I dont ever want to 53 this,” she said.For a long time, Moms shells stayed 54 in a drawer. Last month, I 55 them again while searching for something else. I put them in a visible place as a reminder from a mother who never lost her sense of wonder.36. A received B. opened C. checked D. packed37. A. folded B. included C. trapped D. covered38. A. amazing B. common C. lucky D. funny39. A. reminded B. demanded C. informed D. warned40. A. moved B. protected C. collected D. examined41. A. signals B. scenes C. signs D. sights42. A. wrong B. missing C. st
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