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自制简易下肢制动袋在下肢动脉疾病介入术后的应用研究 叶璐娟 钟琳 刘兴燕 仲香兰 董井秀江西省赣州市人民医院血管疝外科,江西赣州 341000摘要 目的 研究自制简易下肢制动袋在下肢动脉疾病介入术后的应用。 方法 随机选取2015年8月2018年8月我科下肢动脉疾病患者120例,依据随机数字表法分为两组:对照组给予基础常规化护理干预(60例),观察组给予自制简易下肢制动袋(60例),统计分析两组患者的疾病知晓情况、护理满意度、术后并发症的发生情况及二次手术情况、住院时间。 结果 观察组患者的疾病知晓评分、护理满意度评分均显著高于对照组(P0.05),住院时间显著短于对照组(P关键词 护理干预;自制简易下肢制动袋;下肢动脉疾病;介入手术 R473 B 1673-9701(2019)33-0140-03Abstract Objective To study the application of self-made simple lower limb brake bag in the intervention of lower extremity arterial disease. Methods A total of 120 patients with lower extremity arterial disease in our department from August 2015 to August 2018 were randomly selected and divided into two groups according to the random number table. The control group received basic routine nursing intervention(60 cases), and the observation group was given self-made simple lower limb brake bags(60 cases). The disease awareness, nursing satisfaction, the occurrence of postoperative complications and secondary surgery, hospital stay of patients in the two groups were statistically analyzed. Results The disease awareness score and nursing satisfaction score of the observation group were significantly higher than those of the control group(P
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