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2021年山西省晋城市崇实学校高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. Willie has been fired by KFC_ He is late for work five times a week!AHardly surprising! BForget it! CHow come? DWho knows?参考答案:A2. The company takes in any good workers _ sex, age or background.A. regardless of B. on account of C. in terms of D. in spite of 参考答案:A3. I have reached a point in my life I need to decide which way to goAwhere Bwhich Cthat Dwhy参考答案:A4. In the last few years, millions of Apples _all over the world.A. were producedB. have been producedC.are producedD. are being produced参考答案:B5. I cant thank my parents _ much because without their help I _ have achieved my dreamAvery; couldnt Bso; shouldnt Ctoo; wouldnt Dthat; neednt参考答案:B6. It was the third time that the boy _ late. So his teacher got very angry.A. have been B. was C. had been D. was being 参考答案:C略7. The boy was so careless that the glass fell from his hand and it _ on the floor.A. broke in B. broke down C. broke up D. broke out参考答案:C考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个男孩这么不小心,玻璃杯从他手里掉在地板上,摔碎了。break in 闯入,打断,插嘴; break down (汽车,机器)出故障,分解,失败,精神崩溃; break up打碎,(关系)破裂,结束 ; break out爆发,突然发生。8. _around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.AHaving shown BTo be shown CHaving been shown DTo show参考答案:C9. The role of Chinese Dama in the economy has been over-estimated by some western media _ their “gold rush” has had little influence on gold prices.A. so thatB. but thatC. now that D. in that参考答案:D10. Are you going to take part in the speech contest?_ Its too good an opportunity to miss.A. No problem.B. Thats for sure.C. Why me?D. How come?参考答案:B【详解】考查交际用语。句意:你准备参加演讲比赛吗?那当然,这是个不容错过的好机会。A. No problem. 没问题;B. Thats for sure. 那当然,毫无疑问;C. Why me? 为什么是我;D. How come? 为什么,怎么回事。根据后半部分他做出的回答,可知该处应做出爽快的肯定式回答,故选B。【点睛】本题有两个易错点,应引起注意。一是回答中的“tooto”结构,学生可能会据此直接判定为否定,但结合miss(错过)的含义,应为“不容错过的好机会”,类似于双重否定表肯定;二是No problem.与Thats for sure.的辨析,虽然两者都是一种爽快的肯定,但前者更多用于答应别人提出的请求,而后者则用于给予别人问题一个肯定的回答(对别人的说法表示赞同),两者应注意区别。11. Will my daughter be all right soon, doctor?Well, she _ be, if she takes these tablets. A. must B. may Ccan D. should参考答案:D12. Its too late to set out to see a film now. _, we have a lot of homework to do. A. Besides B. However C. Anyhow D. Meanwhile参考答案:11.A 本题考查关联词的用法。根据上下文可判断不去看电影有两个原因,故选besides。 13. _ in the 1800s in the United States, the film became a success when it came out. A. To set B. Setting C. Being set D. Set参考答案:D14. I told Danny it was a bad idea, but hes so_that he just never listens.A. stubbornB. dynamicC. desperateD. considerate参考答案:A【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我告诉丹尼这是个坏主意,但他太固执了,根本不听。A. stubborn固执的;B. dynamic动态的;C. desperate令人绝望的;D. considerate体贴的。由“he just never listens”可知,丹尼很固执。故选A。15. I dont remember clearly _ I came across the book I had been looking forword to in that old bookstore.A. when was it that B. that it was when C. when it was that D. that when it was 参考答案:C16. Tom did well in the team. Not a single mistake_ . A. he made B. did he make C. he makes D. does he make参考答案:B17. There are two rooms in the apartment, _ serves as a kitchen.A. the smaller of them B. the smallest of which C. the smaller of which D. smallest of which参考答案:C18. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _it differently. ks5uA. could express B. would express C. could have express D. must have express33参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 假定你是李华,给你开网店的英国朋友Peter写封信请他代卖自家产的绿茶。要点如下:1. 介绍中国茶的历史和文化。2. 说明自家产的绿茶的特点。3. 价格。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案:Dear Peter,How are you? I hope you and your family are quite well.Yesterday I posted a package of green tea to you, inside which is a description for it. The reason why I sent you this is that we Chinese people attach great importance to tea and tea drinking. For us, nothing can refresh us more than making a strong kettle of tea, securing a quiet place and tasting it with our close friends. Besides, whenever our guests come to visit, it is quite a necessity to make and serve tea to show our hospitality.Our family plant tea and we make the tea product by ourselves using organic growing methods. Green and organic, the tea is rich in nutrition like vitamins or microele
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