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社区2021年普法工作总结及2021年普法工作计划daily morning e_ercises or class-break setting-up e_ercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the “national flag” speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday“;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week ”two e_ercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance“ situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form ”three good student“, ”outstanding student cadres“, ”civilized student“.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bicycle in the campus, bicycle according to the specified location;2, no time to school, had to leave school.A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, lock the door;6, keep the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and windows, walls, etc.The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively.Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant.Standing in the doorway shouting ”report“, raised by the teacher agreed to in classroom;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the e_am;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute.The national anthem, the original should be standing.15, e_ercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, applause to appropriate moderation.D, campus health177, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstick;18, do not pour from upstairs downstairs, spitting, throwing debris;19, clean area on duty to seriously do the clean health work area;20, take good care of the campus environment, do not litter.Paper towels, peel, beverage bottles, food packaging bags, etc.should be thrown into the designated bins;2L, love and care for school facilities and equipment, care of flowers and trees on campus park;E, civilized and polite22, teachers and visitors to take the initiative to say hello, smiling; answer question to teachers, guests stand up, generous, humble, polite;23, the use of good manners, please, please, you, Hello, thank you, no, no, no matter, goodbye;244, the use of body language: smile, shake hands, waving, clapping, right salute comity, stand up to answer questions;255, respect and help the old, young, sick, disabled, and walk out of the way, car seat, shopping, let;26, eat at home please elders sit, or your home or go home to parents to say hello;277, respect for teachers, teachers first comity long walk, criticism and education, the teacher, to listen to, donapos;t argue, donapos;t hit Dingding.Is there a problem, e_plain afterwards;28, do not casually into the classroom, into the teacherapos;s office, to call the report;29, to unity and friendship among the students, and do not give students a nickname, do not bully the small students, students have difficulties, to help each other;30, the contradiction between students, to self-disciplined, and their more self broad-minded toward others, criticized;31, the male and female students e_changes to be dignified, generous nature;F, moral accomplishment32, dress and speech and deportment should pay attention to the occasion, do not wear slippers class and to participate in meetings, the party wi
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