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详细可分三步骤:一、项目背景介绍与启动说明(启动)二、你在项目管理中的主要工作(规划、执行、监控)三、项目成果与经验教训总结(收尾)It is .project. I was the project manager and in charge of the whole project process. I was mainly responsible for:Build project team, make project manage plan, collect requirements from customers and analysis needs, identify stakeholders and risk, making communication management plan,monitoring project progress on cost, quality etc., organize lessons-learned.The project was successful completed.样例一:项目名称:Delight KDDI customer with 2ppm manufacturing quality on MBB LTE product项目描述:Theprojectstargetistoreach2ppmmanufacturingqualityrequirementforKDDIproducts.Asprojectmanager,Isetuptheteamwithclearrole&responsibilityanddefinethescopeanddeliveriesoftheproject.Resource,cost,riskmanagementweresolidlyanalyzedandclearschedulewasmadeforeachmilestoneoftheproject.Therewasdetailedexecutionplanforeachteammembersandresulttracking.Regularreviewmeetingandreportsweresenttosteeringgroupandrelatedstakeholders.theprojectwasendedsuccessfully.The projects target is to develop integrated project management platform software. I was a project manager and in charge of the whole project. I setup the team with clear role & responsibility and define the scope and deliveries of the project, Resource, cost, risk management were solidly analyzed and clear schedule was made for each milestone of the project. There was detailed execution plan for each team members and result tracking Regular review meeting and reports were sent to steering group and related stakeholders. The project was ended successfully.This project includes: research the possibility of running an embedded database system in the smart card; If possible, design and develop an embedded DBMS for the new generation smart card. 8 researchers and developers are involved.I take charge of the whole project management. During the research period, I take charge of the defining the research direction with other two researchers working together with me. During the development period, Im responsible for the system design, the team management.该项目包括:研究在智能卡上运行一个嵌入式数据库系统的可能性;如果可能的话,设计和开发一个嵌入式数据库管理系统的新一代智能卡。8研究人员和开发人员参与。我负责整个项目的管理。在研究期间,我负责确定的研究方向与其他两名研究人员一起工作与我。在开发阶段,负责系统的设计、团队管理。The TCT Marketing Promotion Project goal is:with three years to bring an annual turnover of 5 million for our company, and the rate of 20% on a yearly basis。I am in charge of the Project. my responsibility is to coordinate the marketing and sales department to complete the task. The Project team members were from the Commerce, Marketing, and Sales, Logistics and after-sales service department. After more than three years of the teams efforts, in 2008 completed a 6 million annual turnover.TCT的营销推广项目的目标是:用三年时间为公司带来每年500万的营业额和20%按年率。我负责这个项目。我的职责是协调市场和销售部门完成任务。项目团队成员来自商业、营销、销售、物流和售后服务部。经过三多年的团队的努力,在2008完成了600万年度营业额。The projects aim is to develop interactive software with mobile equipments. I was a project manager and in charge of the whole project. The phases deliverables were: Feasibility Report in Initiating process, Mission Statement in Planning Process; Team Performance Report in Executing Process, Progress Report in Monitoring Process and User Acceptance Report in Closing Process. The software is composed of server and client, includes UID management, User management modules etc. and can read information from/to mobile communications equipments.该项目的目的是开发与移动设备的交互式软件。我是一个项目经理,负责整个项目。阶段可交付成果分别为:启动过程的可行性报告、计划过程中的任务报告、执行过程中的团队绩效报告、监控过程中的进度报告和收尾过程中的用户验收报告。该软件由服务器端和客户端,包括用户管理、用户管理等模块,并能从/到移动通信设备中读取信息。
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