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复习测试卷(一)一、选选出不同类的一项(20 分)() 1. A. left B. road C. right () 2. A. write B. listen C. letter () 3. A. rice B. soup C. food () 4. A. station B. house C. train () 5. A. people B. hill C. lake () 6. A. dog B. monkey C. nice () 7. A. England B. Chinese C. PE () 8. A. down B. train C. up () 9. A. reading B. writing C. take () 10. A. milk B. soup C. rice 二、根根据提示选择。20 分)A. taking pictures B. rowing a dragon boat C. writing a letter D. listening to music E. talking to her friend F. jumping H.playing chess I. drinking J. reading a book K. running ()1. _ This is my friend, Daming. He s (正在照相)()2. What s Amy doing ? She s _(正在和她的朋友交谈)()3. _ What are you doing , Sam? I m (正在听音乐)()4. What s Tom doing ? He s _(正在看书)()5. _ What are they doing? They re (正在划龙舟)()6. Look at the men under the tree. They re _ (正在下象棋)()7. They re _ (正在喝)soybean milk! ()8. Amy is _ (正在跑步)()9. Daming is _ (正在跳)( )10.What are you doing , Lingling? I m _ (正在写一封信)三、单项选择。(20 分)() 1. The bus is _ the station. A. on B. at C. in () 2. Wang Lin is _ letters. A. write B. writes C. writing () 3. Look at the people _ the lake. A. in B. under C. On ()4.当你想问朋友想不想要一些苹果时,应该问:A. Do you like some apples? B. I want some apples. C. Do you want some apples? ()5.A:Do you want some meat? B: _ A. Yes , please. B. Yes , I do. C. Yes , I have. D. Yes, I can. ()6. 你要告诉朋友你能够跳得高,应该说:A. I can jump far. B. I can jump high. C. Can you jump high? () 7.I like _dumplings. A. China B. Chinese C.English ( ) 8. I_ see.Its very dark. A.can B.cant C.do ( ) 9. A:Do you want some _ ? A. meat B. apple C. egg ( )10. I can _ a letter. A.writing B.write C.writes 四、汉译英。 ( 10 分) 1.它在一家超市的旁边。2.加冰的果汁是非常好喝的?3.我正在炒菜。4.她在玩玩具火车。5.我能跳的高,你能吗?五、连词成句。 ( 10 分) 1.、doing you what are ? 2. Supermarket to It snext a . 3. can fat st you run 4. high jump very can Sam 5. book a he is about reading . 六、情景问答。 ( 10 分) 6.)1. What are they doing? 7.)2. Where s Boshan Park? 8.)3. Have you got a monkey? 9.)4. What is Xiaoxia doing? 10.)5. Do you want some dumplings? 七、 阅读理解。 ( 10 分) Daddy: Huahua:Daddy: Oh. You re ok! Now, It Huahua: Daddy: Yes. Wait! Huahua: Thanks,Daddy! ( )1. What is Huahua doing? s time for dinner. Do you want some rice?A. She s jumping. B. No, I haven t. C. Yes, please. D. They are watching TV. E. Turn right. Hi , Huahua! What are you doing? I am reading a story( 故事) about (关于)dogs. It s very interesting. No. I love some dumplings and soup . A. writing B. talking C. reading ( )2. What is Daddy ready( 准备)for? A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( )3. Which animal( 哪种动物) is the story about, cats, dogs or birds? A. cats B.dogs C.birds ( )4. Does Huahua want some rice? A. Yes,he does. B. No,she doesn t C. . Yes,she does. ( )5. What do they have( 吃) in the end( 最后) ?A. rice B. dumplings C. dumplings and soup四年级上册期末复习作业姓名: 班级:- 、找出每组中与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写在题前括号中。()1. A. sheep B. horse C.high ()2. A. left B. right C. near ( ) 3. A. Sports Day B. take pictures C. listen to music ( ) 4. A. dumplings B. fruit C. sweets ( )5. A. run fast B. long jump C. high jump 二、单词英译汉。1.soup 2.bread 3.give 4.horse 5.sheep 6.vegetable 7.visit 8.month 9.subject 10.strong 11.high 12.buy _ 13.run _ 14.afraid _ 15.food _ 16.potato _ 17.people _ 18.see_ _ 19.live_ _ 20.drink _ 三、短语英译汉。1. turn on the light 2. go straight on 3. come in 4.in the park _ 5. of course _ 6.good luck _ 7.take pictures _ 8.by plane 9.turn left 10.how about 11. high jump 12.get up 13.run fast 14. every day 15.sports day 16. have a look 17.there are 18.get on 19.lots of 20.fast food 四、火眼金睛,单项选择。( )1.what are you doing. Mum?I m a book. A. reading B. read C. run ( )2. Amy, can you fast? A. running B. runs C. run ( )3. Can you play football, Sam?No .I A. can B. can t C. don t ( )4. They going to Hainan. A. is B. are C. am ( )5. We re going plane. A. by B. on C. in ( )6.She is going to her teacher. A .look B. see C. visit ( )7.Xiaohong is going to get up 5o clock. A. on B. at C. for ( )8. We re going to have a A. Sports Day B. sport Day .C. sports day ( )9. I m the. A. winer B. win C. winner ( )10. I m going to the high jump. A. do B. make C. have( )ll.There a girl under the tree . A. are B. am C. is ( )12. Happy Halloween , Amy. A. Thank you B. excuse me C. sorry ( )13.We go to the park . A. can B. is C. are 五、根据提示选择。(20分)A. taking pictures D. listening to music H.playing chess B. rowing a dragon boat E. talking to her friend I. drinking J. reading a book C. writing a letter F. jumping K. running ( )1. This is my friend, Daming. He s ( 正在照相 ) ( )2. What s Amy doing ? She s ( 正在和她的朋友交谈) ( )3. What are you doing , Sam? Im ( 正在听音乐 ) ( )4. What s Tom doing ? He s ( 正在看书 ) ( )5. What are they doing? Theyre ( 正在划龙舟 ) ( )6. Look at the men under the tree. They re ( 正在下象棋 ) ( )7. They re ( 正在喝 )soybean milk! ( )8. Amy is ( 正在跑步 ) ( )9. Daming is ( 正在跳 ) ( )10.What are you doing , Lingling? I m (正在写一封信)六、从右边找出左边问题的答语,将其字母序号写在提前括号中。( )1、What are you doing ? ( )2、Where is the train ? ( )3、Do you want some rice? ( )4、How much is it ? ( )5、Can you run fast? 七、连词成句。a. No, I can t.
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