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promote the extension of strictly administering the party grass-roots, but also the educational practi ce of the mass line of the party and three-three special education results achieved further inherited and expande d. To realize two a learning education is a necessary sol ution to the present problems of party constructi on. Strengthen problem consciousness and insisted on problem-oriented, is full of strictly administering the party since the partys 18 a distinctive feature, a successful experience. Secretary Wang noted that some party members still have political awareness, la ck of political responsibility issues, party awareness and consciousness of the problem belief does not really believe, slim does not a ctual ly fix problems, outspoken, and jump on the assessme nt of the partys policies, and so on. Bi Lif u Secretary poi nted out that a quarter of the economic situation is very serious, there is pressure on environment, seasonal factors a nd other objective reasons, but mainly subjective problem, is the problem of party members and cadres. S omedepressed, negative slack, not responsible, . Double six, one , and two took the lead, build energy burst, Hongshan distri ct, economic prosperity, eco-livable, civilize d and harmonious i sland. It certainly can not be separated from the whole area 646 grass-roots party organizations and 14,146 members of broad participation and support. Through the two study a nd education, so that every cell of the party health, every organization is strong, so that all members of the vanguard and exemplary role, all the fighting basti on role of grass-roots party organizations i nto full play so that we can cross the Rapids, overcome all difficulties and the smooth realizatio n of the Thirteen-Five goal. Second, basic learning, focus on learning education must understand the learning content and le arning styles Foundation learning these four words are important information insi de is very large, capture profound work truth in life. For example, I often say that the good Carpenter NAO Carpenter, why do some carpenters made furniture to have everybody likes itCarpenter we are not willing to look for him? are apparently two people high and low technology, dig into the deep is firmer when bot h of his apprentice s are not solid, there is no good that way. Luban art of story primary school are learn had, first after six mark test practice conduct, and practice cultivation, and practice perseverance, and practice patience, then with seven days seven night mill axe theory armed, and unity action, seriously learning XI General Secretary on reform development stable, and Interior diplomatic defense, and rule party ruling army of important thought, seriously learning to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central ruling acti ng political new concept new thought new strategy, seriously learning XI General Secretary study in Inner Mongolia important speech spirit, Guide party members and a deep understanding of a series of important speeches rich connotation and core ideas, which bega n so thoroughly Marxist positionso sum up, is divi ded into 9 main parts: 1. with regard to persi sting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. 18 since t he XIOn more than one occasion, General Secretary of the historical origin and development proce ss of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, System Info, system, uphold and develop the understandi ng of s ociali sm with Chinese characteristics i s determined to have bee n profoundly expounded, further strengthened the party and the pe ople adhere to and develop the confidence and determination of the socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics. XI Ge neral Secretarys spe ech in this regard include the people s yearning for a better life, that is our goal, closely focus on the development of socialism with Chi nese characteristics study and publicize the spirit of party 18, the unwaveringly adhere to the development of socialism with Chi nese chara cteristics, the persistence and good use of Mao Ze-Dongs thought of soul. 2. with regard to the Chi nese dream of realizing the greatrejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 18 closing soon, t he ne w Ce ntral collective leadership when t hey visited the exhibition of the road to recovery, XI, General Secretary of the solemn declaration the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the greatest dream of the Chinese nation i n modern times. Zhihou, on more than one occasion, General Secretary expounded the scientific connotation of Chinese dream, realize the Chi nese dream must take the road, carry forward the spirit and cohesion of Chinese forces, gradually formed the China dream, a strategic thoug ht. And practice with the Chinese dream, reflects the history of the new sessi on of the CPC Central Committee, and conforms to the development trend and the people ho pe, embodies the greatest common divisor a nd the consensus of Chinese people at h
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