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and urban medi cal rescue work, conscientiously strengthen leadership, sound system. County Government was set up by the magistrate as head of the Government, civil affairs, finance, healt h, labour and other related departments mainly responsible as members of the leading group for rural cooperative medical care. Formed a Government, the home of the County supervi sors, operation mechanism of collaboration. This year, the County started implementing Medicai d one-stop real time service, medical assistance, basic medical insurance, Effective convergence of insurance and medical relief implementation plan for 2015 I countie s to reconsider an amendment will be accepted to extend the hours of medical aid on June 30, and county-wide poverty population range of serious disease incl udi ng medical assistance, prote ction of agricultural and pastoral areas n 22 major diseases and implement home health aid secondary aid, to achieve a longitudinal and transverse to the side of Medicaid coverage. So far, the total investment 2.8772 million Yuan relief 955 visits the sick poor people in urban and r ural areas, 155,000 to rescue 65 people in patients with serious diseases. (D) efforts to the development of social welfare service, constantly improve the five-guarantee system. Implementing regulations of the rural five-guarantee work, further increa se the intensity of day-to-day management and services to t he five objects, ensure that the five should do, a ccording to Shi Bao on the basis of further perfecting rural five-guarantee system, raise the level of support. So far, funding for any County 89 wubaohu 524,700. Meanwhi le, as a region-wide severe disabilities aged care subsidies this year pilot counties, our County has been seriously disabled elderly nursing allowance pilot program, completing survey work for severely disabled older people t hroughout the County, and in June began issuing subsidies, up to now, the nursing allowance total 79200 Yuan. For a betterimplementation of the system of funding for raising, my County in 2015 revised Bur qin County of new rural cooperative medical care pr ogram, will incl ude the full scope of medical aid. Existing 149 orpha ns in our County are scattered for the community support officers, standard 700 Yuan/month/person, up to now, the total life subsidies for the 149 orphans 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuan. (E) optimize rescue, relief work strengthe ning the vagrants and beggars. Under the voluntary aided, voluntary aid bailout princi ples, further strengthe ning the work of relief for vagrants and beggars, vagrants and beggars provide a ssistance such as accommodation, return travel by car, especially for children, the elderly, and the sick, disabled people and young homeless person to implement a point-to-poi nt first aid, after clearing protective relief, and safeguard the basic rights of ba ilouts. Meanwhile, coordinating publ ic security, urban management, manipulation, coercion against organizations such as the use of minors, begging for the disabled and to disrupt public order and other illegal panhandli ng. Up to now, a total of 31,000 toRelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (Vi) with a focus on safeguarding the peoples livelihood, promote home projects. Adhere to the project as the starting pointpositive proje cts, schedul e, quality, safety, and to quicken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthrough. In 2015, two project s, Burqi n County community day care centre for the elderly in friendship peak project , Burqin County hemu kanas Mong olianational rural home for the proje ct. Accor ding to the Countys general plan, integration of resources, in 2014, new Burqin County Senior Center project, t he current proje ct ha s been completed, inter nal equipment purchasing and working cult ure decoration is complete, start review acceptance, put into use by t he end. My County is based on the basic livelihood needs to actively seek public service facilities, 2015 to declare mutual assistance i n building rural old happiness in Burqin County 8 projects, invested 400,000 yuan lottery ticket equi pment purchased during the year for the rural mutual happiness. While actively works with development and reform Department, fighting for constructi on pr oje ct of Burqin County disaster relief material reserves, at present the project has completed feasibility study procedures, feasibility study a pproval. In 2015, the County invested 500,000 yuan, perfect Muslim funeral home facilities, upgradi ng services a nd project acceptance. Meanwhile, seeking Burqin County non-Muslim funeral home works, so far the project has completed the project site, is for the early procedures. (VII) working steadily among others, the full implementation of the special care and placement poli cy. To further improve the quality of activities among others as the goal, close to military practice, deepening the County among others. During the Spring Festival, the E
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