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NCE3 LESSON3Made by Ella1Words01 Part2goddess n. 女神 -ess 表示女性waitress, hostess, mistress(情妇), murderess(女杀人犯), tigress(母老虎)(mother tiger) 3archaeologist n. 考古学家archaeology n. 考古学, 古迹;psychology 心理学 physiology 生理学 philosophy 哲学, 人生观, anthropology 人类学 -ist: 人;家terrorist 恐怖份子racist 种族主义者 specialist 专家 pacifist 反战主义者,和平主义者biology biologistecology ecologistgeology geologist4explore v. 考察,堪探,探究,仔细检查to explore the Arctic regions 考察北极地区eg. We have explored several solutions to the problem.exploration n. 探测,堪探,搜索explode v. (blow up)爆炸eg. The firework exploded in his hand.exploit v. 开发,利用,剥削to exploit solar energy/water power 开发太阳能、水能5promontory n. 海角(凸起的)cape n. 海角 the Cape(= the Cape of Good Hope 好望角 channel n. 海峡the English Channelstrait n.海峡the Taiwan Straitprominentpropose protrudepro- 表示“突出,向前”6prosperous adj. (经济上)繁荣的,昌盛 a prosperous country / industry 繁荣的国家、工业 prosper v. 使繁荣, 使昌盛eg. The country is prospering under a strong government.7civilization n. 文明 eg. The city enjoys a high level of civilization. 这个城市是一个高度文明的城市。 civil adj. 公民的,市民的, 民用的,国内的 civil rights 民权;civil defense 民防 civil law 民法; civil servant 公仆; civil war 内战civilize vt. 使开化,使文明,教化civilized adj. 文明的,文雅的 a civilized society 一个文明的社会;civilized behavior 文明行为 domestic adj. 家庭的,国内的,驯养的 n. 佣人,国货domestic market 国内市场domestic violence 家庭暴力domestic flights 国内航班-ise/-ize未形容词或名词派生动词后缀,例如: real realize general generalize character characterize modern modernize8Storey n. 楼层Eg. Theres a nine-storey apartment building next to the bank. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。storey & floorstorey 指的是楼的“层数”floor 指的是楼的“地板” 所以,一般,在第几层楼的地板上,就住在几楼,所以就有了on the third floor表示“在三楼”这种说法,当描述一栋楼有几层时,只能用storey。9drainage n. 排水,排水系统 drainage system=draining system 排水系统drain v. 排水,流干;n. 排水;下水道,排水系统brain drain 人才流失go down the drain 白白浪费掉,付之东流eg. First you must drain the dirty water out and then clean the pipe.drain A of B 排去A中的B Overwork has drained him of al his energy.过度的工作已经耗尽了他所有的精力。-age 可以用来表示行为或行为的结果:marry marriage 结婚root rootage 生根brigand brigandage 强盗行为10worship n. 崇拜,钟爱,信奉,做礼拜 v. 敬神,拜神;崇拜,尊敬eg. Blind worship must be ended. 盲目崇拜必须停止。She absolutely worship her children.People go to church to worship God.the worship of money 拜金主义warship n. 军舰,战船11Sacred adj. 神圣的,宗教的a sacred place 圣地 a sacred oath神圣的誓言sacred music 宗教音乐 sacred history 宗教史Holy adj. 神圣的(the holy city: Jerusalem 耶路撒冷)Eg. Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.平安夜,圣善夜,万暗中,光华射Blessed adj. 神圣的,快乐的the Blessed Virgin (the Virgin Mary)圣母玛利亚12Fragment n. 碎片fall/break into fragments/pieces摔成碎片fraction n. 一小部分a fraction of a second 片刻,眨眼间a fraction of her earnings 她收入的一小部分 piece n. 碎片 Im about to go to pieces. 我快要崩溃了。frag v.把炸成碎片rag n. 抹布,碎屑,石板瓦,破旧衣服13remains n. 遗物,废墟,遗迹,遗体the remains of ancient Rome 古罗马遗迹Eg. His remains were buried in the churchyard. 他的遗体安葬在教堂墓地。ruins n. 废墟(ruin v. 破坏,毁灭,变成废墟)be in ruins 破败不堪,一片废墟;落空Eg. 1. The city lay in ruins after the earthquake2. Our plans are in ruins. 14Classical adj. 古(希腊、罗马)文化的;古典的;传统的Eg. 1. Latin is a classical language. 拉丁语是古典语言。 2. I like classical literature and music. classic adj. 经典的,第一流的; n.杰作,名著class n.种类,等级 15reconstruct v. 修复,重建,复兴Eg. The government must reconstruct the shattered(破碎的) economy. 政府必须重建支离破碎的经济。rebuild v. 重建restore v. 修复,恢复16rest v. 倚放,放置eg. He rested his bicycle against the wall.rest sth. on/against sth. 依赖于,依靠于eg. We rest our hopes on you. rest on/upon 依靠;寄托在eg. The plan rests on your cooperation.17hip n. 屁股,臀部;adj. 新潮的,时髦的be really hip 非常时尚ass 屁股 buttock 臀部full-length adj. (裙衣)拖地长的,全长的 (A full-length skirt which sweeps the ground);未经删节的18graceful adj. 优雅的,优美的,雅致的Eg. Their dancing was graceful.grace n. 优雅,魅力;恩宠,恩典;v. 使优雅Eg. 1. The young woman had grace beyond her years. 这个年轻女子有着超越年龄的涵养。 2. She didnt fit in and she had few social graces. 她不适合这种场合,对社交礼仪所知甚少。 3. It was only by the grace of God that no one died. 承蒙上帝保佑才无人死亡。 gracious adj. 和蔼可亲的;彬彬有礼的;不端架子的Eg. 1. She was gracious enough to show us round her home.2. He has a gracious smile. 3. She was the most gracious hostess Ive ever known.elegant. adj. 文雅的, 雅致的;有风度的;娟秀的 an elegant lady / coat; elegant style of writing 优美的写作风格charming adj. 迷人的,可爱的,英俊的a charming little fishing village 一个迷人的小渔村19identity n. 身份;本质;个性,特征;相同,一致 an identity card 身份证 the identity of interests 利益的一致 reach (an) identity of views取得一致看法Eg. 1. Please prove your identity. 2. The identity of the crimes led the police to think that the same person committed them. 相同的犯罪事实使得警察认为是同一人作案。identify v. 认出(身份、物件等);辨认Eg. The criminal was identified. How many species of birds can you identify?identification n. 辨认 The identification of criminals by their fingerprints通过指纹辨认罪犯20
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