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中等职业学校升学考试模拟测试卷 英语 满分100分7 命题人 宋振国 第一节 单项填空(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)1. Ill never _ myself if she is hurt by my behavior.A. forgetB. forgiveC. pardonD. remember2. Did you know _ ?A. what did they happenB. what happened to themC. what they happenedD. what they are happening3. Im going to an amusement party._ A. So am I.B. So are you.C. So you are.D. So I am.4. What about playing football this afternoon, Sam?I would rather _ at home than _ football. Its too hot outside.A. stay; playingB. stay; playC. to stay; to playD. to stay; playing5. I dont think waste water should be put into the rivers or lakes._ It will cause much water pollution.A. Good luck.B. Its a pleasure.C. I agree with you.D. The same to you.6. Do you like to cycle to school or walk to school?I prefer _ to _ . Its only one kilometre from my home to our school.A. walk; cycleB. to walk; to cycleC. walking; cyclingD. to walk; cycling7. Jack, you made a little progress in your writing and reading. But you should pay attention to _ and _ .A. listening; speakingB. listen; speakC. listened; spokeD. listens; speaks8. This program is not suitable _ children.A. toB. forC. withD. from9. I want to be an artist, but it _ a little hard.Work hard, and _ youll succeed at last.A. maybe; may beB. may be; maybeC. maybe; maybeD. may be; may be10. Do you often go to the cinema?No, I often watch movies on TV. But _ I go to the cinema with my girlfriend.A. sometimeB. some timeC. sometimesD. some times11. Mr. Li, could you help me? I cant decide _ I want to be an artist or not.No problem. You can first go to National Art Museum of China and learn about the life of the artists, then you can make a decision.A. if B. whether C. whichD. that12. Its raining heavily; well have to wait _ the rain stops.A. as soon asB. tillC. whenD. after13. I heard from my pen pal yesterday, but I havent replied _ her.A. toB. forC. ofD. on14. Luoshenfu was painted by Gu Kaizhi, _ was a Chinese painter.A. what B. that C. who D. which15. Could you tell me _ ?Glad to help.A. if you have been to the Great WallB. where did he studyC. how I can get to the stationD. whats your name16. We must read the introduction _ the medicine carefully before we take it.A. toB. forC. ofD. on17. The baby kept on _ until the mother came back.A. cryB. criesC. criedD. crying18. Zhang Guorong _ was a famous singer and actor died young.A. whomB. whichC. who D. what19. You shouldnt slap your brother _ the face.Im really sorry. I wont do that again.A. onB. atC. inD. across20. The scene here is different from _ in the distance.A. thoseB. theseC. that D. this21. Jane has _ from school for 2 years. When she _ the happy time, she always misses her teachers and classmates.A. graduated; think back toB. been away; thinks back toC. been away; thinks aboutD. graduated; thinks of22. Although traveling by train is very slow, _ its safer than by plane.A. butB. orC. /D. nor23. Can I help you?Yes. I want two _ eggs.A. dozenB. dozensC. dozens ofD. dozen of24. Can you work out this math problem?Yes. _ A. Its a piece of cake.B. Do please.C. Its too hard.D. Well done!25. Kangkang is _ , so he does well in all his subjects.A. lazyB. hard-workingC. helpfulD. easy-going26. Now its nearly half past six, and we have a little time _ to catch the last bus.A. leaveB. leavingC. leftD. leaves27. Could you please help me carry this box into my office?_ A. My pleasure.B. With pleasure.C. No, I cant.D. Of course, you can.28. Maria had a good time at Janes party. They spent a/an _ evening together.A. boringB. nervousC. enjoyableD. scary29. I look forward to _ you, my friend!A. hear fromB. hear ofC. hearing fromD. hearing of30. Can you describe the people and the things _ have been seen in Tibet?A. whichB. thatC. whoD. /第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Advertisements can be seen on TV every day! Some people love ads, but 31 may hate ads, saying that they make our cities and countryside look ugly. Many ads are aimed specially at teenagers, and some 32 see more than 100 ads a day. Its true that some ads can be 33 , for they can help you compare some different products 34 you can buy the one you really need. They can also help you 35 money. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the 36 price. However, some ads can be 37 . Sometimes the words sound good but dont really tell you 38 about the quality of the pro
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