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Unit 1 A land of diversity单元知识点练习编辑:赵钦淇多项选择 1. It suddenly to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter. A. happened B. occurred C. thought D. took place 2. Since he was 67 ,it didn t seem _that he would continue long in that position. A. impossible B. necessary C. particular D. likely 3. As far as I am concerned ,what he made in his speech is just a(n)_, nothing serious. A. choiceB. excuse C. statement D. slip 4. Even though her talent was _ to everyone who heard her sing ,life got in the way of her dreams. A. apparent B. abundant C. absurd D. academic 5. How can we get to the camping site nearly one hundred miles away ?If only we had a car! Why not consider _ a car to get there and letting Jim take us back in his jeep? A. hiring B. firing C. stealing D. picking 6. A recent survey _ that the majority of people are worried about the present high price of apartments in cities. A. indicates B. includes C. imagines D. improves 7. Less than twenty percent of the employees in their company are women. That is to say ,men are in the _. A. majority B. activity C. possibility D. minority 8. Many experts have realized that the current medical system needs _ to meet the needs of our increasingly aging population. Areforming Binspecting Cforming Dachieving 9. The young actress looked so charming in her beautiful dress that we took _ pictures with her. A. a great many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of 10. The agreement indicates that the two companies will _ with each other again. A. team up B. turn up C. look up D. pick up 11. You have only written one bestselling novel. If you do not continue working hard ,will you plan to _ it for the rest of your life? A. live in B. live on C. live out D. live with 12. People in this village get together every year to _ the old tradition and enjoy themselves as their ancestors did. A. make up B. put up C. keep up D. set up 13. How badly reform is needed was _ recently by the rising youth crime figures. Asuspected Bindicated Cinfluenced Dannounced 14. Many streets in this city have been _ for cultural protection. A.stretched out B.marked out C.left out D.stood out 15. _sending e-mails, Ive kept in touch with my American friend for many years. AIn exchange for BOn behalf of CIn return for D By means of 完成句子 1The majority of students were in favour of the suggestion that they _ _the next day. (go) 大多数学生赞成第二天出去野餐的建议。2The possibility _never occurred to her. (go) 她从未想到她可能会出错。3Chinese mothers try to do everything for their children ;that s _ (mistaken) 中国的妈妈们尽力为孩子们做一切,这是他们的错误之所在。4Mr. Smith has such a strange way of teaching _it at the beginning of his class. (use) 史密斯的教法很奇怪,以至于他开始上课时没人能适应。5_ there is still another possibility to ensure an immediate delivery of the goods. (occur) 我刚才突然想起还有另一个确保这批货物迅速交货的可能的办法。6He preferred to go into business alone rather than _. (team) 他宁愿独自做生意而不愿与任何其他人合伙。7Could you show me the computer you want _ (have) 把你要修理的电脑拿给我看看好吗?8For me I have tried my best ,but by no means _with my progress. (satisfy) 我已经尽力了,但妈妈对我的进步一点也不满意。9This scientist is known to _this problem for about ten years. (work) 都知道这个科学家一直研究这个问题有十来年了。10. A modern city has been set up in _ ten years ago. (wasteland) 一座现代化的城市已在十年前还是荒地的地方建起来了。11. Nowhere else in Europe _ people who invite complete strangers to their homes for coffee or dinner. (find) 在欧洲没有别的地方你会发现人们邀请完全陌生的人到家里喝咖啡或吃饭。12. _ was why fewer and fewer students showed interests in her lessons. (understand) 令她搞不懂的是,为什么越来越少的学生对她的课感兴趣。13. In face of failure, it is important _ of mind. (keep) 面对失败,保持良好的心态非常重要。14. _he was unsatisfied with the result. (apparent) 从他的语言中明显地看出他对这个结果不满意。15. You _ you have satisfied certain conditions. (apply) 在符合一定的条件之后你才能申请这份工作。
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