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八年级英语阅读范文 要进步自己的才能,平时要养成快速泛读的习惯。这里讲的泛读是指广泛阅读大量涉及不同领域的书籍,要求读得快,理解和掌握书中的主要内容就可以了。下面是的八年级阅读范文,希望能帮到大家! Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food. No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it. People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big. A young man asked Albert Einstein , the great German scientist , what the secret of suess is. The scientist told him that the secret of suess is hard work. A few days later the young man asked the same question again . Einstein was very annoyed . He did not say anything ,but wrote a few words on a piece of paper . On it was written: A=X+Y+Z. “What does this mean ?” asked the young man . “A means “ suess” explained the old scientist . “X stands for hard work ,Y for good method (方法)and Z Z means stop talking and get down to work.” British newspapers are much smaller than they used to be and their readers are often in a hurry ,so newspapermen write as few words as possible .They tell their readers at once what happened ,where ,when and how it happened and what was the result : how many people were killed ,what change was done and so on .Readers want the fact(事实) set out as fully and aurately as possible .Readers are also interested in the people who have seen the aident. So a newspaperman always likes to get some information (信息)from someone who was there, which can be given in the persons own words .Because he can use only a few words ,the newspaperman must choose those words carefully ,every one must be effective(有效). Instead of “he called out in a loud voice”, he writes” he shouted”; instead of “the loose stones rolled noisily down the side of the mountain”, he will write” they thundered down the mountainside”. Because many of the readers arent very clever, and most of them are in a hurry. My friend is a taxi drives. He has been a taxi driver for ten years. Its a nice job most of the time. He can meet a lot of people. He always works at night because there is too much traffic during the day. He usually goes home between two oclock in the morning. There are some very strange things, which often happen at night. One day my friend was taking a woman back home from a party at three oclock in the morning. She had her little dog with her. When they got to her house, she found she had lost her key. So my friend waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the window. My friend waited and waited. After half an hour of honking he decided to find out what was going on. He tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. At that moment some policemen came. They thought my friend was a thief. Luckily, the woman came downstairs. She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about my friend and the dog. It was Mondy. Mrs Smiths dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house. Considering that there was no better way. Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: “Take this to the butcher (person whose job is selling meat), and hes going to give you your lunch today.” Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butchers. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the ladys handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once. At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more. The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers (* people who buy something from a shop). But, the dog came again at four oclock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butchers more surprise, it came for the third time at six oclock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs Smith give it so much meat to eat today?” Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it! 模板,内容仅供参考
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