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2020-2021学年安徽省宣城市俞村乡中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. They had all the young trees taken good care of _ the farmer pleased. A. making B. made C. to make D. being made参考答案:C2. -Why was Hugh out of breath when we met him?- He _ for three hours.A has jogged B was jogging C had been jogging D has been jogging 参考答案:C3. It is believed in some science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by artificial intelligence. A. broken in B. run over C. taken over D. filled in参考答案:C4. -Shall we chat online or later?- _. Im free at any moment. A. It makes no differnence to me B. I have difficulty in speaking English. C.Thanks to your help, I know more about the Internet. D. We have some in common.参考答案:A5. _, I think, and the problems could be settled.A. A bit more efforts B. Making greater effortsC. If you double your efforts D. So long as you make more efforts参考答案:A6. The teacher often tells us that one good turn _another .A. orders B. deserves C. gets D. predicts 参考答案:B7. I often the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet. A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look into参考答案:A略8. Since our school does not employ full-time librarians, the library _ is usually run by volunteers with special responsibilities for library work.A. principle B. collection C. application D. personnel参考答案:B【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于学校没有全职的图书管理员,因此图书收集工作就由志愿者负责。A. principle原则;B. collection收集;C. application申请;D. personnel全体员工。根据前文,没有全职图书管理员,因而志愿者就要负责图书馆的主要工作,图书的收集与管理,故B切题。9. I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway officialHow unbelievable to get it back! I meansomeone _ itAwill have stolen Bmight have stolenCshould have stolen Dmust have stolen参考答案:B10. He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. this B. that C. it D. these参考答案:C11. This drug is less likely to cause side effects when _ late in the day.A. taking B. taken C. to take D. takes参考答案:B试题分析:考查非谓语动词。这种药白天服用更不可能有副作用。句子的主语drug是动词take的承受者,可知用过去分词,故选B。【知识拓展】take组成的短语,越多越好1.take back 收回,接回,退回.如:Im sorry,I take back what I said.对不起,我收回我说过的话.2.take down(1) 写下,记下.如:He took down everything the teacher said.他把老师说的所有话都记了下来.(2) 拆下,拆掉.如:The machine takes down easily.这机器很容易拆.3.take in(1) 收留.如:So he took in the boy (dog).所以他就收留了这个男孩(这条狗).(2) 包括.如:The list takes in everyone.每个人都上了名单.(3) 理解.如:We find it difficult to take in what he teaches.我们发现他教的东西很难理解.(4) 欺骗,使上当.如:Dont be taken in by his promises.别被他的诺言所欺骗.4.take off(1) 脱下.如:Take off your wet clothes.脱下你的湿衣服.He took off his glasses and looked up.他取下眼镜,抬头看了看.(2) 起飞.如:When did the plane take off?飞机是什么时候起飞的?(3) 打折扣,扣掉,去掉.如:Can you take five dollars off the price?你可以减价五美元吗?(4) 请假,休息.如:I want to take a day off (from work).我想休假一天.5.take on(1) 聘用,雇用.如:The company decided to take on a new secretary.这家公司决定聘一个新秘书.(2) 呈现,显现,具有.如: Her face took on a new expression.她的脸上露出了新的表情.(3) 承担或担任(工作或责任等).如:He advised me not to take too much work.他劝我不要做太多的工作.6.take over 接替,接管,继承.如:接替,接管,继承.如: Would you like me to take over the driving for a while?你愿意让我接替你开一会儿车吗?7.take up(1) 开始(学习或从事等).如:He dropped medicine and took up physics.他放弃学医,开始学物理.(2) 继续.如:We took up our journey the next day.第二天我们继续赶路.(3) 占去(时间或空间).如:The table takes up too much room.这桌子太占地方了.The work took up all of Sunday.这活儿占去了整个星期天.(4) 接纳(乘客等),接受(挑战,建议,条件等).如:The bus stopped to take up passengers.公共汽车停下来让乘客上车.He has taken up the bet.他已接受打赌的条件.9.take sb sth / take sth to sb 给某人带(送)去某物.如:Take your father this glass of water.10.take sb (sth) for 1to be把某人(某物)当作.如:He took her smile for agreement.他把她的微笑视为同意.11.It takes (sb) some time to do sth 做某事花o (某人)时间.如:It took me two hours to do the maths exercises.做数学练习花了我两个小时.12.It takes sth (某做某事花精力(需要人等).如:It takes two to make a quarrel.一个巴掌拍不响. 112. Everybody thought the battle would be . And they were right. A. losing B. missing C. lost D. missed 参考答案:C13. Before handing in your test papers, make sure nothing is _.A. left out B. left behind C. swept up D. sped up参考答案:A14. - Did you understand what the teacher said ?-Yes! She explained the text in detail to make her lessons _.A. easy understood B. easily to understand C. easily understood D. easy understand参考答案:C15. During the festival, these young women their best clothes to their folk dance in the open air. A. put on; put onB. put up; put outC. put up; put onD. put on; put up参考答案:A16. _ felt funny watching myself on TV.A. OneB. ThisC. It D. That参考答案:C
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