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THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 1mySAP 消费品 服装与鞋类Presales Presentation withTHE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 2Aug. Dec. Jan. Feb. AprilJune July Aug. 类别设计销售预测 原材料采购 销售定单录入 生产 /采购 收货 费用分摊潮流分析 运输,开票 ATP业务路径 THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 3季节性的业务Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May20002001销售Spring/Summer 2001订单接收Autumn/Winter 2001分销Spring/Summer 2001AW 2001开票Spring/Summer 2001AW 2001 制造Spring/Summer 2001Full Package Sourcing, CMT, In-house productionAW 2001收货 发货Autumn/Winter 2001Spring/Summer 2001库存管理计划PDM, Pre-planning, Sales planningAutumn/Winter 2001财务总结,获利分析,利润中心考良AW 2001Spring/Summer 2001财务评价Spring/Summer 2002材料需求计划THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 4AFS 的集成SD - 销售与分销MM - 物料管理PP - 生产计划CO - 管理会计WM - 仓库管理BW - Business Information WarehouseAPO - Advanced PlanningOptimizermySAP.com 工作台mySAP.com 在线商店R/3R/3BC Basis/WorkflowBC Basis/WorkflowClient / ServerClient / ServerDW ABAP/4DW ABAP/4ISISIndustry Industry Business SolutionBusiness SolutionMMMMMaterials Materials ManagementManagementPPPPProductionProductionPlanningPlanningPMPMPlant Plant MaintenanceMaintenanceHRHuman ResourcesIMIMInvestmentInvestmentManagementManagement服装与鞋类服装与鞋类SDSDSales &Sales &DistributionDistributionWMWM Warehouse Warehouse Management ManagementCOCOControllingControllingFI/AAFI/AAFinancialFinancialAccountingAccountingBWBWAPOAPOmySAP.commySAP.comPSPSProjectProjectSystemSystemTHE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 5 R/3 产品结构材料、品类主数据的组织结构 品类/ 材料(e.g. Shirt, Shoe, Fabric etc.)库存地点 1,2 .Basic Data, Description, Unit of Measure.Storage Location Stock, Storage.Accounting, Controlling, Plant Stock, MRP, Purchasing, Foreign Trade .Organizational Units, Enterprise Areas, Functional AreasData, Control Parameters, Information,etc.Technical Organization of the Data Structures客户(IT Service Provider ASP and Hosting)公司 1,2 ., 企业(e.g. Holding Structure, International Subsidiary)Plant 1,2 ., DC(e.g. Distribution Center, Production, etc.)销售渠道 1, .销售组织Company Code, Business Area, Key Figures .Sales Description, Sales Unit, Volume Rebate Groups, Commission Groups, Pricing Reference Material .Sales, Tax Code per Country .THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 6上衣裤子风格/外形, 品类/布料, 变化.风格, .红/蓝/黑蓝/绿/红黑/红/绿类别/主题品类颜色尺码.34/2834/3034/3236/3036/3236/3432/3032/3232/34.服装材料构成服装THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 7商务鞋运动鞋风格/外形风格红/蓝/黑蓝/绿/红黑/红/绿W-8W-8.5W-9W-9.5.类别/主题品类颜色 尺码W-10R-8R-8.5R-9R-9.5.R-10N-8N-8.5N-9N-9.5.N-10鞋类材料结构鞋类THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 8891011121 维: 鞋类尺码681012142 维: 夹克颜色尺码蓝红3 维: 牛仔装红28303234InseamWaist28293031蓝28303234内缝腰围28293031材料格: 1, 2 和 3 维THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 9XSSMLBLKWHTREDXL XXL尺码颜色XSSML黑白红XL XXL尺码颜色主 Grid销售和采购 Grid采购 Grids/销售 GridsTHE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 10Dimension Value Conversion转换表Cust. IDMat. IDUser IDAll Customers/VendorsAll MaterialsC-IDM-IDDildSIZESIZECOLCOLDimV68100900Converted3638WHITEBLACK材料主数据A1000材料ID*4711 转换 ID* 客户主数据THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 11按类别划分分段1客户B客户A客户 C原产国3国家 Y国家 X国家 Z质量2质量 2质量 1或者是其他如何按类别进行的划分THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 12类别分配Stock Category检查存货销售定单200 件类别MLABEL-1MLABEL-1MLABEL-1 需求 水平 存货 类别 类别需求 / 存货 分配MLABEL-1MLABEL-212MLABEL-1需求 库存类别 类别Requirement to Stock ConversionMLABEL-1检查存货计划定单50 件类别MLABEL-1库存100 件类别MLABEL-1库存50 件类别MLABEL-2THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 13用户层工厂层SKU 层Defines SKU类别如:- Logical Segmentation- 质量- 原产国AFS 材料主数据结构CoverageStrategyMasterGrid类别结构维 如:- 尺码- 颜色- 宽度Valid categoriesValid dimensionsTHE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 14材料主数据AFS MRP材料计划 (MRP)基本数据AFS基本数据会计存货采购AFS 销售数据仓库管理销售作业安排质量管理分类AFS评估AFS ViewsR/3 标准界面显示材料主数据AFS 仓库管理 1AFS 仓库管理 2THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 15主数据: 物料清单 & 工艺路径材料主记录主数据物料清单工艺路径THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 16AFS BOM 类型标准 BOM标准 BOM: Prepack分类面料(AFS 材料l)钮扣(标准材料)拉链(AFS 材料)高尔夫裤(AFS 材料)高尔夫衫(AFS 材料)Golf Ball(标准材料)上衣(AFS 材料)帽子(标准材料)裤子(AFS 材料)THE BEST-RUN BUSINESSES RUN SAPSAP China 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 17AFS 物料清单 (1)6BLKWHT8 10 12 14Grid AXXXXX17BLKWHT18 1916 BLK WHT810 12141.48 1.50 1.52 1.54 1.561.48 1.50 1.52 1.54 1.56AFS BOMs can bedimension-dependentDeviation Quantities6BLKWHT8 10 12 14XXXXXZero QuantitiesXXXXX夹克(AFS Material)衣面(AFS Material)衬里(Standard Material)拉链(AFS Material)Grid BGrid AManual assignment ofcomponent quantitiesto header materialGrid CT
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