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研究生英语(多维教程)翻译答案 Unit 1 1.有一种理论,把对目的语的敏感性视作语言学习中最重要的因素之一。 One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning. 2.为帮助学生学习英语,图书馆已决定将英语原版电影出租给他们。 In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease the original editions of English films to them. 3.一到周末,如果有一家商店贴出减价广告,其它许多商店,无论大小,都会跟着贴出更多的大减价的招贴。 On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with more discount notices. 4.当某一语言中的一些不符合语法的表达方式流行于社会时,这些表达方式往往会逐渐地被公众所接受。 When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in society, they will gradually become accepted by the public. 5.这家企业倒闭,并不是因为资金缺乏而是因为管理不善。 The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency. 6.广告通常以突出所宣传的产品或服务来招揽顾客。 Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers. 7.有人争辩说,我们应当抑制语言变化的速度,否则我们可能会每隔20年就得学习一种新的语言。 It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years. 8.我很感激他,因为每当我学习遇到困难时,他总是来帮助我。 I am grateful to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me. 9.要改变这个厂的经济状况得花大力气。 It will take great pains to improve the financial situations of the factory. 10.那些主张语言纯净化的人是为了保护他们的文化而保护语言。 Those who advocate to the purification of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture. Unit2 1.关于说谎是否总是坏的,是否应该避免,不同的人有不同的看法。 Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided. 2.伦敦最高的大楼同纽约的摩天大楼比较起来,仍然算小的。 The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York. 3.在可接受的谎言和恶意的谎言之间定界是因人而异、因文化而异的。 The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture. 4.溺爱孩子的母亲常常会对自己孩子的过错睁一只眼闭一只眼。 Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye to the faults of their children. 5.当暴力行为发生的时候,这个国家需要一个能使人们团结一致的领袖。 The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together when violence breaks out. 6.自私者将所有的人分成两类:他喜欢的人和他不喜欢的人。 A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likes and those he dislikes. 7.她对我的话感到恼火,但我无意去伤害她。 She felt offended at my remarks, but I wasnt my intention to hurt her. 8.老师对调皮的学生抱有才成见是错误的。 It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students. 9.在有些国家,一个人如果有意不想工作,可以很容易地退出一段时间,靠失业保险金和其他福利来维持生活。 In some foreign countries, a person who intentionally leaves his job can find it easy to step aside for a while, surpported by unemployment insurance and other benefits. 10.丈夫去世以后,使她经受了极大的痛苦。 She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died. Unit4 1.一个出身贫寒的青年梦想成为百万富翁,结果幻想彻底破灭,他企图使用非法的电子交易手段达到致富的目的。 A young man of humble origins dreamed of becoming a millionaire, but he was thoroughly disillusioned because he tried to seek his fortune by means of a law-violating electronics acquisition. 2.她好不容易装出一副像是在满意地微笑的表情。 She managed what amounted to a smile of satisfaction. 3.他最终为解决这个多年来一直未能解决的问题设计出了软件。 He ended up designing a software program to solved the problem which hed been unsolved for years. 4.他在一位同学的陪同下去火车站接他生病的母亲。 He went to the station in the company of his classmate to pick up his sick mother. 5.大学毕业后,他被授予一份政府奖学金继续深造,这是他做梦也远远没有想到的。 After graduation from university, he was granted a government scholarship to further his study, which was far beyond his dream. 6.他是一位优秀教师;每当学生有困难时,他总是和他们在一起。 He was an excellent teacher who always stuck by his students whenever they had difficulties. 7.他在这城市里默默无闻,但我猜想他在自己村子里并非等闲之辈。 He is a nobody here in the city, but I suppose he is a somebody in his own village. 8.她说,百万富翁是她爸爸而不是她本人,她要自己养活自己。 She said that it was her father, not herself , who was a millionaire, and that she would like to earn her own living. 9.恕我直言,我认为我们应该采取更为激烈的措施来控制通货膨胀。 Therefore I think we must, so to speak, adopt more extreme measures to curb inflation. 10.他的公司因管理不善而失败以后,他决定在保险业方面碰碰运气。 After his company failed because of poor management, he decided to try his luck in insurance. Unit 5 1.当布莱克先生的太太每星期能挣1000美元时,他开始感到有些不安。 Mr. Black felt somewhat upset when his wife pulled down $1000 a week 2.随着高薪女性人数的增加,越来越多的男士会对妻子的成功感到理所当然。 With the increasing number of high-paid women, more and more men will be comfortable with their spouses success. 3.使职业妇女感到棘手的问题是:如何弥补她们应对家庭承担的责任。 It is atough problem for career women how to make up for the responsibility to the family that they are supposed to take. 4.为了安慰病人,许多医生认为对其病情的严重性说得轻些事明智的。 In order to c
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