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Mr President of the Congress, distinguished guests ,ladies and gentlemen: I am greatly honored to give the opening speech at this International Congress of Biological and medical materials here in Nanjing,China. On behalf of the SEU,I am delighted to welcome all the scholars and guests from home and abroad. Thank you very much for your participation. Firstofall, let me to introduce our distinguished guests today: they are, Professor Li came from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,Professor Lin from Southeast University,China and Dr Zhu , also from Southeast University,China. Both of them are the leading experts in the area of biological materials and composite materials. They have spent many years to painstaking research and have achieved remarkable results which have important influence in the world. Thedevelopmentofthe research to biological materials and medical materials in the worldstartedin1949.Afternearly60yearsofdevelopment,wenowknowthattheroleofbiological materialsbecameincreasinglyimportantinnationalmedical industry ,the researchfieldbecameincreasinglydeeply,and the numberofparticipantsin this area becameincreasinglylarge.Thisconferenceislaunchedinanattempttoprovideaplatformforupdatingrecentideas,approaches,innovationsandadvancesonbiology,material science,andbiotechnologyin medical applications.Finally, I wish you a nice stay in Nanjing and a safe trip. Now I would like to conclude my speech by declaring the conference open and wishing it a complete success. Thank you.
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